A group of 3 people approached the depths of Imperial Palace under the escort of some Gong’e and the soldiers.

There is a huge portal guarded by soldiers on the outside. Two of them are very strong. The soldiers and Gong’e stopped. This is not the territory they can touch.

Song Ren looked towards the huge portal. Behind the red wall, it seemed to be a continuous mountain range.

“At the end of 10000 Ji Feng, Huang Heng, met Her Highness the Princess!”

10000 Ji Feng and Huang Heng certainly knew Princess. Behind the wall was the Soul Valley. Several imperial voices in the palace often went in and out, including this little highness.

“Two Commanders have worked hard.” Xia Zhilan raised her face at the moment, as if she were a superior, and then she took Song Ren and wanted to go in directly, but was stopped by two.

“Her Highness the Princess, these two are–“

“They are my friends, why can’t they go in?” Xia Zhilan frowned.

10000 Xi Feng, Huang Heng, you look at me, I look at you, it’s a little bit difficult: “His Royal Highness, Your Majesty has ordered you, Funeral Valley has always been accessible only to you and a few teachers who teach you, everyone else He needs to report to him, and he will be eligible to enter only with permission. “

“No, why is it so troublesome for me to bring someone in, there is nothing secret in it, I have to take them in today, what can you do?” Xia Zhilan felt a little embarrassed, and it was so difficult to bring a person at home.

The two Commander who looked after this place seemed angry when they saw Xia Zhilan, immediately one-knee kneels: “禀 Princess, my subordinate’s duty, and also look forward to Princess atonement, something I have accused Your Majesty before making a decision.”

“You-, my Imperial Father is not here, when heaven knows when I will be back.”

“Then wait for Your Majesty to come back,” the two Tiger Guards are also loyal.

Song Ren stepped forward: “Forget it, let’s talk later when you have time, don’t worry.”

“Bigbro Song, don’t care, I still don’t believe it.” Xia Zhilan panting with rage, immediately messed up her hair, pulled down the placket, revealing the collarbone, Fatty Ke’s eyes immediately stared at the thief, The two Tiger Guard Commanders and other guard soldiers behind them closed their eyes immediately.

“I’ll tell me a few big brothers now, I’ve been bullied by you here to see if you can transfer you to the border.” Xia Zhilan said in a crying voice.

When Huang Heng heard them, their heads were too big.

My ancestor, no such officer.

But if we put strangers into the Imperial Family forbidden area, we will be punished even more.

“Princess, don’t embarrass them, when have you become so wild, you have learned these worldly tricks,” just Commander 2 did n’t know what to do, Song Ren was so shocked that his chin was about to fall off, as if When Xia Zhilan was re-acquainted, a slightly angry voice suddenly sounded after itself.

As soon as a few people turned around, they saw a beautiful woman in a palace costume, coming step by step.

Xia Zhilan’s face suddenly changed, Limara got good clothes, showed a smile, and ran to him kindly: “Aunt Lan, how are you free today, is it possible that what famous song has been made, I want to try it in Funeral Soul Valley ? “

Aunt Lan, who is named Yan Lanyin, is one of the small sect directors of Xia Zhilan. Among Xia Zhilan’s famous songs, there are several capitals from her composition. Of course, she is also an acquaintance who came and went here.

When the two tiger guards saw Qi Lanyin, they also took a sigh of relief and quickly met: “I’ve seen Lord Xi.”

Wu Lanyin helped Xia Zhilan straighten her hair: “Just keep your mouth sweet, but you have gained something. Try it.”

Then she looked towards the fatty who smiled, and seemed to see something that should not be seen just now.

“You are Ke Yangshu, Ke Trisha Patriarch, a rich country?” Qi Lanyin’s voice was very gentle.

Fatty Ke suddenly woke up and blinked his small squint: “Yes, yes, Lan Lan, just like Lanlan, just call my nickname Fatty Ke, so it looks kind.”

Xia Zhilan stared directly.

Qi Lanyin looked at Fatty Ke with a lot of interest: “Sure enough, as everyone said, 忒 to have no shame.”

Fatty Ke: “…”

Fatty Ke’s pursuit of Xia Zhilan is known to many people, with a big smile and an ancestral cheek.

Wan Lanyin finally looked towards Song Ren: “You just made Princess the Steamed Bun of” A Beautiful Myth “?”

Song Ren saluted: “I have seen Seniors, they are all joking.”

She Lanyin shook her head: “It’s not fun. I can’t think of seeing people in person. You are so young, but let’s blushed with shame. Now you, but create a new one on [Heavenly Music Network] The music Sect is called the character of Ancestral Master. “

Song Ren did not dare to rush, there are indeed many people now, because the last song “Unparalleled in the World” sung by Heavenly Sound Mountain and Su Youwei, the lyrics and tunes are different, so many people imitate and no longer follow the ancient style .

After all, there are too many famous people on this road. They want to be famous. It is extremely difficult and they have no way to go.

Today’s non-rhyme singing method has attracted many people to imitate it. This is why Xia Zhilan asked Song Ren to help make a piece of music in that style, so I chose “A Beautiful Myth” for her.

“You deserve it, I have heard your other music, it is very good, such as the 2 Lute music, I am very impressed, and even gave birth to a sense of frustration, since you are here, I am also very Curious, 10000 Commander Feng Feng and Huang Heng, let them follow me together. “After the Song Lan praised Song Ren, they were 2 people on the ground looking towards one-knee kneels.


“Rest assured, what happened is just pushing on my head, is it possible that you really want to go to the border to exercise?” Qi Lanyin said with a smile.

“Don’t dare to work in a humble position, please!” The two people who knew Princess’s personality quickly said, now anyway, there is already a lanlan voice speaking, you have to follow the steps.

Xia Zhilan immediately rejoiced, giving Song Ren an eyebrow and a look of triumph, then holding Wan Lanyin’s hand toward the huge portal.

After entering the portal, it looks like a lively place. The trees are lush and green, but just after a few people walked through this mountain range, a huge canyon plain appeared. The height of the canyon is like Heaven’s Line, full of A sense of desolation.

In the gorge, there is a dense mist. These mists are not the fog of nature, but a dense accumulation of dead air.

At the entrance of the canyon, a scorching black, Song Ren lifts the head, and found on the cliffs on the two sides, there are two curved black objects like giant fangs, sharp, and there is a thunder arc flashing.

4 people just stood in the Taniguchi position and didn’t enter.

Xia Zhilan and Ji Lanyin are of course quite familiar with this place.

“Otherwise, please ask Son Song first!”

How could Song Ren do such a clueless thing, he didn’t even understand the situation here, of course, he quickly waved his hand: “Senior first, I’m just here to see the excitement.”

“Aunt Lan, try it first, I haven’t seen your new song for a long time,” Xia Zhilan was looking forward to it.

Seeing this, Qi Lanyin is also nodded. In fact, she wrote this piece of music not long before, and it is based on an ancient musical score. Because I did n’t know what the effect was, I did n’t notify other people. .

I didn’t expect to meet Princess entire group at the entrance.

“Well, I’ll show ugliness,” said Lan Lanyin’s words, and looked at the two sides above the canyon. After the thunder arc that looked like fangs, he came directly to Taniguchi and waved his hands. Rows of bronze bells appeared. Hanging on a huge clock tower.

These bells are made of fine bronze, with the Phoenix pattern faintly on them, and there is a simple atmosphere.

It can be seen that this chime has a lot to offer.

Xia Zhilan stepped back, stood side by side with Fatty Ke Song Ren, looking forward.

After all, apart from Fatty Ke, everyone is a senior musician. Of course, Fatty Ke is half of it. After all, for Xia Zhilan, he is doing his best to learn about music.

Song Ren is also looking forward to it. After all, in his impression, the chime bell contains 1000 words and 10000 words, leaving 1000 ancient sing-alongs, which is an extraordinary voice belonging to the state of ritual music in Dahua.

Qi Lanyin took out a mallet, put put out a breath, looked at the mist in front of him, and began to strike.

The ancient sound is mellow, the charm is long, and the beginning is slow. I do n’t know when to strike harder and faster, and the large and small bells dangle back and forth on the shelf. Knocking with one hand.

Song Ren and the others heard a tingling in the scalp, and the goosebumps almost dropped.

Tong Lanyin’s understanding of chimes has almost reached the level of Grandmaster Rank. It is truly worthy of being hired by the dynasty to be a teacher for Xia Zhilan.

The loud sound of the rhythm broke into the valley, and under the gaze of Song Ren and the others, after a while of effort, the mist in the valley suddenly surged, and then, an almost substantial, bloody lance slammed through Come out, with endless murderous aura, like a peerless murderer.

Xia Zhilan almost jumped with joy: “It’s the Blade of the Spirit. Aunt Lan actually let the Blade of the Spirit come out. This can at least decompose 3 Soul Power energies.”

Seeing that lance came from Tong Lanyin, it was also a pleasant surprise, speeding up the attack, not at all to deal with lance’s attack.

The lance seemed to look at the blue orchid sound like an enemy soldier, and came quickly with the sound of whistling, so that the clouds and fog around the canyon were torn apart.

However, when it was less than 100 meters from the mouth of the valley, the two peaks that were curved like fangs suddenly felt like something was felt, as if the energy of Godzilla had gathered, and a rapid buzz came, blue glow emerged, tight Then lightning flashes.

2 thick thunderbolts, pouring down with dazzling silver awns, forming an 8-angle shape, densely packed, directly enveloping an open space in front of them, including the lance that broke into this open space.

crackle, like thunder sea.

A sizzling hissing sound was mixed in the violent thunderbolt and slowly dissipated.

Several people’s faces were pale under the light of lightning. If this person were there, who could live.

It’s scary.

This is the means on the periphery of the dynasty.

No wonder the place was dark before, and it doesn’t seem unreasonable.

With the disappearance of thunderbolt, the chime sound also closed the chimes, the smoke was exhausted, and three energy balls were suspended in midair.

With a smile on his face, Qi Lanyin beckoned, and 3 energies came slowly.

Xia Zhilan hurried over and happily: “Congratulations Aunt Lan Hexilan, harvest 3 energy beads at one time, but unfortunately a few other Teachers are not there, otherwise I don’t know how envious it is.”

It is not easy to attract the spirits. It is even more difficult for thunderbolt to eliminate those grievances and directly increase the energy beads of other people ’s Soul Power. This has nothing to do with the cultivation base. If there is, Xia Lin Old Master will not return empty-handed. .

It seems that this song, with some minor modifications, published on the Internet, should be able to achieve a good result.

Qi Lanyin looked at the three energy balls in his hand and thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

“Also, I may be lucky for you today, but I’m actually not confident. After all, the spirits in the Valley of Souls are not enough for so many years. It can attract a blade of spirits, which is beyond my expectation. Princess breakthrough to Transform God Boundary Middle-Stage, Soul Power must keep up, this one for you. “

Xia Zhilan, who received the energy ball, was surprised. She knew that these energies were also important to Aunt Lan, and the person who made music had a great demand for Soul Power.

“Thank Aunt Lan, I know that Aunt Lan is the best for me.” Xia Zhilan took the energy ball, and held Wan Lanyin’s arm intimately.

Tong Lanyin is also kind to Xia Zhilan’s coquettishness, and then passed the second energy ball to Song Ren: “For the first time, you help Princess again, this is a thank you.”

Song Ren can feel the pure Soul Power energy in this energy ball, with a look of surprise: “Thank Senior, that’s all I should do.”

A piece of music in exchange for such a good thing is simply too worthy.

Then, Lan Lanyin looked towards Fatty Ke, Fatty Ke 2 said the hand without extending the hand, and his face was full of smiles: “Thank Aunt Lan, this kind of gift makes me excited that I do n’t know what to What words of thanks are spoken. “

She Lanyin shuddered: “I didn’t plan to give it to you. Your old family is so rich. Ke Old Master must have found some good things for you.”

Fatty Ke’s face suddenly became stiff, why suddenly felt so awkward.

When Song Ren and Xia Zhilan saw Fatty Ke’s appearance in the circle now, they couldn’t help laughing.

Sure enough, everywhere this fatty comes, he laughs.

“Just a joke, the last one was given to you, after all, the other two gave it, and left you aside, it’s strange that sorry.” Qi Lanyin passed the last one to Fatty Ke.

Fatty Ke’s face suddenly turned cloudy: “I knew Aunt Lan warm-hearted and compassionate.”

Fatty Ke’s words gave Qi Lanyin a deeper understanding of the lineage of the Ke family’s lineage.

Qi Lanyin was in a good mood for a while, and she looked towards Song Ren: “Song Gongzi also try it.”

“Me, can I?” Song Ren originally wanted to shirk, but the energy ball came in, and a clear desire came from Sea of ​​Consciousness, which made him move.

Xia Zhilan received the energy ball: “It’s okay Bigbro Song, right when you try, nothing at worst, 10000 As long as no spirits come out, it is also reasonable, and quietly tell you that my teachers have not been attracted for a long time Heroic. “

Of course, Lan Lan heard Xia Zhilan’s words and smiled: “Princess is right. It doesn’t matter if you try. I’m not afraid of your jokes. This is the first time I have made ten songs in 3 years. Today I attracted Where is the hero? “

After listening, Song Ren was relieved, and no worries were left: “Let ’s do it. Let me try. Please wait for me. There are a lot of instruments required for this music. I ’ll find it first.”

After hearing Song Ren’s words, the three of them didn’t understand what they meant, only to see Song Ren slowly closing his eyes …

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