Song Ren nodded: “It can’t be compared. At first, it was for the fish dragon roar and the questioning butterfly inside. It was photographed by others, and it was sent up with some text. It was pure rumors.”

Su Youwei smiled: “I was nervous about you, and I didn’t say anything, but if there wasn’t that competition, maybe there would be one less piano song” Spirited Away “, which is a good thing.”

Song Ren did not know why, but felt a sense of jealousy.

“Otherwise, let’s try it down. Maybe you can get the dragon roar,” Song Ren suggested.

I didn’t expect Su Youwei, but shook his head: “No, I ’m relieved to see that you are okay. I ’m very satisfied with the past few days, and my dad is urging me to rush back to the Divine Sea of Chaos. “

Song Ren wondered, “Why?”

Su Youwei shook his head: “I don’t know, anyway, let me not run around this time.”

Although Song Ren didn’t understand, he didn’t force himself to stay: “When will I leave?”

“Afternoon, if you want to come, feel free to come,” Su Youwei laughed suddenly, playful.

Song Ren smiled nodded, and gently held her hand: “Yes.”

In the distance, Su Yangxuan looked at the intimacy of the two people. It was really not a taste in his heart. Such a good pot of flowers was just taken away by the kid in front of him. As a young father who cares for a big father, the taste is really beyond words.

In fact, he asked Su Youwei to rush back because the author of ‘Have The Ability To Hit Me’ Ah? ‘Charged Divine Heart of the tree demon.

Many of them were obvious to all, and they saw it at the time.

It is narcissistic to say that the author who has always helped them, this Divine Heart is definitely left to Su Youwei.

This is an intuition, otherwise, why is it so.

The first offense against Sikong Bitu, the second time, Divine Artifact helped to emerge, and this time he took Divine Heart in the public eye. He would not believe it if it was not left to Divine Sea of ​​Chaos.

This is the idea he and Nan Huangtong jointly guessed.

10000 Once he really came with the last Divine Heart, he had to ensure that Su Youwei was there, and then healed completely. At that time, depending on the author or what the forces behind wanted, they went to Divine Sea of ​​Chaos as much as possible. Satisfy.

The reason why I didn’t tell the daughter was that I was afraid that 10000 a believe oneself infallible would be wrong.

Old Drunkard came from behind, looking at the two people holding their arms, snuggling together and watching the morning sun, and smiled slightly.

“What a wonderful talent, I’m disciple with your daughter?” Old Drunkard jokingly said.

Su Yangxuan nodded: “Of course it is a good match, but Senior, my daughter ’s gift is very heavy.”

Old Drunkard glanced at Su Yangxuan, and immediately laughed loudly: “Relax, no one can match the gift I gave from the disciple.”

Yeah, that gift has already been given.


In the afternoon, Su Yangxuan and Su Youwei left, and at midnight, Old Drunkard brought Song Ren with his sleepy eyes to the top of the mountain, in the secret Secret Realm.

Outside, Xuan Yi has been waiting for a long time.

“This is the place where Xuan Chen Senior is going to heal?” Song Ren has been awake all the way.

Old Drunkard nodded, Xuan Yi was suddenly saluted towards Song Ren, startled Song Ren, and quickly reciprocated and helped: “Senior, the shame is small.”

Xuan Yi said earnestly: “This gift must be worshipped, many thanks you, go deep into the Xia Family Imperial Palace, so that we can know that the news of my big brother who has been alive for so many years has been quietly rescued, let me be here There is another loved one in the world. “

Song Ren quickly looked towards Old Drunkard. The last time in the Sea of ​​Devil, he accepted the death of an emperor author, and the Secret Realm source collapsed, allowing him to successfully break through to Transform God Boundary because he was a Steamed Bun musician and was accepted by Xia. Zhilan invited him, and Old Drunkard asked him to go with Xuan Yi Senior’s blood.

I got Thunder Dragon blood essence in Funeral Soul Valley, and then was pulled by Suan Power by Xuan Chen to sense the incident. Then he rescued Zhu San, left the dynasty, and told Teacher about the incident.

In the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, he helped Nan Huangtong gather Deity, and then sneaked into Demon Race to report to Sikong Bitu. The two parties cooperated to save Xuan Chen.

Old Drunkard turned to Song Ren nodded, Song Ren only let go of sorry, Xuan Yi saw this, and worshiped solemnly.

Song Ren accepts.

“Well, you can go in and see, I won’t go,” Old Drunkard said.

Song Ren looked at Old Drunkard and probably understood why Teacher didn’t go in.

When he first met Xuan Chen, who was sealed by heavy chains, he asked Xuan Yi to take a word and watch out for Jian Wuchen.

The Teacher was Jian Wuchen. Although he didn’t know the specific reason, he chose to believe the Teacher without much questioning and went in with Xuan Yi.

This is a secret cave space. The outside is hidden by a layer of concealment. When you enter it, you immediately feel a warmth. After a few more turns, the interior is similar to a room. On the bed, an old man with white hair was meditating on his knees.

His breath was weak, like an old man from Mundane, with several scars on his face, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

He is exactly Xuan Chen, the big brother of Xuan Yi, and the one who Song Ren saw in the back.

Seeing the big brother slowly recovering, Xuan Yi smiled.

At the moment, Xuan Chen heard the sound, slowly eyes opened, watching Song Ren’s appearance, and said hoarsely, “I remember you.”

Song Ren quickly saluted: “Junior is here to congratulate Senior on getting out of trouble.”

Xuan Chen had a violent cough, and Xuan Yi hurried over to transport the Spiritual Qi from his back to help stabilize.

“It’s okay,” Xuan Chen waved his hand, and then said, “This time I can come back alive again. Without you, there might not be any, I remember, when you said you were under the order of your Teacher, with the blood of Lingmei. Come, let me feel the breath of Cang Divine Race’s loved ones, and the one who saved me this time, listen to Xuan Yi, it is also your Teacher.

Life-saving grace, when it comes to reporting, who is your Teacher, so that I can know, after the recovery of energy, go to thank. “

When Song Ren heard it, he looked at Xuan Yi who shook his head gently without a trace, and saluted: “Senior is kind, my teacher said, you should meet when you meet, you should hurry up and recover your body.”

Seeing Song Ren reluctant to disclose, Xuan Chen was helpless. He now even got out of bed and poured himself a glass of water for gasping for breath. What could he do? He also asked Xuan Yi, but she refused to say.

The two talked a few more words, and Xuan Chen sweated out of his head. Xuan Yi put Song Ren’s chalcedony on the body of Divine Sea of ​​Chaos on his big brother’s neck and took Song Ren with him. Out.

Outside, Old Drunkard sat on the stone and blew the wind, saw 2 people coming out, looked at the eastern halo in the distance, and sighed.

“It’s going to be bright, Xuan Yi, the big brother’s injury is very serious, and it can’t be recovered overnight. One month later, let Song Ren go to Cang Divine Race. At that time, it was the younger Bloodline of Cang Divine Race. You should have a place on the day of the ceremony, right? “Old Drunkard said.

Xuan Yi Yiyi: “Do you want Song Ren to pick up that thing and help the big brother recover?”

Old Drunkard nodded: “Well, I always feel that a major event will happen in recent years, but if the big brother recovers like this, it wo n’t be possible without a 2 year, and it will only be it.”

“But I haven’t given it away for decades. They have long forgotten about this lineage, especially after the big brother second brother,” Xuan Yi busy.

There was a smile on the corner of Old Drunkard’s mouth: “But after all, you are from the Divine Race, and there are several Elders who have been eager for your return, right.”

Xuan Yi suddenly became silent, and then looked towards Song Ren with a stern look.

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