Su Youwei is actually very clever, or in other words, on this continent, there has never been a fool.

But when a clever person gets caught up in something, he unconsciously becomes a fool in the eyes of others.

Just like today’s short day, Su Youwei, who has lost all his square feet, is helpless.

Old Drunkard kept his hands on his back, heard the tail from beginning to end, and finally understood.

Song Ren’s 3 Deity appeared in Skyrim, and he certainly saw it.

The author of “Have The Ability To Hit Me ‘Ah?” Is Song Ren. No one else knows it, even Xuan Yi.

According to Su Youwei, when the two were watching Skyrim Deity confrontation, he suddenly fainted, and then he also saw Song Ren’s 2 deity shots.

In other words, Song Ren controlled 3 Deity in a magical state and participated in it.

“9 King City-” Old Drunkard was finally relieved. It is estimated that Little Brat could not find his body after the return, it must have been bad.

This girl should have done bad things with good intentions.

When Old Drunkard was asking about the location of the syncope, a book flipped open on the table moved slightly.

Old Drunkard’s breath was out of his body, and he was on the edge of anger, so he quickly caught the eye.

The house was tightly closed and no air came in.

Old Drunkard, who has experienced winds and waves and countless bizarre events, suddenly has a faint speculation.

Song Ren gasped for breath on the table in order to blow the paper.

Is it so powerless to be a ghost, I’m too difficult.

But seeing Old Drunkard noticed this, Song Ren knew that Teacher was not a teacher, and he should understand what he meant.

Old Drunkard looked at Su Yangxuan with a look on his face and Su Youwei with red eyes at the moment, pretending to be sighed: “You go out, I’ll try.”

Seeing that Old Drunkard had accepted the Murderous intention, Su Yangxuan took a long breath, and then raised Su Youwei with a look of surprise: “It’s troublesome Senior.”

“That’s my disciple. No trouble or trouble.” Old Drunkard waved his hand, and the two of them quit.

Xuan Yi was also on the side, seeing Old Drunkard coming over, also going out, and holding back the others, staring out in person.

Seeing everyone going out, Old Drunkard smiled bitterly: “You child, I think it scared people, I was scared just now.”

Old Drunkard said to the table, there was no response when he saw it, but later he went to bed and looked at the mysterious warm jade on Song Ren. He took it down and held it in his palm: “Presumably this thing will make you unable to return, it is extremely extreme. Rare chalcedony, this Divine Sea of ​​Chaos is really generous. “

Song Ren ignored it at the moment, and rushed into his body with excitement.

Teacher is not a teacher, he sees the point of the matter at a glance.

Perceiving Song Ren’s body, it only took a moment to begin to become full and alive, and Old Drunkard knew that he was right.

After about five breaths, Song Ren, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes instantly, then blinked, and turned his head to look towards Old Drunkard: “Teacher-“

Seeing Song Ren’s mischievous appearance, Old Drunkard gently lifted him up and sat down: “Any more uncomfortable?”

Song Ren moved his sore neck and body, and shook his head. “No, it ran me all the way. In a hurry, from the distant sky to 9 King City, then to the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, to this Spirit. Flower Pavilion, running down again, I feel like I can dissipate myself. “

Old Drunkard also laughed, as long as the silly disaster was okay. As for what happened, plus what he saw and Su Youwei’s description, he had guessed pretty close.

Song Ren looked outside and lowered his voice: “Teacher, this time Sikong Bitu-“

Old Drunkard made a hissing hurry, frowning: “It is true that he has done a little too much, but because of this, it has attracted most of the forces from the dynasty, people, saved.”

Song Ren’s eyes widened suddenly.

Is it such a cow, that is Secret Realm of Wen Sheng of the Imperial Family. Although it is not complete and incomplete, there are countless powerhouses.

At the beginning of his own soul consciousness, a small strand was dragged by Xuan Chen. After two words, he was swallowed up by a monster.

“I’ll talk about this later, and I’ll explain it to someone outside, and see what kind of anxiety your little girlfriend is getting,” Old Drunkard said.

Song Ren blushed instantly, of course he saw it, and followed it all the way.

Outside, Su Youwei clenched his hands tightly, looking anxiously at the room all the time. If his Teacher couldn’t do anything about it, what would happen then?

She has experienced despair, but this despair, she would rather bear it than see her like this in front of her.

Su Yangxuan glanced at Xuan Yi, who was standing in front of the portal, and wanted to come over to comfort the daughter. Soon, there was a sudden sound of wind in the room, followed by thunder and crackle.

Seeing this, Su Youwei suddenly blinked his eyes, and Senior was casting Song Ren to save it.

About 5 minutes of time passed. Under the watch of everyone, Old Drunkard opened the door and was sweating all over his head. Xuan Yi saw this and wanted to help. Old Drunkard waved his hand, and then looked towards Su, who was hurrying. Youwei 2 people.

“Senior -“

“Fortunately, this kid was hit by an unclean thing, and it was hidden deeply. I have eliminated the evil spirits, and he will soon wake up,” Su Yangxuan twitched after listening to Old Drunkard’s words.

What is not clean?

Senior, these 2 years swindler dare not say that. Is my Su Family so foolish, when was I even worse than swindler.

Su Youwei heard the surprise and resentment on his face, and straightly stomped his feet: “Damn evil!”

Su Yangxuan: “…”

“Where am I? What happened?” Just then, Song Ren was holding out the door frame with a pale face, his face confused.

Seeing Song Ren’s appearance, Old Drunkard lamented for a while that he would not be the leading actor who has appeared in “Zhu Xian”. This acting ability can’t compare with himself.

After seeing Song Ren finally come to life, Su Youwei’s tears suddenly came down, and he rushed directly to hug Song Ren tightly: “You scared me to death–“

Su Yangxuan extend the hand, opened his mouth several times, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Seeing such joyfulness, others quietly left.

The first time I was held by a girl, Song Ren smiled and extended the hand and patted her back gently: “Little fool, my little fairy, it’s all right, all right, am I not good, sorry? ,make you worry.”


Su Yangxuan and Su Youwei stayed at the Spirit Flower Pavilion. In just one day, 2 wormhole jumps, even Su Yangxuan couldn’t stand it. Even more how, Song Ren recovered, and his daughter was on the side. He didn’t worry about going back alone.

Song Ren accompanied Su Youwei, visiting the Spirit Flower Pavilion, and occasionally looked towards the red misty forest in the distance.

Now as soon as I look at that place, the dragon-shaped mark on my brows is extremely hot.

“Is that the place where you and Lin Miaoke will compete?” Su Youwei said curiously when he saw Song Ren looking back again, holding Song Ren’s arm.

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