With the delay in the previous conversation with Long Panzi, Song Ren has begun to sense the new Deity.

whoever hung the bell on the tiger’s neck must untie it.

People come to trouble you, not to let you out of the book, but also to the other side of your serious injury.

Here, 10000 swords are all there.

Here, irreconcilable!

The strength of the enemy and ours is very different. This time, the other side has never violated Heavenly Dao. Song Ren can only use Deity to reduce the distance between each other.

Some things have shrunk for a long time, and they will become habit. This strengthens Song Ren’s determination at the moment.

With Song Ren’s words falling, the old sword god with a broken arm behind him walked out directly from the the sky. The original suspended 10000 swords suddenly sounded as if he had found his own destination.

Song Ren shuddered all over his body, turning directly into a little bit of light, submerged into the eyebrow of the old sword god.

This is a real battle, not the emergency escort of Skymist City, nor Southern Damp Earth, and 2 other Deity to set up a Formula in a book, not a border land, standing in the palm of Deity Chen Zhan. Increase yourself.

This is like a new body. As Song Ren enters, it seems that Decar is incarnation, and it feels like sitting in Mecha.

And Deity gathered quickly, reduced to a size of 3 meters, with a roar, and imposing, it also reached the cave virtual reality, just like Long Panzi that had fallen to Monster King Realm.

“Sword comes!” There was a howling sound from Deity’s mouth, like one and two.

Deity folded his hands, countless swords trembled behind him, and then headed toward Long Panzi with an unstoppable, rasping sound.

Long Panzi complexion turned cold, the giant spider illusory shadow behind him roared up, and numerous green silk spider silks attacked Deity directly.

The venomous spider silk is colliding with the 10000 swords coming quickly, and it directly clangs and clangs, bringing an extremely crisp sound, followed by an extremely powerful energy storm.

But there were more spider silk, but it only stopped half, and the rest of the swords came directly.

Long Panzi jumped straight up, the swords descended, and the entire ground was lifted up, while Deity transformed by Song Ren, at this moment pedaled the sword, with a sharp and overbearing breath, holding one of them with one hand The long sword, carrying the scary sword energy, stabbed directly at Long Panzi.

“Soulbone Spear!”

Long Panzi withdrew a bone spear directly from his abdomen. This spear exuded an extremely cold gray awn and directly collided with it.


The deafening noise directly cracked the surrounding rocks, and some places were shaken by one after another huge soaring earthen pillars.

These are two cave-like life-and-death battles that are comparable to Monster King, all without reservation.

Both sides wanted to do it quickly, because whether it was the serious injury of Monster Sovereign Long Panzi or Song Ren’s immediate rest, opening the 5000 miles of Eight Talisman Gate, the Origin Force within the body was not much.

The close collision between the two resulted in both sides’ figures precipitously retreating dozens of steps in mid-air before they stabilized.

Song Ren’s great joy, no doubt shows that with the help of Deity in the future, he can regret a Monster King.

Ding ~~

After the two sides stabilized their bodies, they concentrated attention completely on the other side, and they could give a fatal blow just by finding the gaps and flaws, but after something fell, they both looked at it.

It was a crystal coffin, with a bone wing and a skeleton lying on it, and beside it, there was a lizard essence 2 holding it in his hands, but in his chest, there was a huge gap. died.

Just now, the two people made a full-scale impact on the ground, and the soil pillar formed burst, and accidentally hit the lizard essence that was about to escape from the ground.

Monster Sovereign Long Panzi complexion greatly changed, and Song Ren recognized the skeleton at a glance. At this moment, even Deity came with a very unpleasant feeling.

It was this skeleton that wanted to take it away, and even blocked its full blow.

Monster Sovereign had already moved, and rushed straight towards the coffin. Song Ren could do the same, moved at his feet, and forcibly opened a short distance Eight Talisman Gate. He immediately reached the front of the coffin, Deity grabbed it, and then quickly reversed.

Monster Sovereign Long Panzi fluttered and lifted the head again, flawed.

“You’re really a courting death, give it to me—” Long Panzi’s face was so frantic at this time, his voice was cold, as if Song Ren touched his reverse scale.

The eight eyes on his face suddenly showed fierce mansions, his hands hurriedly yelled at the roar, and waved forward,

Suddenly a large net appeared in front of Song Ren, rushing straight to the envelope of Song Ren, stepping on his own footsteps, and jumping over with the spider illusory shadow.

Song Ren could feel the horrible depression of the cobweb, quickly retreated, pointed forward, and the sharp sword rose from the ground, again whistling to catch up with Long Panzi.

In the fire star flowing in all directions, just a few breaths, the two have fought no less than 2 times, and Song Ren put that crystal coffin into his own appetite under the eyes of the other party’s almost devouring eyes.

The pain of the enemy is my happiness.

At this moment, Monster Sovereign Long Panzi was directly incarnation into a giant demon spider, with a savage and primitive atmosphere, showing madness and bloodthirsty, 8-legged attack with Song Ren quickly.

Song Ren took advantage of Deity’s 10000 swords and his chaos to fly, and he was difficult to fight.

Both sides have reached the point where they are exhausted, and they are moving side by side.

After another confrontation, Song Ren complexion pale had more firmness, fearlessness, and excitement in his eyes, and kept telling himself that he was fighting a Monster Sovereign.

“The author Mo Pan, here comes the next Wang Tai!” Suddenly, a voice of a middle-aged man shouted from the sky, followed by the breath of the void.

Long Panzi inwardly shouted A bad voice, a sudden, Song Ren straight away.

“Ah-” With a loud scream, one of his arms was cut off directly, but exactly the same as Deity Li Chungang’s styling, Song Ren who succeeded in the sneak attack, quickly left, gasping for breath.

Long Panzi covered his broken arm and turned into a humanoid again, looking towards Song Ren with a look of resentment, and the person who claimed to be Wang Tai was approaching quickly. If it was not injured, he would not let go of the ten holes. In the eyes.

“You wait for me, I will come to get it. If there is a little damage, you will wait for the beast tide of the entire Demon Race to start again,” Long Panzi said fiercely and began to escape.

Song Ren knew he was talking about the red bones in the coffin, panting now, watching Wang Tai coming.

This is a middle-aged man in a merchant costume. After approaching, he fled after seeing Long Panzi, his eyes turned, not at all came forward and hunted down.

do not chase after cornered enemy, even more how, or Monster Sovereign of a Third Step, 10000 What a fatal attack is hidden, or perish together, then it is not a good deal.

He stopped and faced Song Ren with a wary look on his face, watching the famous swords floating on the ground, and some familiar ones, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

So close contact with this newly formed Deity today, I also admire 10000 points in my heart.

He saw with his own eyes that this Deity who came out of the quasi-text, resisted a Monster Sovereign, opened the little Secret Realm, didn’t expect the forefoot to disappear, and the hind foot was here to battle.

I was wrong, and I was ashamed of my careful eyes.

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