The change over here quickly caught the attention of the youngsters in the surrounding area. Each and everyone hurriedly surrounded them. There was a group of girls on the opposite side.

Now, just and honourable, Fatty Ke immediately received Song Ren’s donation of his badge, bowed his head, his signature book was gone.

“Which bastard grabbed your fat man and my book, and hurriedly returned it to me, but that was my lifeblood.”

“What book, I haven’t seen it.”

“Where is the time to manage books, fatty, our Lanlan has been bullied.”

“What, where? Dare to bully my family Lanlan, wait, that back is, Mu Hongling?”

When he saw the appearance of Little Hot Pepper, Fatty Ke suddenly shrank his neck, and subconsciously protected the badge in the ring.

Mu Hongling, the daughter of 3 Wang Cheng Mu Uncle, doesn’t look like a girl at all. Look at it like this and dress to know her character.

Fatty Ke eats in Nine Great Royal Cities, but here in 3 Kings City, I am afraid to see Mu Hongling.

This woman likes stealing things most, heaven knows how many times she has been robbed.

His Ke family is rich, and there are many kinds of strange treasures. Sometimes it ’s hard to get something good. Just after showing off on the Internet, people were blocked in front of the door, and he was robbed as soon as he went out.

There is no such girl in the world.

And his grandfather was so happy to hear that he knew how to collect money at such a young age, and it was quite his style of the Ke family. In the future, my grandson will be called a daughter-in-law.

Oh my god, scare someone.

Fatty Ke almost cried 2 and made 3 hangs, and finally solemnly told grandfather that he liked the Imperial Family Princess before fooling.

Of course, it was all a child, but it has left an indelible impression in Fatty Ke’s heart.

Now seeing this suit again, Fatty Ke froze and hid quietly in the crowd.

I don’t know how to change my body after so many years.

“So lively, is it going to prepare for the Martial Arts Groom Choosing Competition or the tossing show?” After Song Ren stood Fatty Ke, stick one’s head around to look for, patted him on the shoulder, said curiously.

“You’ve seen anyone throw a ball show here, no, you …” Fatty Ke turned his head and saw Song Ren’s cheering face, immediately shocked.

“Bigbro Song? No, you, you should be in 9 King City, no, how did you get in?” Fatty Ke was really surprised.

A few days ago, you also saw Song Ren at 9 Wang Cheng, and stayed at the bookstore to give some appreciation of poetry. You and Wu Tianyu mixed in the crowd to pretend to be literati.

Then the author of Emperor’s Composition fell, Heavenly Dao natural phenomenon, a few people said goodbye directly, and then came here non-stop.

Then, turning around, I saw Song Ren who was supposed to be in 9 King City?

Isn’t this a joke?

Steamed Bun does a good job on the music web. There are a lot of fans and even the series is very good. However, even if he is behind the Spirit Flower Pavilion, however, he should not be here.

Fatty Ke absolutely did not look down on Song Ren, whether it was rubbing his legs and pinching shoulders during the filming of the series, or 9 King City’s fun, he really regarded Song Ren as a friend.

Just, just …

It doesn’t make sense.

Song Ren ignored the doubts of Fatty Ke, but looked up at the many women outside the terrace like everyone else.

When I saw Su Youwei lying on the railing again, I suddenly smiled, didn’t expect that she actually came.

However, she seemed to be incompatible with everyone. With a group of women standing together, she seemed to be standing in another World, just watching everyone.

Song Ren probably understands why she has this state.

Is it time for the next time?

Just don’t want to be familiar with her.

Inferiority, fear, fear and … unfamiliar!

Song Ren hasn’t heard much about it. She has some girlfriends. The last time she went to the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos as a friend on the Internet, she could see that she was very happy, and the others were shocked.

Because of Su Youwei, it seems that he has never had friends.

Song Ren feels a pain in her heart. It’s about 3 months away, so is her second Deity heart already in place?

What happened to Nan Huangtong’s Premium book “Breaking Through the Wasteland”, the last time she transformed into Deity, and the last time she went to enlighten him.

What if there is no Deity at the end of the time countdown?

Song Ren stared at the girl with complex eyes.


At this moment, Su Shen has seen these women, which does not match the imagination of the girl at all. Where did the goods come out?

I was caught off guard. I had thought about it. The poems that were installed in front of the girls were also forgotten in this brief moment.

Su Shen, who came back to his senses, quickly coughed: “Under Su Shen, my father is Su Beiqiu, who is known as the Moose Loose Practitioner.”

“Su Beiqiu? It turned out that he was the son of a writer of Sage’s Composition. No wonder he already had the badge of a Boutique writer at a young age.”

“I remember the Emperor’s Composition author who came here to absorb the source, and one of the disciplines seems to be Su Beiqiu.”

“Yeah, I also seem to have seen it there. Senior Gu received 2 disciplines, one for Su Beiqiu and two for Nan Huangtong. They are all extraordinary people.”

“I’m busy with Cultivation, didn’t expect a good seed in our generation, but unfortunately he didn’t know the author, I didn’t know it before.”


Everyone is discussed spiritedly below, some women are surprised that this man’s identity is so big.

Mu Hongling also heard the discussion below, raised his head directly, and came in front of Su Shen.

“Dare to ask Young Lady …”

Su Shen originally wanted to be a gentleman. After all, there were a group of beautiful and powerful women in front of her. Before she finished speaking, Mu Hongling came directly and threw Su Shen’s chest with a thunderbolt. The front badge was taken off and held in the palm.

Su Shen said in shock: “The girl can’t look at me, this is my badge.”

Mu Hongling looked at the Purple Gold badge in his hand, played with it for a moment, smiled, and threw it directly to him, caught by Ca Sheniously by Su Shen.

“What should I be, this Su … Su Shen, yeah, I can’t write Novel, and I can’t read those poems, but there is one thing I really understand about this Miss, that is a real author, a restrained, It is learned with concentration, not to show off for the eyes of others.

I have noticed you from the moment you entered this realm. I tried to pursue the worship of others three times and changed 3 circles. I got the congratulations from 7 people, 37 of whom ignored you. I admire vanity so much. I don’t know if you really got this honor. “

Mu Hongling is directly like a man, not ruthless at all.

“Me, what am I showing off.” Su Shen was flushed in the face of so many people.

“Oh, let ’s make an analogy. If you introduce yourself, introduce yourself. Why do you say what your father is and so on, everyone here is the same generation. This era is already ours, but you are pulling your father as a show. What is the capital that is not showing off?

Show off how bullish your background is, come and come and look at the people around you, as well as the neck downstairs, which background is worse for you, this Miss is the most despised person like you.

Don’t stare at me. This is how I am. This Miss teaches you how to introduce yourself to others, who, just that fatty, to introduce yourself. “

Mu Hongling glanced left and right, and at a glance he saw Fatty Ke hiding behind him.

Fatty Ke’s flesh shuddered in this brief moment, and he wanted to hide it, but he couldn’t avoid it. He quickly walked out of it: “You can call me Fatty Ke.”

Mu Hongling’s satisfied nodded: “See, everyone is the same generation, isn’t it a bad introduction?”

Su Shen turned red.

Bullying, too bullying, I just went upstairs and made a poem, exaggerating you, as for.

And because Mu Hongling directly clicked Fatty Ke, Xia Zhilan immediately noticed Song Ren beside Fatty Ke, and he suddenly felt a shock, then smiled at the corner of his mouth.

This place is unfamiliar to her who is never sociable. If he is a friend, he is the only one.

Su Youwei descends directly from the terrace, white clothes lightly. Many people have long noticed this silent beauty. It is true that a woman who does not speak is always noticeable compared with others.

Some other youngsters of great power are still preparing for a chance to come forward and talk about it. Didn’t expect others to come down on their own, the goal is still them.

Here comes, come on, how can you step back to the back.

Who is this epigenesis?

Su Youwei’s actions not only caught the attention of the boys, but also many girls who were originally looking for fun.

Su Shen saw that the goal was no longer herself, and hurried down the stairs.

Outside World is so dangerous, I’ll wait a few years before going out.

Writing Novel behind closed doors is actually pretty good.

“Why are you here?” Su Youwei landed in front of Song Ren, with a surprise on his face.

Song Ren didn’t expect Su Youwei to give it down like this, especially when so many male compatriots looked at with envy, jealousy and hatred, and inexplicably gave birth to a sense of pride.

It’s as if their Goddess were soaked in by themselves.

“I’m following Teacher. Didn’t expect you to be here, too,” Song Ren coughed dryly.

Su Youwei nodded, as Old Drunkard, it is really possible to bring Song Ren here.

Xia Zhilan and Wu Ying above also noticed Song Ren, and they were just as surprised as they were directly down from the air like Su Youwei.

“No, how did you come here? Shouldn’t you be in 9 King City?” Xia Zhilan has a certain circle, including Wu Ying.

Lin Miaoke came down the stairs and joined it: “long time no see, you were so surprised to be here, we were still talking about you just now.”

Others have long been silly.

Damn, who is this kid, and how have you never heard of it, it was surrounded by so many beautiful women, but the appearance is a bit familiar.

Song Ren was also a little embarrassed. Looking back, Teacher didn’t know where to go.

“Well, everybody, I’m following my parents’ generation. It’s nothing to be surprised. Only the state officials are allowed to set fire. No surname is allowed to light.” Song Ren chose a unified reply.

The well-known Fatty Ke and Wu Tianyu also came over, and these people formed a circle again.

A few people laughed, Mu Hongling came over, Fatty Ke immediately hid behind Song Ren.

“You are the Steamed Bun?”

Song Ren: “In fact, I like bun buns and fritters.”

Song Ren has appeared in “Zhu Xian” Zhang Xiaofan, so after watching the series, you can still see Song Ren’s identity through careful identification. Xia Zhilan knew Mu Hongling’s character and quickly introduced Song Ren.

“This is Mu Hongling, the lord of the 3 King City. Like Wu Ying, this is Song Yu, a musical talent, Elder Sister Mu. My latest song” A Beautiful Myth “was composed by him.”

Lin Miaoke, who was listening, quietly lowered his head.

She has also heard that song, and now is about to break into the top ten best sellers. She really regretted her selfishness before.

“I’ve met Mu Little County Lord,” Song Ren said.

Mu Hongling took a closer look at Song Ren: “I want to challenge you, but you only have Nascent Soul Middle Stage, it is invincible. I do n’t know anything about the music, it only makes people laugh, that’s all that’s all, you Let’s talk, Wu Tianyu, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. Maybe we can have a discussion today, how about it? “

Mu Hongling is a belligerent character. When seeing Wu Tianyu, the two of them are Transform God Boundary Middle-Stage, but it’s hard to meet, how can they not play.

Wu Tianyu was helpless for a while, and then dazzled a fan: “I am a literati now, it is not my style to fight and kill.”

“Then I will peep me 3 years ago in Huaqingquan …”

“Well, Wu has long wanted to challenge the Mu Jun master, go, there is a vacant place over there, we have a good discussion.” Wu Tianyu immediately closed the folding fan, his whole body turbulent road.

Mu Hongling said nothing and took off his whip.

“it is good!”

When I saw someone discussing it, it wasn’t too big to see the excitement, and suddenly cheering excitedly, a large circle formed instantly.

The younger generation staying together, either talking about Novel poems or competing against each other, is already the norm.

In the field, 2 people and 2 battled without a word.

Song Ren didn’t show much interest. A lot of people around him disappeared, and he gave Su Youwei a wink. The two of them quietly left the circle.

“How are you doing?” When a sea breeze came, Song Ren and Su Youwei walked side by side and said the first sentence.

Su Youwei smiled: “That’s it, it’s been treated for a long time. Why are you in 9 King City? Listen to Xia Zhilan, and you also opened a bookstore?”

“Why, she’s bullshit, I just, just want to calm down, since I left Divine Sea of ​​Chaos last time, for me personally, a lot has happened, and I need to think about it.”

Yeah, since I left last time, I went to Demon Race to find Old Drunkard. The Mobe Forest that Demon Race has gone through, Shi Yuan, Divine Demon .Net, returned to the Spirit Flower Pavilion, the quasi-Sage’s Composition in “Snow”. Monster Sovereign’s confrontation, the coffin, and then the new Novel “Confucianism”.

My mind was a little tight and a bit chaotic. In order to achieve a state of revision and some correspondence, I got into that plum bookstore.

Of course these cannot be said to Su Youwei.

“That” A Beautiful Myth “, it sounds good, how did you write it?” Su Youwei turned his back to Song Ren, laughed and walked backwards.

Looking at Su Youwei’s hair blown by the sea breeze, and those curious eyes, Song Ren became obsessed for a moment, and even swallowed a spit involuntarily.

Perceiving Song Ren’s look, Su Youwei’s face suddenly turned red, and he immediately turned back to face the front.

“You, what are you looking at, I’ll ask you something.” Su Youwei’s voice was much lower.

Song Ren immediately reacted, and also blushed with the old face: “cough cough, that, me, I have the piano song of” Myth “, you see.”

Song Ren quickly took out a sheet of music and handed it over.

Su Youwei took it in surprise. She had that pink piano. Now all the rest will be played, and another one.

that’s nice.

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