9 King City, 9 King Mansion!

In the courtyard, as Wu Huang’s eldest son, Wu Tianyu the name speaks for itself. He looks quite handsome. At this moment, he is wearing a thin horse-shirt, his body is shaking, and his whole body is surging.

In front of him, there were 3 Flying Swords trembling in suspension, and there were 100 sharp swords on the ground that were thrown aside randomly.

As the eldest son of the 9 Wang Chengyi surnamed Wang Wuhuang, Wu Tianyu certainly followed the footsteps of father, and learned extremely aggressive swordsmanship and Origin Force. Everywhere he went, he was overbearing.

In fact, it is also the kind that Wu Huang expects. His son learns very well, and the innate talent is amazing. Even the Emperor Xia has praised him even if he has been to Kyoto.

However, not long ago, his son fell in love with the sword.

Isn’t this funny, you have learned halfway, you go to learn sword?

This simply is 2 different ways, okay, aren’t you afraid of within the body running course conflict and cultivation deviation.

But his son was determined, he just wanted to learn, and he could n’t stop him, and asked why, Wu Tianyu even twisted and told him because he was handsome!

Wu Huang almost spit out old blood, what happened, wasn’t it handsome to kill his enemy with his big ring knife?

Father and son can’t stop arguing. In the end, Wu Huang let him wantonly go, and he loved it, all the routes of you within the body have been formed since childhood. If you can learn the word intent, I call your father.

Wu Tianyu refused to accept defeat, took a sigh of relief, and waited for himself to call the father of that many years, another day could call his father.

No, sweating is controlling Flying Sword with Origin Force, it’s really … hard.

However, he can’t forget it until now, the scene of the sky that day, how many swords appeared behind Deity.

That’s Sword Immortal, what Sword Immortal should look like in his mind, and now the video is still saved, and I watch it several times a day.

If one day, it is not Deity, but a real person, pedaling Flying Sword, 10000 1000 swords floating behind him, facing the Demon Race, one shot down.

My mother, I dare not imagine what a grand scene it was.

The heroic figure is bright, the clothes are fluttering, the little Sword Immortal Wu Tianyu, this name is–

Tsk tsk tsk !

Think again of another, a handsome boy, carrying a large ring knife larger than his height, like a fool, rushed into the Demon Race group, one left, one right, poking, Spurting him with blood.

Father looked like him when he was fighting. He has seen it with his own eyes. He used to feel mighty. Now … how do I learn the dad’s hegemony?

One foot fall into 1000 ancient hate!

must correct it.

After watching “In the Snow” thoroughly, it was a prostrate oneself in admiration admired by the old sword god Li Chungang, that was his idol, his master.

If he could, he really wanted to remove one of his arms.

Hold on, control Flying Sword 3 today, tomorrow 4 or 5 …

Under the cloister, Wu Huang ’s daughter, also Wu Tianyu ’s younger sister Wu Ying, ate iced grapes, shook his head while watching the big brother sweating, and then looked towards the opposite, wearing a blue coat, which was more and more exciting. Xiao Zhilan .

“Sister Lan, I thought you had forgotten me, and came to see me for so long,” Wu Ying laughed hehe.

Xia Zhilan, who was only a guest at 9 Wangcheng yesterday, smiled, “Look, you said, haven’t I been locked up all the time? I’ll be here as soon as I come out.”

“Is it because you made a series? You performed very good. Now I watch the series” Zhu Xian “, and I look at the ringlet you play. It’s just like starring,” Wu Ying suddenly thought of something, his eyes glowed for a while, Even immediately opened the [Eternal Light & Shadow Network] to show it.

Xia Zhilan was happy for a while, and the two girls pointed at the costumes and laughed.

Xia Zhilan was the last time following Song Ren and set off from Holy City to return to Kyoto. He was detained and made a public appearance as a daughter of the emperor. Although he had hidden his identity from the outside, he played a female 3 and returned to the Imperial Family Faceless?

Also, as soon as 10000 is in danger, some other rules also need to be calm to learn this time.

Song Ren followed dozens of Epoch writers to participate in the author’s group construction, this time because “Snow” entered the prospective Sage’s Composition, so she was released.

However, she was banned from participating in the filming of the series. With all her grievances, she rejected Ruan Yue’s request for an actor in “Snow”, so she had to come to 9 King City, and her girlfriend was on vacation.

Fortunately, it went well. At least Fatty Ke didn’t find her leaving, and thought she would keep it closed.


Just under the corridor, the 2 women talked and laughed about the funny thing about shooting the scene of the scene at that time, Wu Tianyu suddenly shouted, and then came over full of excitement.

In front of him, a light board followed, and Wu Ying looked speechless as he looked flushed.

“Brother, what are you doing, frightened and flustered, Her Highness the Princess is still there.”

Wu Tianyu didn’t care, Xia Zhilan was Her Highness the Princess, but her father Wu Huang and several other uncles, but followed the emperor Xia for many years and worked for her brother.

Their generation has grown up almost from an early age, and they have long been unaware of those identities. When someone was, you called me Princess, and when I called you, the lord of the county and His Royal Highness, when nobody was there, it was almost by name.

The elders did not blame, but felt that they seemed closer.

“No, you see, my idol has issued a new book. New book, I thought it was a long time,” Wu Tianyu said incoherently.

Wu Ying also quickly opened the Spiritual Novels Network. The big brother now has only one idol, the author named ‘Have The Ability To Hit Me’ Ah? ‘

In fact, many people have become fans of this author. Each book is Epoch. Deity is more like a daily routine. More importantly, the plot in the book is really beautiful.

It’s just that his big brother chased even more crazy.

Click to open, many people have found that the author reopened a new book.

“Saintly Path of Confucianism?”

The first thing that caught the eye was the name of this crepe, the cover of the book was simple, a blue book, without that many fancy, like a book in a school.

Compared with the previous titles of fairy, god, and fierce sword, the author’s fourth book seems more elegant.

Xia Zhilan also looked up, as a participant in the author’s first Novel series, as well as his last signature on spaceship, the school’s learning

She has more contact with the author of mysterious than Wu Tianyu and Wu Ying, and is also cited as an idol, otherwise she will not agree to eat with Fatty Ke on the promise of having her signature.

But in the end I asked for those signature books on my own.

She quickly looked towards the introduction in the book: “This is a World where Scholar has mastered the strength of Heaven and Earth.

Talent is in the body, poetry can kill the enemy, words can destroy the army, the article is safe.

Xiucai raised his pen and talked on paper; he killed people and killed them.

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