The beaches of the Devils Sea and the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos are generally soft golden and warm. The two of them talk away slowly from the interested people over there and walk away towards the sound of the waves.

Su Youwei looked at the sheet music in his hand and kept humming at the beat.

Song Ren was on the side, watching Su Youwei’s serious appearance, and sorry to disturb him, quietly full of speed. Following him, the long hair was blowing against Song Ren’s face against the sea breeze.

Itchy and smells good, which is very impolite.

He pulled away again and stepped on the shadow of Su Youwei.

“Do you like the beach?” Su Youwei asked suddenly after reading the score.

Song Ren hastily stepped forward and looked at the blue sea in front of him: “Oh no, the sea is so good, it is vast, and after a long time of viewing, my heart will become very broad and people will feel comfortable.”

Su Youwei watched the white waves slap the beach, brought gifts from the sea, collected the music score, picked up a shell, put it in his ear, and seemed to be listening to the sound of the sea.

“Yeah, the sea is so good, but if you look at anything for a long time, it will actually become Mundane.”

Song Ren can’t refute this point. Isn’t there a saying before? If you like the music, if you set it as an alarm clock, you can be bored in a few days.

Su Youwei has lived in the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos since he was a child. The sea is more familiar than himself.

Seeing Su Youwei feeling down, Song Ren suddenly laughed: “Su Youwei, let me sing a song for you, a song from my hometown.”

Su Youwei smiled: “Okay.”

“This song is called” The Sailor “. Although it is more appropriate to sing” The Sea “in this case,” The Sailor “is more inspirational. At any time, we cannot give up hope.

Song Ren laughed, greeted the sea breeze and drove the atmosphere directly, rushed into the sea, let the waves slap on the trouser legs, looked towards Su Youwei with hair in his hair, and sang directly.

“Bitter sand

Blow your face

Scolding like father

crying mother

Never forget.


He said that this pain in wind and rain is nothing

Don’t be afraid to wipe your tears

At least we still have dreams


Su Youwei looked at the boy who jumped up and down in the sea to make her pregnant, her eyes quietly red.

A larger temple around the coast, all the elders of to-and-fro have invited here to drink tea. Some people have not seen it for a long time, and in the huge temple, they talked and laughed.

Old Drunkard stayed alone, and everyone didn’t know much about this person. The old man with white hair and a waist around his waist, but Su Yangxuan knew it.

“Senior, Ping’an City is a farewell, it’s been over a year, goodbye didn’t expect more fortitude, your leg …”

Su Yangxuan stepped forward and sat with a smile beside Old Drunkard.

Seeing Father Su Yangxuan of Su Youwei, Old Drunkard also smiled.

He is an older person. Most of the people in this group can be called the former Junior. Now all of them have entered the middle-aged level. There are also some elderly people who have their own circles and are not good at it. speech.

And it is estimated that few people know him, even more how, decades of grievances have been tortured by him, even if his legs are good.

Maybe put back the sword box, Person and Sword Unite, to find out the style of the year.

“It’s you, thanks to your concerns, your legs have improved. It seems your daughter is here this time too,” Old Drunkard said.

Su Yangxuan smiled: “Why, Senior misses my little girl, do you want to take her as an apprentice?”

“Don’t, your family is so powerful, I didn’t have the honor to accept her as a disciple, and I just collected some of the rest of the others in the small town as a later delivery, commonly known as picking up.” Old Drunkard laughed.

Su Yangxuan was speechless for a while: “Since you are always here, presumably the little baby is here too. It’s been a long time since I separated in the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos.”

“It is necessary, the old man has only this child. How can he not bring it? It is estimated that he would talk to your daughter at this time,” Old Drunkard took the tea and took a sip.

Su Yangxuan just smiled and cried with him, and didn’t say much about it.

“Brother Su, this Senior looks strange to him, doesn’t he introduce him?” Several people came forward.

Su Yangxuan hasn’t spoken yet, Old Drunkard said: “A layman, just to accompany his Junior, and you talk, I’ll go out and breathe.” After getting up, he got up, leaning his waist outward.


“Don’t ask, an old friend, I may haven’t seen your Junior for a long time. I have a chance this time, and I’ll check it out later.”

“Haha, good to say, good to hear, so is my daughter …”


Old Drunkard stepped outside, took a deep breath, and looked at the huge blisters in the air in the distance, frowning.

No one knows that Gu Ruochen, the author of Emperor’s Composition, fell out.

Swordbox, the bodies of two vital people, news from Xuan Yi big brother, one … Emperor’s Composition author’s body.

That’s the deal.

He closed his eyes, remembering his excited face that day.

“Old man, maybe we will meet again in the future, or maybe we have already seen it,” Old Drunkard muttered, nobody heard.

Similarly, in another palace, an old white hair silhouette hangs in the air. He has long silver eyebrows and is not angry. In front of him, there is a light and shadow. It is the scene of today’s younger generations studying.

Someone knocked on the door, and the next middle-aged man who looked forty-fifty years old came in.

“Owner, the island has now been completely closed, and some have been blocked out. The power behind it is also great. We do this …”

Known as the owner of the sea, such as Zhu Kun, the current family of Mohai, still just smiled: “Are we afraid? The source is that many. Now there are so many people, no matter how many, everyone can’t absorb it.

Gu Ruochen is your Master and the author of Emperor’s Composition of our Divine Sea of ​​Chaos. This Secret Realm is supposed to be all we absorb, but some things, even if they are their own, cannot be swallowed. Wait until some other Emperor’s Composition It’s our turn when the author body dies and Dao disappears.

It’s exchange!

The person behind him is Su Shen’s father, Su Beiqiu, a dignified author of Sage’s Composition.

“My subordinates understand, but now, I only say that Teacher life essence is coming to heaven, but now we haven’t even found the body of Teacher. As a student, we are ashamed and begged the owner. Must find the body of Teacher,” Su Beiqiu Knelt directly, eyes red.

Zhu Kun turned around and gently lifted up Su Beiqiu: “I know it, and it will, but the ancient hurried away from the sea that day, no message left, no idea where it went, and then Heavenly, have you asked your Senior Brother? “

Su Beiqiu rattled with his hands: “After the death of Teacher, Senior Brother Nan Huangtong immediately rushed over. I only said that Teacher was returning to heaven by himself, and the body was feathering. The others did not say much.

As you know, Senior Brother ’s Premium book, “Breaking Through the Ancients”, was last released but Deity came out, but it failed in the end. Now this book has reached the critical moment. If you let him know, Teacher is dead. If the body is not found, it will go crazy.

Senior Brother has never written a humanoid Deity’s book in his life. This is his only hope, so I want to tell him the truth after the book is completely finished, and ask the owner to help keep it secret. “

Seeing Su Beiqiu like this, Zhu Kun nodded: “Your senior and junior brothers are affectionate, I hope he can live up to your hard work, rest assured, I know what to say.”

Zhu Kun finished, turned around and looked at the light and shadow in front of him. With the movement of his hands, the image of the young boy of each and everyone appeared, and finally stopped on Su Shen.

At this moment, Su Shen is also hiding behind people, looking at the discussions inside, and looking at it like that, sighed: “Xiao Shen, this child, has never been out of the sea of ​​magic. Although there are so many teachers to teach, his temper is really timid. I was scared away by a girl in 3 Wang Cheng yelling in front. “

Su Beiqiu also came forward, helplessly said: “I still spoil him so much. After absorbing this source, I will take him to the sea. Now it is the younger generation of this world, and today I also watch When it came to a few people, innate talent was very good and it was a real shock.

There are also many family members who have brought only one or two children, or have closed-door cultivation outside. Su Shen is no worse than them by one star. In the future, this is really the era of this group of children. “

Finally, the picture was framed on Old Drunkard outside the VIP reception hall. Looking at the old man, Zhu Kun squinted and looked: “This is the man who came with the demon order?”

Su Beiqiu looked at it, nodded: “Yes, it is him.”

“It’s really interesting. Didn’t expect that the last piece of the demon order would be on such a person. I thought it was lost.

But fortunately, the seven demon gods finally returned all these years. We don’t have to worry about one day someone will come to the door and let us do more than we can absorb the source. Once we give it, we still earn it. . “Zhu Kun said.

Zhu Kun wanted to say something, but the old Drunkard on the screen suddenly lifted the head and looked at it, and then the picture quickly blurred. When it was clear again, Old Drunkard had returned to the hall.

Zhu Kun frowned: “This person, I can’t see through the cultivation base.”

“Perhaps there is a hidden magic weapon in it, no one dares to make trouble in the Devil Sea anyway, and there are so many other high-level people here,” Su Beiqiu said.

Zhu Kun nodded, then the picture quickly locked, sitting on the beach, and Song Ren talking and laughing with Su Youwei.

“Nascent Soul Middle Stage? It seems that I have been thinking too much, but even staying with Su Family little girl, it seems that my old neighbor knows it, but it is interesting. Everyone is trying to compare and compare. Peers have an understanding and spur themselves.

These two people are hiding and flirting. If Su Yangxuan can see it, they will definitely vomit blood qi. Zhu Kun seemed to think of something interesting, and suddenly laughed heartily.

Su Beiqiu also laughed: “Master, do we still do the test?”

Zhu Kun’s smile slowly closed up: “Yes, why not do, 100 children are here, and it has reached the number of people who can absorb the source. It was a chance to have this opportunity, and it gave me insights. How deep they are hidden.

The Great Department, Ministry of Heavenly Spirit, Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, Dynasty, 9 Kings, Super Power …

These people are on an equal footing with my Divine Sea of ​​Chaos. I have to get a general idea of ​​what step they have taken in their younger generation. We can only see what we haven’t seen. Besides, it’s just talent detection.

If you want to ask, when it comes to absorbing the source, you need talent as a basis to prevent injuries. Anyway, now the source of the collapse of Secret Realm has been absorbed a few times. Neither adults nor children are very clear and do not interfere. “

Zhu Kun finished, then extended the hand.

Su Beiqiu took a golden shuttle directly from the ring and handed it over.

This is a refresh of the store on Heavenly Dao a few days ago. It was redeemed by Su Beiqiu. It has no other purpose. It is just a tool for detecting talent. This ‘talent’ is relatively broad, as long as you leave traces on Heavenly Dao. Both can be detected based on relevant scores.

Whether it is contribution to the game, production of music, writing on Lingshunet, participation in videonet, etc., it is a comprehensive score of talent.

The reason Zhu Kun does this is to look beyond the cultivation base of the younger generation and see if there is any hidden in it. He has a bottom in mind and is also good at making plans.

“The grandeur came to my heavenly sea to share a cup, how can I not give a gift, go and do it, remember to control the scope so as not to expose the authors trained by our other islands.” Zhu Kun said.

Su Beiqiu accepted the shuttle again, nodded: “Relax, I think everyone is focused on the same thing, and the scope is just controlled.”

“And the two by the sea.”

“Haha, don’t you say I almost forgot, I’ll do it.”

After Su Beiqiu left, Zhu Kun directly enlarged the light and shadow in front of him, looking forward,

Then looked towards Su Shen, although Little Brat was a little timid, but in terms of talent, it is estimated that at this moment he can look up a lot.

After all, that’s a Boutique author.

I just hope that your glory today will become the direction and confidence that inspires you to move forward in the future.

Under the cover of this golden shuttle, the talent rose from low to high, and it was eye-catching with light and deep colors.

Above the screen, I saw Su Beiqiu standing in the air, activating the shuttle in his hand and throwing it into the sky.

In the circle of discussion, the crowd shouted with excitement. Mu Hongling and Wu Tianyu had already come down. The two of them even hit a tie. The others were also very distressed. They tried in the cheers of everyone.

Until, there seemed to be a scan of the whole body of the two people in the field. Then, on their heads, there were only one inch long golden rays of light, like a Saiyan.

2 people suddenly stopped, look at me, I look at you.

What’s wrong, your mystery?

Soon, they found that rays of light also appeared above the heads of other people who were watching around.

Xia Zhilan was originally shouting. After the rays of light on his head appeared, Dao Protector, who was originally talking and laughing in the temple, immediately left and walked out of the space. Come.

Then, I saw a group of golden-bright and dazzling children below, each and everyone was confused.

“Everyone rest assured that this is a golden shuttle to test everyone’s talents. It is a preparation for absorbing Secret Realm’s origin ten days later, and will not hurt and so on.” Su Beiqiu saw more and more people rushed, and quickly opened the the mouth and said.

When I saw a Sage’s Composition author talking, everyone was relieved, but some were frowned.

Why didn’t you inform them that it would be too rude to do this? It seems that my Junior can’t hide it.

On this day, the sea of ​​magic is really not disadvantaged at all.

Old Drunkard is immediately looking for Song Ren.

Strange, where did this Brat go?

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