The master is named Zhu Wen. As Song Ren knows, he is an Epoch writer. He owns an Epoch, 2 Boutiques, and 3 Premium books. He has also turned out to be a Divine Artifact. It now exists in the inner area of ​​Holy City. Celestial Emperor Pavilion.

A Boss who points to Molou can invite this person to be the host, and I have to say that it is really great.

After all, Zhu Wen can be regarded as a very heavy person, and I heard that there are still great forces behind him to support him.

Of course, Song Ren knew Zhu Wen, but Zhu Wen didn’t know him.

After all, the last time the author team built, Song Ren wore a mask and changed his voice with a voice changer.

Seeing Zhu Wen coming out, some people who knew it quickly stopped talking, and even some students were saluted after being surprised.

The whole point of Molou gradually quieted down.

“Hello everyone, in Zhu Wen, it’s really on age to show of age, to host this meeting, and I hope everyone forgive me,” Zhu Wen saw everyone’s eyes were attracted, suddenly saluted, and then laughed.

“Master Wen, I can’t think of you, it really surprises me.”

“Mr. Wen is extremely knowledgeable in poetry, poetry, and poetry. He is the real master of poetry.”

“Yes, yes, and Master Wen has always been fair. Before, I was worried about being favored, but now I feel relieved.”

“Teacher, I am your disciple. I can see Teacher here, I’m so excited.”


Listening to everyone’s discus spiritedly, Zhu Wen squeezed his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: “Thank you for your support. I am also honored to be invited by Dian Mo Lou. Everyone is a literati. Because Novel, a Confucian and Taoist, comes together for fate. “

Upstairs, Song Ren looked at all around and suddenly felt a little proud.

A “Confucianism” brought poems that should not be weak again to the front of the crowd, leaving aside local favorites and online discussions, everyone in Dignified Kyoto can gather here. I have to say, Song Ren Contributing.

Zhu Wen continued below: “Everyone can gather here, more of the love of poetry, of course, there are also some curiosity about the pig monster can write poetry.”

As soon as Zhu Wen’s words were finished, as expected, everyone buzzed again.

Zhu Wen mysterious smiled, then turned around, and gently pats his hands on the red cloth to release the restraint. With a sharp pull on the red cloth, everyone extended their necks and looked curiously.

In the large iron cage, a silhouette the size of a human was curled up, but it was a little fat, and the humble clothes exposed the steel needle-like hair on the back.

With the violent light rising, the cage’s monster was subconsciously extending the hand to cover the face, until it slowly adapted, Fang started.

Song Ren immediately grasped the railing with both hands when he saw the face.

Zhu San, it turned out to be Zhu San. The pig demon that he admired for the first time, both in poetry and in deeds, is gu gu.

The last time they met was in the forest of Mobei, Wang Ling of Yu Linglong, the king of azure snake, and Teacher sound transmission.

However, how could he be here, Kyoto is very far away from the demon realm.

Zhu San has a lot of whip marks on his body. At this moment, when he saw the densely packed Human Race around him, he was all staring at him, pointing and yelling, and shivering in fear in the corner. , Shouting pigs, trembling all over, looking abnormally scared.

Zhu San, cultivation base is only the qi environment, Song Ren met him, it was the first time that he walked out of his own Heishan Mountain and executed Yu Linglong’s order.

He hasn’t harmed any Human Race, even the soulless corpses crawling out of the corpse abyss, just hiding by his own cleverness.

Even after getting reused by Monster Wolf Commander, he did not forget to bring him the “cousin” panda who is as fat as himself.

People around looked at such an ugly pig monster, and suddenly laughed heartily, Song Ren closed his eyes gently, and slowly released his hands.

He is Demon Race, but he is his own incarnation panda, the only friend in Demon Realm.

He was saved, originally only to see the excitement, it seems that today’s color head must be taken.

He wondered, why did Zhu San appear in the Human Race Kyoto?

Is something happening there again?

“Mr. Wen, such an ugly pig can really make such beautiful verses as our Human Race?”

“That is, it’s too nonsense. Look at the sharp mouth, can you say what our Human Race does not mean?”

“Dim Mo Lou really framed us. If it can write poems, I call his pig brother.”


As soon as Zhu San’s face was revealed, the welcome came to have a big laughter. Some people still believed a little before. After all, this is a reward from Mo Mo. Now I see the real look, ugly. It is appalling that all the beautiful illusions are gone.

“This pig is so ugly, Bigbro Song, let’s forget it, I don’t want to,” Fatty Ke looked at himself and his general obese body, and regretted that if he won, go one step ahead, Fatty Ke It’s a living pig, but it’s just a head with 5 people and 6 people.

Inviting humiliation to oneself, he would definitely be reduced to a joke in the future. He went to the palace to find Song Ren, but in fact he was thinking of being able to meet Xia Zhilan, but after hearing the news, he used it as an excuse.

Song Ren looked at Fatty Ke and patted him on the shoulder with one hand, and said seriously: “Rest assured, I am the most creditworthy person, and if I help you, I will help you, I will win it.”

Fatty Ke looked at Xia Zhilan, who was already smiling and covering his stomach, and cried without tears: “Brother, I’m really wrong. Many people know me today, usually they call me a fat pig in private, I If I stab it home, I will never face him again, and my grandfather is fat, and I will definitely feel that I am calling him in disguise. “

“If you don’t, you can give it to me, I want to,” Song Ren said.

Fatty Ke blinked, and approached Song Ren suddenly, whispering: “Bigbro Song, what do you want this pig demon, is it possible that wait for him to eat pork after deforming? Hehe, in fact, I also like to eat pork, especially pig head Meat, but recently pork is expensive and ca n’t afford to eat, but he is half human now, and I ca n’t afford it. “

Song Ren felt a chill, and pushed Fatty Ke away.

What does this fatty think every day? I can’t say anything, alas, it’s so cruel, I want to save him.

Song Ren directly looked towards below. Fatty Ke looked at Xia Zhilan, who laughed and burst into tears, and had to pray. Song Ren wrote some poems and cooked dishes. Don’t let Mr. Wen score high marks.

After all, Song Ren has only done a good job in music, and has only recently started to learn poetry.

The Zhu Wen below seems to understand everyone’s doubts. Looking at Zhu San in the cage, “I know you understand us. Take out your talents today, maybe there is still a chance for life. Otherwise, today’s game is over. You It will no longer be useful. This is the Human Race site, and you are the Demon Race. You know the truth of my words. Think about it. “

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