After reading the introduction of the new book, the first seal of Xia Zhilan is that this book writes the World of Scholar, and the fictional things are the same as the times they are in now.

Scholar, Novelist, recognized by Heaven and Earth talent, and rewarded by Heavenly Dao here?

This is interesting. Throughout the ages, everyone writes different stories, but no one ever thought that they would compose stories based on the structure of this world today, even if they changed a little.

The author is very daring. Although such a world view can be felt, if it is not well controlled, it will easily collapse.

The author only uploaded ten chapters, a few 10000 words, they quickly looked at each and everyone quietly …

After watching them, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Tianyu was flushed with excitement. He was not only his idol. He even used the widely ignored poems as an upgrade element. This brain hole is really big.

No, I do n’t learn swords anymore. I want to be a poet, gentle and gentle, and gentle and gentle.

After reading Xia Zhilan and Wu Ying, they really admired Song Ren’s prostrate oneself in admiration, and participated in the poems with the students of Frigid Sect. They won the recognition of Heaven and Earth. Such an idea is unique.

And this specification is basically the same as the selection of talents here in the dynasty. Selecting those who are good and writing Novel materials, there is the author of Sage’s Composition over the dynasty, and even has been an invigilator for one year.

The author’s new book is really good. How did I did n’t expect it before?

No loss is my idol.

And they looked towards the content of Chapter 7, the protagonist wrote a five-character quatrain “Chunxiao” in Mingzhou.

Spring sleep doesn’t know,

Singing birds everywhere

The sound of wind and rain at night,

How much do you know.

This poem has never been heard before, but it is so simple, the mood is super beautiful and easy to understand.

You know, as girls of the Imperial Family, especially girls, whether you want to write Novel or not, some poems have to be learned, and they have been cultivated since childhood.

The simple four-sentence poem has an indescribable charm, is it possible that, which was written by the author himself?

2 The woman looked at each other, all sucked in a breath of cold air.

No way, this book is based on the title and introduction. At first glance, it is the literati’s World. If all the poems were compiled by the author alone, how much talent and courage would it have.

This is an unimaginable chess game. Is he coming?

But for now, this “Spring Dawn” is already very good, even if it is selected in Yinye Imperial Court’s Enlightenment, it is more than enough.

At this moment, more and more people celebrate the author’s new book, countless rewards, comments, and comments, and more of the author’s brain-like admiration for life.

Many people are waiting for the author’s new book, so they can start to imitate, maybe they can join the Premium and the like.

When “Zhu Xian” came out before, some people copied it into Premium, and there was still a lot of potential, it was broken by the copying, and it was too new.

When “Tomb of Gods” came out, they wanted to imitate that the world view and the brain hole were too big and too brain-burning, and then they waited for the next book.

When “In the Snow” came out, the style of writing was the same as them. I didn’t know that the authors imitated their writing and grabbed rice bowls. There is nothing good to imitate.

They continued to wait, and with 10000 expectations, the author’s fourth book finally came out, and it was based on today’s world view. With a slight change, Novel became a poem.

Aiya, such a good idea, why did n’t you wait until you did n’t expect it.

When looking at as if drunk and stupefied, they are immediately ready to imitate, after all, each book of the author seems to be a writing trend.

But when they were about to write, they were in trouble again.

This World concept is so big, they ca n’t make those many poems, but they have to use other people ’s words, Mundane ’s, nobody sees them, and even think that the protagonist made such rubbish poems, and the supporting actors and onlookers shouted How beautiful and brilliant.

Isn’t this disgusting, how mentally retarded is the author and the protagonist?

But to use those famous, everyone knows online, there is no expectation.

More importantly, did you say hello to these famous poets? Did they agree?

How many poems do I have to use in a Novel? Can you compile it yourself?

A good poem, sometimes a work that some writers can only make for a few years, is intentional. How can you just open your mouth?

Aiya, my author, I am waiting for you to open a new book and imitate it. Why do you have a problem?

Where did your poem come from?

Did you do it yourself?

Not to mention anything else, this poem “Spring Xiao”, which is now appearing, is really very good, very suitable for the protagonist Fang Yun, has reached Mingzhou talent.

The plot is appealing, as is the poetry.

They are really looking forward to this game of chess that no one can imitate. Does he really want all of his poems to be made by himself?

I don’t even think about it.

Thinking hard.

They are looking forward to paying close attention.

Also on this day, Wu Tianyu softened to his father Wu Huang. The word intent and Taoism really conflicted.

Wuhuang laughed heartily, he won, boy, fight with me, you still have decades.

“I want to be a poet. I want to learn to write poems, and then step by step into the dynasty. Writing poems will not affect the Meridian lines and conflicts within the body, right?” Wu Tianyu’s eyes were bright and full of anticipation.

The smile on Wu Huang’s face suddenly froze, and the hands under his sleeves rattled and yelled, “Fube, bring a bowl!”

“Dad, isn’t it time to eat?”

“I want to confess my blood!”


Three days passed in a flash, and after a thorough cleaning of the Plum Book House, there were occasional guests coming in, which made Tang Xiaoyi happy.

Song Ren sits next to the window every day, leans on two rows of bookshelves, and updates 2 words every day. Sometimes, when looking at these old books, the whole person’s irritable temperament seems to be restrained a lot, like a downright Mundane person.

In the evening, walk directly into the Secret Realm, sit in front of the coffin, and make a toast. The cultivation base is quickly promoted.

It’s just that Tang Xiaoyi occasionally looked towards Song Ren and scratched his head.

Because sometimes Song Ren came out and forgot to dress, or one day he didn’t wear a beard, didn’t draw eyebrows, and his face was no longer sharp, so Tang Xiaoyi always felt that he was dazzled.

Looked at the “Zhu Xian” series that is being chased, how does this Song Yu big brother act like Zhang Xiaofan? But I went to look carefully, but I didn’t feel like it.

A big star, come here to work? Who believes?

I Love To Eat Big Buns, he doesn’t mention how envious he is. He must have endless money every day, and he is also a good master at making music. He is in contact with the 3 talents of the music network, Celestial Immortal.

That many similar people in this world may be thinking too much.

“Good young man, noon, welcome to the Plum Blossom House!” The parrot outside the door suddenly screamed, waking up the insane Tang Xiaoyi, and he quickly got up to welcome the guests.

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