A month later, Song Ren used the identity of Human Race and Demon Race to constantly exchange, and finally walked out of the border and set foot on the territory of Human Race.

In the azure snake king’s territory near Yu Linglong, Song Ren thought about it, and didn’t dare to step in again, otherwise he couldn’t leave again.

As for the corpse, Song Ren now has a psychological shadow, and always seems to be able to see it. At first, he lay on the ground as a corpse, and a soulless corpse next to him suddenly widened his eyes and questioned him, and killed him casually With my own virtual projection, too terrifying.

Even the Monster Emperor killed, the Fire smashed the Monster Sovereign deal, the Teacher deal, and Nan Huangtong’s Deity to eradicate injuries, the mainland and the Demon Race wandering soulless corpses …

Shi Yuan, it’s not easy.

Turning his head, looking at the endless demon field, Song Ren exhaled a long breath.

Since helping Nan Huangtong, who saved his second life, Su Youwei, he hasn’t waited for 2 days before heading to the demon realm to send a message to Sikong Bitu.

It’s funny to count. The last time I left, I thought I had been killed by the top of the Human Race. Even Yu Linglong was taken to the ‘military court’ for trial. Wouldn’t Yu Linglong bring back my news if Zhu San brought it back? Come back and say 2 more.

This time I left, I was chased and killed by the Fire King Zhu Xun. If it was not Madam Long’s security order card, if it was not the perfect switch between the two statuses of man and demon, if I did not own Deity Secret Realm, I used the coffin to repair internal injuries. Bye.

From Demon Race’s point of view, the first Boutique writer himself is bound to die again.

Next time if I have to return, if I use reasons, I can only say that I used Madam Long’s token, and then I lied to the Fire King Zhu Zhu, and was seriously injured and recovered in one place.

Well, the reason is similar.

However, this time it was very rewarding. With the help of gravity element magnetic peaks in Longshou Mountain, the Thunder Dragon blood essence was purified twice to get purple dragon ginseng, which saved Long Lan and gained their favor. It completely occupied the heels. In the future, you can mix the high-level circles of Demon Race, such as Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

I also met the masters from Great Wei, Mo Tianxing, the king of ice prison, Zhuo Zhu, the fire king of the Longshu dynasty, and Yue Wu Fairy, the ancient god of the moon, to let him understand that he was still in the face of those super experts. How much, I dare not slack off anymore.

Turning again, Song Ren smiled suddenly in the face of Human Race territory.

I will talk about what happened in the future, and now I am living in the present.

After a few trimmings, Song Ren moved forward again, and finally arrived in a quite bustling city on the border ten days later.

And finally sensed Heaven & Earth .Net again, send a message to Old Drunkard first.

“Teacher, I’m already on my way back, and the news has passed, you can rest assured!”

After just a while, Old Drunkard replied to the message: “It’s hard, so I can rest assured, pay attention to safety on the way back. During this time, Xuan Yi and I may be a bit busy. If you come back, stay in the Spirit Flower Pavilion. Take a rest, don’t worry about other things. “

Looking at the news, Song Ren thought about it and said, “Teacher, although I don’t know what is going on, is Sikong Senior really worthy of trust, after all, for decades, 10000 one …”

Old Drunkard said, “I know that your concerns will change from person to person, let alone talk about what will happen in such an environment. No one can tell. It depends on the Will of Heavens.”

“Also Teacher, I met Super Powerhouse such as Mo Tianxing, Zhu Xun and Yue Xuan in Demon Realm. They and Demon Race were on the front bar. When I escaped, Si Kong Senior stopped us for Mo Tianxing. If you don’t know exactly, you are worried about having an impact on your plan, “Song Ren added.

Sure enough, Old Drunkard said immediately: “Come and listen in detail.”

Song Ren had to say something about being taken to the head of Longshou Mountain by the Monster Sovereign.

After a long time, Old Drunkard smiled bitterly: “It’s didn’t expect, they actually shot, it should be to explore, now Divine Demon .Net and Heavenly Dao net 2 collision area opened up regardless of the blank area, Divine Demon .Net is still valued by them, but you can escape your life from Zhu Yi. This is Teacher. I’m sorry to put you in danger.

But you did it right. Once they found that 10000 you can transform between Demon Race and Human Race 2, that is the real trouble, but it should be fine. Sikong Bitu is not worse than Mo Tianxing. The guy is the most I am good at playing the pig to eat the tiger, besides there are other Demon Races to help me around. “

After listening to Old Drunkard, Song Ren was relieved.

“Well, pay attention to safety all the way, so if you want to go back to the Spirit Flower Pavilion or the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, you can do it yourself,” Old Drunkard said.

Song Ren closed Teacher’s chat box and entered the main interface of Heaven & Earth .Net. Sure enough, there was a blank space.

It’s like a full-screen webpage. Suddenly, a small corner of the edge is incomplete, asymmetric, and it looks a bit fatal to Obsssive Compulsive Disorder.

Song Ren Divine Consciousness doesn’t want to break in.

Is Demon Race’s Divine Demon .Net so powerful? It’s only been more than 50 years, and it has been able to start confrontation with Heaven & Earth .Net that has appeared for more than 2 1000 years. This is really a monster Emperor and the ancient demon god. ?

Song Ren suddenly felt that things were not that simple.

After a bit of exploration, Song Ren sent a message to Su Youwei.

“What are you doing?”

cough cough, it is estimated that straight men chat, this is the first sentence.

Soon, Su Youwei responded to the message: “I was finally willing to reply and disappeared for so long. I’m outside now, and I’ve traveled to 9 King City, how about you?”

Song Ren thought for a while, and immediately laughed: “Ah, don’t mention it, I was just caught by the Law Enforcement Group at the dynasty border. After a month of interrogation, I released the confession.”

Su Youwei suddenly became nervous: “What’s wrong? Did you collude with Demon Race?”

Song Ren: “Because I suspect you like you!”

Su Youwei over there, suddenly stiff, flushed: “You, what are you talking about.”

Song Ren is also a bit nervous. The relationship between the two people has not been broken before, but this time experienced a crisis of life and death, and strolled around the Demon Race, Song Ren did not know what happened. After seeing Su Youwei’s reply, Here comes the sentence.

But the arrow had to be fired on the string and continued.

“Also said that after investigation, my favorite thing is to talk to you.”

After a long time, Su Youwei replied: “When I disappeared for a while, when was my mouth so poor.”

Seeing the drama, Song Ren once again said, “Isn’t it wrong to me, I immediately turned my face on the spot and almost worked with the Law Enforcement Group.”

Su Youwei looked at the words on the light board, and suddenly lost his heart: “You, turn your face?”

Song Ren: “You have to turn your face. They are wronging me. My favorite thing is that I can see you every day with my eyes open. That can be limited to chatting.”

Su Youwei smiled suddenly: “I’m busy.”

Song Ren laughed, looking into the distance.

“9 King City, I have n’t been back to the Plum Book House for a long time. I just regained my heart and updated the” Confucianism and Taoism “. As for the Spirit Flower Pavilion, I won’t go back. This time,” Confucianism and Taoism “, I want to achieve good results. Never before! “Song Ren secretly thought.

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