Thunder Dragon’s illusory shadow then looked again towards White Dragon.

“True or false, false or true, after all, is still alive,” and then he extended the hand, seeming to cross Great Desolate, freeze countless spaces and time, and then pointed at White Dragon’s eyebrows.

Song Ren behind him swallowed a spit, because in Song Ren’s sense, this White Dragon seemed to be hiding in a neglected period in the past, not in front of his eyes.

In his eyes, with the press of Ray dragon phantom, White Dragon started to gradually become smaller and condensed, making the red mist around this White Dragon thicker.

In the end, nothing was even visible.

Until then, Rai dragon phantom raised his hand gently, a sleeping girl about 4 years old, slowly floating out of the red mist, and he was entrusted to the palm of his hand.

The girl was dressed in red-clothed and looked pink and pink, her fair skin was as smooth as sheep fat, and her face was full of childishness and innocence, real Little Luoli, but her hair was white but shiny. , Not the kind of white hair caused by old age, but a kind of bright light.

Song Ren looked at this scene inconceivably, but remembered such a sentence in his mind.

“Person, 100 years old. Dragon, 100 years old, and the King and I are born, the King is not changed but I am old.”

The middle-aged person looked at the little Luoli entrusted, and slowly turned to look at Song Ren. The voice seemed to come from Antiquity Era.

“I ca n’t see your face, I do n’t know if you are a man or a woman. This is just a consciousness that I left a long time ago. Later, protect her. This is a cause and effect that you have my blood essence. Remember her Her name is Bai Mo! “The middle-aged figure gradually became transparent, and the sleeping little girl slowly drifted towards Song Ren.

Song Ren can’t believe it. I’m not married yet.

Or is it a True Dragon grandma, if you let others know that the little girl’s body is a long-extinct True Dragon, how can she be stable?

“No, Senior, I—” Song Ren immediately lifted the head, which was a time bomb.

However, the only idea left by Senior Thunder Dragon has completely dissipated, a drop of silver’s blood essence floated back again, entered the eyebrow, and turned into a mark.

With the disappearance of Long Wei, the fire ape in the distance tried to come over, full of doubts, and once again made sure that every time it passed here, Bloodline’s trembling breath disappeared, and finally cheering excitedly got up, jumping around Song Ren again He jumped again, and then pulled his corner to go deep.

Song Ren looked at it hesitantly. The girl was still breathing. If she was still here, she would feel uneasy.

Maybe the IQ of this dragon girl really looks like 4-5 years old, 10000 Senior Thunder Dragon gives him a curse.

if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off.

It’s more of that ’cause and effect. ‘

Song Ren poked away the dragon girl Bai Mo’s forehead. There were no raised dragon horns and dragon scales. Like normal children, long eyelashes must have big eyes.

Fire ape zhi zhi shouted, Song Ren had no choice but to pick her up and follow Fire ape deeper.

After countless dense forests, two mountain peaks that are like arms, connected by a thick iron chain, seem to enter the Great Desolate of ancient times, and finally arrive at the last time, the tall and unimaginable blue giant tree.

The tree is surrounded by numerous vines, and many blue jellyfish creatures are floating and wriggling.

At the root of the giant tree, there was a roaring fire ape sounding from the tree hole.

As Song Ren came in holding Bai Mo, almost 500 fire monkeys screamed and jumped from all directions at once, and surrounded Song Ren.

They all know Song Ren, and they are psychic, especially when they feel that Song Ren is back again, they quickly sent Little Monkey to invite Song Ren.

Looking at the altar in front, the one with the warrior helmet exposed only the nose and mouth, the two sides of the helmet, the part containing the eyes, each has three blue female angel statues with flaps of light.

Behind the stone statue, there is a halo.

Below the stone statue is the old bone of the old Ape monkey with a cracked bottle gourd on its back.

Everything seems the same as last time.

Many fire apes surround Song Ren, and several of them are curious to touch the dragon girl in Song Ren’s arms, and Song Ren turns to his side.

At the next moment, many fire apes exploded, because up ahead, an old fire ape with a cane and a waist was coming, and behind it was a strong fire ape.

The old fire ape pointed at the altar, howling, pouting, and signaled Song Ren to play the music as before, in front of his ancestors and Saintess.

Song Ren understands that it seems that this group of monkeys who like music and the ancestor Bloodline is very interesting.

The last time I saw the old fire ape and let him play, what is the purpose of this time?

He turned his head and understood quickly.

Because behind that sturdy fire ape, several fire apes bowed their waists, each holding something in their hands.

Crown of garlands, grass roots of the scarlet, brand new scepter, and several dragon roars holding 6 fish.

Song Ren doesn’t understand, this is the alternation of the new and old kingship, and he is catching up at this time.

Soon, he remembered a piano song in his mind, quickly exchanged with system, and then deepened to the memory.

10000 is good, isn’t that a few extremely rare fish dragon roar?

Song Ren was nodded towards the old fire ape, and then headed directly towards the altar. Then he gently put the dragon girl aside and took out the piano. Suddenly, many fire apes leaned forward and howled on the ground, old fire ape With that strong fire ape, leaned against the bones of the ancestor of the altar.

Song Ren lifts the head, looking at the statue, sighing in my heart.

I really don’t know how much this Angel-like warrior liked music at the time, so that the pets who followed him also liked to be in the bones, and then passed down from generation to generation.

Speaking of which, because of her preference, she got some good chances in this red mist forest.

Song Ren transfigured the stool with spirit strength, sitting in front of the piano, he has thoroughly learned the “Undead Overture” just now, and the quick method is easy to use, in addition to costing money.

The coronation ritual should be solemn, but Song Ren doesn’t like the slowness of the West, and what he is facing at this moment is a group of fire apes who opened spiritual wisdom. The old king abdicated and the new king came to the throne.

The new king will take on his own responsibilities to protect his ethnic group and even fight.

At this time, how can we have less of this “Undead Overture”.

Speaking of which, this is even more my own memories, my own youth.

“Brother, have you heard of demonic beast?”

“Oh, that’s a game.”

“No, it’s an era!”

One day my life will reach its end, and you-will be crowned king!

Song Ren put his hands on the piano, closed his eyes, and seemed to be back.

The old fire ape took up a new scepter and faced the new king.

The dragon girl on the altar twitched her eyelashes slightly, and then slowly opened her eyes.

At that moment, Angel statue seemed to turn around …

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