“Everything is said to be cultivation. I thought that in the decades I was injured, I had already seen all of this. To be honest, sometimes I still think that no matter who you or I live, it will always be alive. Someday Will go back. ”

Mobei Mori, Old Drunkard looked at the huge burning incense, and said to himself, loneliness beyond expression.

After a long time, the wall behind Burning Incense suddenly squirmed. This time, there was no Monster Sovereign corpse or Human Race corpse, but a living person who came out of it.

This person … is simply Old Drunkard, or, even younger Drunkard decades ago.

His look pale, more like a skinless skin.

“You are transparent, yes, you have been poisoned by the grudge poison, but before it was poisoned, after this Heavenly Dao network appeared, you are more active than anyone else, yes, you are still an Emperor’s Composition writer, right? It’s fun to play.

But me, I’ve been here. If it’s not special here, support me warmly, his mother’s scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, no one of us is an independent individual, you, me, don’t look at standing here Is it complete, I ask you complete? “

The old Drunkard snarled, and pointed at Old Drunkard outside the incense, and he couldn’t seem to get out.

Old Drunkard said nothing and smiled a long time afterwards: “So, what are you doing?”

“What? I want to be alive, truly alive, and I have to completely sever the relationship with the body. Demon Race, Human Race, and if there are going to be one day, there are several other races that will fuse me into an independent individual, I can rely on Tianling The book is alive again, Jian Wuchen, don’t forget, what this Heavenly Dao net appeared in this World is for. “Old Drunkard said with a sneer.

Old Drunkard seemed to think of it and shook his palm: “So, did you make” Divine Demon .Net “in Demon Domain?”

“Haha, it seems that you really forgot something, the seeds of” Divine Demon .Net “and” Heavenly Dao Net “were brought by us, but we can only cast one in this world, and now, both of them It’s also time to make the two of them equal, to rub, and let the real spirit of this World wake up.

3 I have the chance to stand tall, although you are free, you have forgotten too many things, sadly, haha ​​~~ “

Old Drunkard closed his eyes and looked at his palm: “I still have one last question. Wasn’t you falling in the snow?”

The skin was just laughing heartily, and quietly melted into the stone wall again: “Guess what–“

Old Drunkard departed, this is the last conversation between him and Song Ren after they dived into the corpse abyss separately in the Demon Sea, and then went straight back to the Spirit Flower Pavilion …


Song Ren, Fatty Ke, and Xia Zhilan, after dressing up, laughed out of the palace door, and went directly towards the point of Molou.

Dian Mo Lou can be regarded as Kyoto. One of the very best literati gathers. Sometimes some great Confucianists who have not appeared in decades will appear, and some Boutique writers will also appear in it. In short, very lively.

But this time, because of the recent, “Saintly Path of Confucianism” fire written with poems and novels, aside from the wonderful plot, the poems in today are just amazing and directly set off a wave of poetry. .

There are countless various posts on the Internet. In reality, some Great Family members who like poetry meet at Dian Mo Lou. The main meeting point is poetry appreciation. Even Boss, who is behind the D Mo Lou, also offered a meeting. The pig demon who writes poems is a colorful head.

Sure enough, when this gimmick came out, it attracted many people. What’s the point, stupid Demon Race can write poetry? Blow you.

You are insulting us. I feel like I have learned more than ten years of education. No, I have to take a look.

Therefore, today’s Dianmo Building, after the last event, this time is the most lively.

And do n’t look at this point, Molou is a word of “lou”. However, it is a continuous mountain village with many buildings. Many talented and beautiful people, the nobles of the world stand on each building, greeting each other like a huge building Lotus on the pond.

So when Song Ren 3 came, looking at such a large and wonderful place, they were amazed.

In a place as thick as gold in Kyoto, there can be such a huge mountain villa, and it often attracts people from all circles. It can be seen that behind this scene, Boss is very powerful.

As a wealthy person in the Ke family, of course, there are buildings with perennial packages. As soon as the three people came in, the maids in Molou gave refreshments. Song Ren opened the window and looked at the adjacent building doors. Happy laughter and cheerful voices. And in the central open space below, there is a huge iron cage covered with a red cloth with a rune mark flashing. It is impossible for Divine Consciousness to enter.

“Bigbro Song, see it, there must be a pig demon in it, you said 10000, this pig demon won’t be able to write poems, then the point of Molou Boss will lose all his face, flickering so many people, the consequences are very serious But 10000 will do it in a while? It’s too crap, I’m really curious. “Fatty Ke lay on the edge of the window, staring at the cage.

Xia Zhilan also came over: “I always feel unbelievable. In my impression, Demon Race is about killing and killing. The number is huge. I heard that it is always a beast tide that counts thousands of thousands. It is said to be a poem of our Human Race? A pig always feels too exaggerated. “

Song Ren didn’t say anything, just watching. Almost all of the people present were either behind closed doors or filial sons and daughters. They even saw Demon Race under the protection of the family. The impressions stayed in the book or online. watch.

On Demon Race, as early as 2 1000 years ago, [Divine Demon .Net] began to plan to learn the Chinese language of Human Race, but it was only dismissed by most Demon Races, but some of them were learned.

It was even more than 50 years ago [Divine Demon .Net] that the real demons came to understand and entered the era of full demons learning.

He has experienced it, whether it is the manifestation of the Monster Emperor in it or their study of verses, in some aspects, it is even better than some Human Races.

Look down on pigs, right?

He used to look down until he met Zhu San.

Just as Song Ren was thinking, an old man came by the iron cage below.

Many people suddenly calmed down, and Fatty Ke blinked: “It turned out that Wen Master came in person. In addition to the good poetry, Wen Master is still an Epoch writer. Hosted by him, it is estimated that many people have nothing to say. To say. “

Fatty Ke explained to Song Ren.

Song Ren laughed. Didn’t expect him. It’s very good to order Molou Boss.

If you remember correctly, the last time this article was written by the 15 Epoch writers ’group was in the same place, and in the process of communication, the opinions were very unique. He also argued with him and paid attention to him, did n’t expect After so long, I will meet here.

One upstairs, one downstairs.


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