The Imperial Family ’s flying boat is fast. After passing through some areas on the way, there are some Dao Protectors who leave with the younger generations. Xia Zhilan, who looks very excited, introduces Song Ren, which is the king ’s territory, what ’s so special It’s fun.

Song Ren also responded with a smile. Until 3 Wang Cheng and Mu Hongling left, Fatty Ke seemed to be suddenly released from the seal. After a few days, the cat and mouse’s silence was changed, and it turned into a conversation again.

Until Feizhou had fewer and fewer people, in the end, only Xia Zhilan, Fatty Ke, and Song Ren were left in the younger generation, and the rest left, returning home to report the gains of Tian Mo Hai’s trip.

But unfortunately, watching those people leave, Fatty Ke didn’t retrieve his autograph book. He was taken away by those guys. Fortunately, Song Ren wrote the autograph book of the love quotations.

As the flying boat came out of Space Jump again, Song Ren looked at the familiar scene below, Imperial and golden and jade in glorious splendor, and never thought that he would come again one day, and with a different identity, he accompanied him. Xia Zhilan and Fatty Ke.

Fat, of course, immediately followed his family. He did not dare to enter the Imperial Palace again, and eagerly invited Song Ren to come to the house when he left. After seeing Song Ren’s agreement, he bid farewell to Xia Zhilan and left.

“Bigbro Song, you don’t seem to be surprised at all?” Xia Zhilan’s identity at this moment is self-evident, but she didn’t even see Song Ren look shocked, without even a little expression.

Song Ren almost forgot, and quickly coughed: “Well, I am good at hiding speech expressions. In fact, I have been shocked for a long time. I never thought your status was so honorable and rude.

Seeing Song Ren’s perfunctory look, Xia Zhilan’s squeezing with both hands must be that Fatty had quietly told Bigbro Song, making her surprise a surprise.

Dead fatty, you wait!

Seeing Xia Zhilan’s silver teeth biting, Song Ren blinked, what’s wrong with me? It shouldn’t be.

Xia Ying, as the emperor’s father, Xia Zhilan’s father, can be described as 10000 machines per day, and the large and small transactions handled every day are unimaginable.

Xia Zhilan originally wanted to introduce Song Ren to his Imperial Father, a big guy in his music circle, and when he asked, he found that Xia Ying was not there. It seems that the wandering soulless corpse appeared again in some places, and the level was higher. Higher and higher, even villages have disappeared directly.

If you continue to do this, if the seedlings rise, it may be a small city.

These soulless corpses should all come from Mobe Corpse Deep on the side of Demon Race, but the border is already firmly guarded. Where did these things come from?

It must be Demon Race. What do they do?

Xia Ying took some people to investigate.

Xia Zhilan was a little disappointed, but she even met Zhuang Ji.

How can you not know Zhuang Ji Song Ren, a Sage’s Composition writer like Su Beiqiu, who was the last author, and he is the one who presided over it. He also discussed Novel 3 chapters with him.

“Meet Little Princess!” Zhuang Ji saluted said.

Xia Zhilan also quickly responded: “I have seen Zhuang Uncle.”

Zhuang Ji first took a closer look at Xia Zhilan, and was quite satisfied: “Breakthrough to the Transform God Boundary Middle-Stage, it seems that this time the Devil Sea and his party have gained a lot, which is not bad.”

Xia Zhilan immediately smiled like a flower: “It’s also a fluke, by the way of Zhuang Uncle, introduce you to my new friend, Song Yu, Bigbro Song!”

Xia Zhilan hurriedly passed Song Ren and Song Ren met.

Zhuang Ji looked at Song Ren, frowned, looking thoughtful and said, “Where have we met, and how are we so familiar?”

Song Ren’s heart broke out, and he shouldn’t doubt the last time.

The last time I specially dressed myself, I also changed the sound with a voice changer, and the cultivation base is Golden Core Realm.

Today it appears here for a short time with the appearance of Transform God Boundary, using the original sound again.

This is too sensitive.

“Senior, you laughed. I came here for the first time, and the first time I saw you, how could I have ever met.” Song Ren hastily.

Xia Zhilan laughed: “haha, I knew Zhuang Uncle would say so, Uncle Zhuang, he is a Steamed Bun, I Love To Eat Big Buns, a genius on the music network, the protagonist of the” Zhu Xian “series, my new song” A Beautiful Myth. “

Zhuang Ji hearing this, suddenly realized.

It turned out to be this kid. No wonder he was so familiar. At that time, this kid was very popular on the Internet. He even watched the series and praised him for his acting skills.

“It’s you, it’s pretty good. The music you made for Little Princess is very good. Look at the information on the Internet. You learned from Xuan Yi of the Spirit Flower Pavilion. She is a famous name on the music network. I haven’t seen her. “Zhuang Ji said with a smile.

It was the last time at the Spirit Flower Pavilion mountainside, outside the red mist forest, to attract the fire ape, and those who were onlookers spread into their own comparison with Lin Miaoke. When filming the serial, Xuan Yi Senior’s discrete Su Yuan also accompanied him. More than February.

Coupled with Xuan Yi’s famous name of music and his own name for making music, gradually he didn’t know how to join the two together.

His teacher is Xuan Yi.

Song Ren is not easy to explain, so I chose the default and laughed and said nodded.

Perhaps this also explains his talent for music online.

“Uncle Zhuang, don’t bother you, I’ll take Bigbro Song to his place first, and have time to talk again,” Xia Zhilan, who just returned home, looked very lively.

In fact, the most important thing is to have a chance to touch Song Ren’s long-awaited piano, and then introduce him to his home. If not, you can write a piece of music for yourself.

Once Steamed Bun comes out, it must be Premium.

At 9 Kings City that day, she saw with her own eyes how Song Ren wrote in a new song.

Along the way, Xia Zhilan led Song Ren to introduce happily. Many Gong’e and Court Eunuch people saw Princess and bowed down. They were just curious, but which young lad was this?

Song Ren also gained insights. Last time, how could there be such a deep inside of the Imperial Palace, outside the margins, and the rest of the 14 Epoch writers, under the guidance of Zhuang Ji, the Sage’s Composition, for more than half a month Group building, and then hurried back.

At night, Song Ren was arranged in the palace of the distinguished guests, and many powerhouses outside guarded it, on the one hand to protect Song Ren’s security, on the other hand, it was also under surveillance.

After all, this is the location of Kyoto in Yinye Imperial Court. Generally speaking, in the deep palace, strange men are not allowed to live. It is only Princess who insists, and has to add some manual care under the negotiation of several Commanders.

Song Ren, who had eaten a beautiful dinner, stood behind the window with his hands behind his back, and looked at the rising mask over the dynasty. It felt a little funny, and even looked at Northwest.

There was nothing there, only a few iconic buildings.

However, Song Ren knows that it is the home of Wensheng Secret Realm. It was more than 1800 years ago, the ancestor of the Yinye Imperial Court, Xia Mang, wrote “The Town’s Magic” into the Sage’s Composition, and created the Sage Secret Realm. Quan, but helped him break through a small realm.

Looked at all around a team of soldiers patrolling, each soldier exudes a strong breath, you can see that you can’t just wander around at night.

Song Ren closed the window and was ready to fall asleep, and also ran for a day.

Originally I wanted to enter the small Secret Realm created by my own Deity, and sat in the coffin to take a rest from Cultivation, but here is the dynasty, although Xia Ying is not there, but heaven knows how many big brothers are hidden here, 10000 found myself The secret is over.

Yawning, Song Ren turned off the light and slept lightly.

The moon stars are thin, not at all too many stars on the dark sky, but it is a bit depressing darkness, maybe it is covered by the protective cover, but there are insects in the flowers and grasses calling slightly, it adds a little bit Quiet and sleepy.

In the middle of the night, there was a thin mist, like a veil, floating on some palace walls.

Song Ren in his sleep, with a finger of Na ring suddenly shaking slightly, Song Ren dreamed, turned over and continued to sleep …

“Bigbro Song, Bigbro Song, are you awake, what time is it, how can you be lazy than me,”

“Dead fatty, how did you get in?”

“Yeah, Lanlan, you are even more glorious today. Aren’t I getting old here, walking and not knowing how to come in, Lanlan, your clothes are so beautiful today.”

“Come here, how did this fatty get here?”

“Reporting back to Princess, he, he was brought by Manager Wang.”

“Don’t embarrass people, hehe, I only knew when I went back. It turned out that Uncle Xia was not there, so when my father came to visit Xia grandfather, he followed.”


Song Ren slept a little bit confused. I didn’t know what happened last night. It seemed to have reached a deep sleep, extremely comfortable, and confusedly heard the conversation between Xia Zhilan and Fatty Ke.

This pair of Little Foe–

Probably wearing clothes and opening the door of the room, the dazzling rays of light let Song Ren squint his eyes subconsciously.

Seeing Song Ren coming out, Fatty Ke rushed over, but this was his own body protection symbol that made him touch Lanlan.

“Bigbro Song, are you awake?” Fatty Ke moved the five fleshy roads on his body.

Looking at Fatty Ke, Song Ren was helpless for a while; “To be honest, if you keep getting so fat, you will come out at 3.”

“3 high? What is 3 high?” Fatty Ke wondered.

Behind Xia Zhilan stood three rows of dozens of Gong’e and pats hands. Gong’e each carried good toiletries and headed for the room behind Song Ren.

“Don’t disturb Bigbro Song, wash it first, Bigbro Song, after washing, I will take you to the funeral soul valley, with the talent of Bigbro Song, will certainly summon the spirit,” when talking about the funeral soul valley, Xia Zhilan Looks very excited.

Even Fatty Ke, one of the forbidden places deep in the Imperial Palace, has never even had a chance to visit it.

“Fun Soul Valley? What is that place?” Gong’e handed Song Ren a towel and invited him to wash in. Song Ren only subconsciously took it, and asked in confusion.

Xia Zhilan carried her hands on her back, dressed in a simple blue palace costume, jumping around, like a happy blue butterfly: “Bigbro Song doesn’t know it is reasonable, this burial soul valley is an ancient Ancient Battlefield, many people have died. However, because of the special place here, those fighting soldiers Soul Power turned into a special kind of energy after dissipating. By the way, there are some similarities with the red mist forest of your sect.

Anyway, I ’m not very clear. I only know that these energy bodies exist in the Burial Soul Valley in different ways. Once attracted to the outside and captured, even if there is only one energy, we can double our Soul Power. The effect is more than that. Asking heart butterfly and fish dragon roar is much higher. “

After listening to Xia Zhilan’s words, Song Ren wondered: “There is still such a place, then, with the forces on your side, can you just go in and arrest it?”

Xia Zhilan said: “I don’t know what the Bigbro Song is. This burial soul valley is special. These energy bodies seem to exist in another space. You can’t find it when you go in. Even my Third Grandfather quasi-employee’s cultivation base has entered and never captured it. Even if it is an energy body, the whole body looks like the curse of Ancient Battlefield. The whole body is slimy for nearly half a year. There is the sound of Ancient Battlefield’s killing in the ears every night.

When Song Ren heard it, he was even more surprised. Xia Zhilan’s Third Grandfather Song Ren had also seen it. It seems to be called Xia Lin, Zhundi cultivation base. The last time the author group was built, he got off the black ship and picked them up, along the way. I also want to see if there is a potential Monster Sovereign to rob them.

Xia Zhilan’s grandfather, the abdicated Old Sovereign master Xia Jin, has 2 pro-brothers, old 2 Xia Yu, and old 3 Xia Lin, which are all known online.

The relics left in ancient times are horror, not to mention the burial soul valley, the red mist forest on the Spirit Flower Pavilion mountainside, the fire apes, the White Dragon, the folded angel statue, and even he got Great Brahma Scripture, which can transform people and monsters.

It’s just that such places are now rare, and there is another one on didn’t expect Imperial Palace.

“What does that have to do with this music?” Song Ren started to wash up, while Xia Zhilan introduced it.

“Based on so many years of research, it was found that in the ancient times, the two armies fought, and there were several hundred sound divisions on each side. The rhythm of the soldiers was affected by the rhythm, making them mad, excited, and rushed into the enemy line, like a hot knife through butter. But it was terrifying, but most of it was lost.

Therefore, even the dead soldiers, even at the moment of death, are full of the magic sounds in their heads, it sounds a bit sad, double counters are reduced to the chessmen under the master’s door. Share Danger Land, banned by my dynasty.

My music is good, that is, there are a lot of famous music directors in the family, they are all waiting outside of Funeral Soul Valley. Whenever they make new songs, they experiment in Funeral Soul Valley. If they can attract those energy bodies, it means infinite. The melody that is close to the ancients can be transformed and uploaded to the Internet, and it becomes a must.

Counting it, it is a touch-up ground. In Tianmohai, Bigbro Song you are so energetic, so I want to take Bigbro Song to you to see if you get the energy body, all give it to the big brother. I do n’t want to, how about it? “

Song Ren finished washing, so did Xia Zhilan.

I have to say that Song Ren’s interest has really been stirred up.

“it is good!”

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