A dragon roar sounded.

Song Ren and the others, who had fled along with Sikong Bitu, immediately turned away and looked at the battlefield in the distance.

Long Lan snapped: “Grandma?”

Sikong Bitu, however, suddenly protected a few people, staring diligently at the front, a person wrapped in ice, at an unknown time.

King of Ice Prison-Mo Tianxing.

Sure enough, he followed.

Mu Xiao and the others were immediately on guard, with a look of indignation. The last time, if it was not for the perfect cooperation of A’bao and Long Lan, they would have been killed.

But now, using lured the tiger away from the mountain, to let his parents and two other Human Races fight, he is here waiting for himself and the others.

Is it for them, Junior, who appeared on [Divine Demon .Net], or is Mr. Sikong?

“Escape!” Sikong Bitu said softly at this moment.

Mu Xiao immediately incarnation into the Golden Wings Great Peng ontology, a face of fearless and fighting intent.

“Mr. Atonement, no matter how strong he is, we have so many people, plus Mr. You, we can’t delay it until Madam Long and the others come!” Mu Xiao stepped forward, a pair of humiliation and newborn calves do not Fear of the tigers, Sikong Bitu hadn’t had time to stop, Mu Xiao rushed up.

Kui Cha and Long Lan in the rear are also turned into 9 gold lions and a Silver Flood Dragon, but in front of Mo Tianxing, just raise your hand and bounce, a small icicle comes, Mu Xiao’s golden The wings went straight.


Just like throwing an egg at a rock, just such a confrontation, Mu Xiao flew straight out, while his wings were completely broken, there was an ice hole on it, and the cold air was still exuding. The Golden Wings Great Peng Mu Xiao rolled up, It was taken by Kui Cha, and was pushed back by the remaining force to move several dozen meters.

Mu Xiao was completely stunned, and Long Lan and Kui Cha each and everyone who had wanted to rush up and hang around together were horrified.

Looked towards that again, I can’t see my face, like Mo Tianxing of Deity, with awe in her face.

Is this the powerhouse for Human Race?

Song Ren behind him directly cursed ‘brain disability’. Do you think that the name of the ice prison king is casually called, even if they are not Zhundi, they will almost reach it, otherwise, they would not dare to rush into Longshou Mountain at the beginning , Offend Madam Long.

What grade we are now is just Transform God Boundary, even if you are already in the late Transform God Boundary.

After experiencing great perfection, then it is the cave realm, which is comparable to Monster King Realm.

Then came Nirvana Realm of Third Step, which was comparable to those of Saint King at Celestial Emperor Pavilion Lei Yuan.

After Nirvana Realm, it is the reincarnation mirror. Mo Tianxing has even surpassed the reincarnation mirror in his feelings.

What qualifications do you have to fight him? Didn’t you hear Sikong Bitu let him retreat?

Sikong Bitu hurried to Mu Xiao at the moment, checked it, and then said to Kui Cha: “Hurry up, I don’t want to say more second time for such nonsense!”

Kui Cha is also not a reckless person. He immediately picked up Mu Xiao and went deep into the jungle. He turned into Long Lan of the Flood Dragon and looked at eager to have a try. He wanted to ride her A’bao and quickly followed. along.

Song Ren owns Thunder Dragon Bloodline, with speed and thunder speed. I have seen it with Mu Xiao on that day.

Song Ren glanced at Sikong Bitu, who was standing in front of them, fighting for time, and immediately turned away.

This time is not a time for arrogance, let alone the super powerhouse that is the strongest Great Wei.

Faced with the escape of Song Ren and Junior, Mo Tianxing shrouded in blizzard turned out to be weird without any obstruction, but looked at Sikong Bitu and suddenly smiled: “long time no see, Old Friend, seeing you now I ’m really chilled. ”

Sikong Bitu squinted and said, “It seems that your goal from the beginning to the end is me, and since I learned that they were attacked by you, I know that we will meet.”

“Last time, it ’s been almost 70 years since you last said that you were aggrieved at the Celestial Emperor Pavilion in the north and killed several guarded Saint Kings. Since you ca n’t live there, why not come to Great Wei, Great Wei’s Celestial Emperor Pavilion must also be open to you. After all, it can give birth to 2 authors of Deity, 1000 no ancients, but now there is the latter.

Great Wei, if you look down, there are Longshu and Gu Wu. It is better to betray your dynasty than to betray the entire Human Race. Once we have celebrated wine, but now we are standing in a hostile position. It ’s ridiculous. The so-called [Divine Demon .Net] made for Demon Race? “

Mo Tianxing’s voice is still cold, but it is full of aloof and remote majesty.

Sikong Bitu just looked at Mo Tianxing and said nothing.

“That makes me guess, do you want to achieve higher achievements?

[Divine Demon .Net] came out more than 50 years ago, and you betrayed Human Race more than 20 years ago, it should not be.

Well, you really wanted to leave Human Race, and then after [Divine Demon .Net] appeared, just like the original Heavenly Dao network, it was in an undeveloped period, but [Divine Demon .Net] except for Demon Race, Human Race cannot be sensed at all, so you start cultivating Demon Race, let them make a difference on [Divine Demon .Net], and then find those human races that are miscellaneous, and deprived them on Heavenly Dao network according to this publicity, belonging to our Human Race property , Beware of it! “

Sikong Bitu laughed at this moment: “Who says I can’t sense [Divine Demon .Net]?”

Mo Tianxing’s eyes immediately froze.

Sikong Bitu continued; “But speaking back, in fact, as you guessed, it was originally intended to be identified by the Monster Emperor of the Demon Race, and then the Human Race will be updated to get the benefits to Demon Race.

However, haven’t you noticed recently that the Divine Demon .Net and Heavenly Dao nets have begun to collide and have spawned a 2rd blank regardless of whether it is Human Race or Demon Race, which underestimates this Divine Demon .Net , Its development is not what you can imagine, “

The coldness of Mo Tianxing’s body became stronger and stronger: “The so-called Divine Demon .Net is really a combination of the idols of three ancient demon gods and the will of 3 Monster Emperor?”

Suddenly a black tower was added to Sikong Bitu’s hand: “Guess.”

The next moment, countless ice crystals like swords, came straight to Sikong Bitu: “You know, my life hates these twists and turns, no matter what, I will take you back and give you a trial at Yinye Imperial Court It’s up to your Human Race to decide your blame. “

Mo Tianxing fought with them all together.

The sky’s offensive and ice, even if Song Ren and others have fled far, still feel the back cold.

This is the real Divine Immortal fight.


Looking at the equally rushing Long Lan and Kui Cha carrying Mu Xiao on the front, the rampant rampages, Song Ren quietly slowed down.

Now that the news has been conveyed, whether Sikong Bitu can escape or not, I don’t know yet, what is it that he is now going to the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, it will only add more variables and crises.

Seeing Kui Cha waiting for him, Song Ren fled towards the other side immediately.

He is going back to Human Race.

Half an hour later, Kui Cha, who had been galloping and ran away, finally stopped to rest. As soon as he turned around, he found that Song Ren didn’t keep up, and the complexion changed suddenly.

“Wait, what about A’bao?”

Long Lan also looked back: “What’s going on, he obviously followed us.”

“It’s okay, A’bao brother’s speed is very fast, and it may be slightly delayed, let’s wait for him here first.” Kui Cha took a spit and helped Mu Xiao turn into a human form, and so did he. Can better hide and escape.

“It’s fast!” But at the next moment, a girl with a killing voice sounded. As soon as the two of them looked up, they saw the Human Race Luna, which was blocked by the old lion. Yuey Fairy was black clothed. At them.

Kui Cha and Long Lan turned pale for an instant.

“You are not too slow. Shooting at Junior, Human Race’s bottom line really makes me wait and look down!” Space squirmed, Madam Long appeared in front of Long Lan and mocked with a smile.

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