Song Ren supported his straw hat while running, and did not know how long he had escaped, hiding under a tree, gasping for breath, running in the opposite direction, they should be completely separated, at least two people can meet for three thousand miles.

However, it has already penetrated into the inner area of ​​Demon Race. At least half a month’s journey is needed to reach Yu Linglong. This is smooth and there is nothing to stop.

Last time when the fire broke out with Monster Sovereign, because of Sovereign’s coercion, many troubles were avoided. This time, he was left alone. Heaven knows when he can escape smoothly.

After resting for about the time it takes to burn one stick of incense, Song Ren just lifted his foot out of the tree, his face suddenly changed, lifts the head, behind him, there was a man with red hair, Zhengrao Staring at him with interest.

“A’bao?” The middle-aged man said softly, but his voice was filled with a burst of burning.

Song Ren swallowed directly, shouted inwardly, bad luck.

“The King of Fire-I wish you!”

Isn’t he entangled by the old Golden Peng, the battle over there has ended so quickly?

Do you want to point your face, such a super powerhouse, you don’t go after Mu Xiao Sikong Bitu them, what are you doing with me?

Song Ren can still do it at this moment, suddenly turned into a humanoid, saying that we are a race, don’t flooding the dragon king’s temple?

It is estimated that being caught, studying him, and letting him die is the ultimate result.

The fire king wished him nodded: “What you have seen in the past when Divine Demon .Net was manifested is like this. It is very powerful. It has penetrated into the demon realm and there is basically no one who does not know you, and you are black and white. The clear appearance and high degree of recognition are really hard to imagine. In such a fat head, a Boutique Novel such as [Biography of Sun Wukong] can be written, and the Human Race side is still copied as a Boutique.

If you give birth to us, you will definitely cultivate it, and then let the Demon Race gnashing teeth hunt, instead of the situation I am hunting you today, leave a last word, and do not let me kill a Boutique writer. “

Hearing Zhu Zhu’s words, Song Ren cried without tears: “Senior, if you can save my life, you see that I can’t pose any threat to you at all.”

Zhu Xun gently shook the head: “I’m sorry for Little Brat, I’ve taken a shot against a Junior like you. I’m already ashamed. When I go back, I will fast for 3 months to show punishment. Besides, there is no threat now, but who can say it accurately in the future Then. “

Song Ren 2 Aside, he ran away.


The sky buzzed, and a sharp whistling sound broke out. The fiery burning fire burst out instantly, with an unimaginable force, deafening, and finally slammed, and smashed towards Song Ren.

The horrific heat wave rolled out, and countless jungles were cut off directly.

At the moment, even if there is a Monster Sovereign, it is estimated that it has been slagged.

Looking at the burning fire forest below, the huge deep pit, the fire king Zhu Yan shook his head.

“Sorry Little Brat, the faction is different, I have to do this!” Zhu Yan said, feeling the two breaths approaching, put out a breath, just about to leave, and then suddenly turned back, full of incredible eyes.

Under the huge Fire Pit, is there any vitality?

At the moment of his cyanosis, a somewhat black silhouette suddenly leaped from the bottom of the pit, and the lightning at his feet flickered. It instantly reached a few thousand meters away. Then Eight Talisman Gate opened and disappeared again.

A series of weird movements will be stunned and watched.

what happened?


In order to prevent the variable from happening, he made a full blow and did not kill a little monster of Transform God Boundary?

What a joke, and this fire is not Mundane’s flame?

“Interesting, is it really interesting?” There was a look of interest on Zhu Yan’s face, and he quickly caught up after moving at his feet.

Just after about a dozen breaths, the two golden silhouettes arrived, just the old Golden Peng and the old lion.

Standing in the air, watching the jungle below almost dozen li burning down into a plain, and the crater looks like a huge crater, both of them frowned.

Then, the old Golden Peng seemed to find something. Immediately down, in the center of Jukeng, there was still a burning bamboo stick and only a pinch of panda hair.

The two were sighed together, but it was late.

There is no value in chasing it now. Madam Long rushed to a few children, but there was Mo Tianxing entangled with Mr. Si Kong and had to go there to help.

The two took the bamboo poles and found no vitality. They sighed and turned away.


Song Ren opened six Eight Talisman Gates, coupled with the extreme lightning speed, and felt the horrible pursuit behind him. After turning over a mountain, he immediately entered the jungle.

After less than 3 breaths, the Fire King Zhu Xun caught up with him, and even lost the silhouette of that weird little demon.

The terrifying Divine Consciousness erupted, and the breath was found below, but it seemed to be Human Race.

He immediately jumped down into the forest, and saw a teenager lying on the ground sleeping, surrounded by some high-level Demonic beast feces to drive away unnecessary trouble.

It seemed to be aware of the burning sensation, and the boy immediately got up and saw him, alert on his face.

“You, who are you?”

I wish to frowned, what I feel in the young man is the extremely pure Human Race breath. It looks like a gimmick who dares to take risks.

“It’s dangerous here. You wait for the cultivation base to die here. Go out early.” Zhu Yan said, and he jumped straight up to feel the little monster qi, then chose a direction to chase.

Looking at the scorched ground, Song Ren swallowed a spit, determined that after Zhu Rong left, he couldn’t help it anymore, and spit it out with a bite of blood.

Before taking Madam Long out of his arms and giving him a token that could strike the emperor, a bitter smile.

I originally wanted to keep it for future use. Didn’t expect it to be so fast.

The dragon-shaped token seemed to run out of energy and completely shattered 2 and a half.

On the other side, Madam Long, who had just driven Luna away, suddenly changed complexion.

“What’s wrong, grandma?” Long Lan asked quickly.

Madam Long sighed: “A’bao, I guess bode ill rather than well.”

Long Lan Kui Cha was pale when he waited.

Song Ren spits out mouthful of blood again, cleaned up the blood on the ground, quickly opened Deity Secret Realm, and drilled in thoroughly.

Here, the breath belonging to Song Ren suddenly disappeared Thoroughly.

Before trying to open the escape, he didn’t give him time at all.

Song Ren had just disappeared less than ten breaths, and Zhu Yuan, who had disappeared before, returned again: “Have you ever seen …”

Before the words were over, watching the place was empty, smelling the slight blood, letting out Divine Consciousness, there was no breath.

The fire king wished him a complete doubt.

A little monster didn’t die under his full strength attack?

Go chase yourself, haven’t caught up, and even a ghost shadow is gone.

I just reminded my Human Race Junior in good faith just now, and now I ’m back to ask for news, and it ’s gone. The Divine Consciousness coverage area of ​​this size is still not there.

Am I chatting with the ghost just now?

Looking at the Demonic beast feces scattered around, the Fire King Zhu Xun fell into contemplation and self-doubt …

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