Song Ren played unforgettable, it seems that this music has been performed countless times.

Today, times have changed, and how many people remember their youth.

Dancing in Storm Wind City together, going to the Dalaran Starling together, destroying the wasteland copy together, brushing the brother together, the head suddenly went dark, and never lighted up again.

Gray head, silently telling the years.

This unforgettable piece of music resounded in my ears, and the dream I once settled in that distant Azeroth.

Orcs, never slaves!

With the fierce and tragic music continuously sounding, the old fire ape who is crowning the new king, and even other fire apes, are all staring at Song Ren’s unforgettable interpretation, each and everyone’s eyes glowing and moving.

Many fire apes once again looked towards the alternation of the old and new kings at the altar, but it felt so sacred and exciting. The blood of each and everyone seemed to be burning with the music, and he couldn’t help clapping his chest and howling.

Alternate and start again.

There is a kind of music that is persistence, youth, faith, strength, and blood.

It is the soul song of this demonic beast.

Song Ren is playing faster and faster. He is no longer performing for the dragon roar, but for his youth.

Many fire apes continue to cheer to the new king who has been crowned.

Domineering, wild, lofty ten thousand zhang, never say no, Nirvana Rebirth.

The beautiful melody reverberates in the tree hole. While the passion is sacred, there is less fear and confusion, and a more mysterious and yearning, just like the first morning light emerging in the darkness before dawn.

An epic BGM “victory” frees the dead spirits in the ancient Soul Valley and gives Song Ren Thunder Dragon blood essence.

The Old Sovereign Lord even renamed it ‘Into the Formation’ and distributed it to the hands of the army, completely establishing the glory and identity of Song Ren musicians.

And this song is not weaker than that one, but no one knows, only the more than 500 fire apes in front of them became the first batch, or the last batch of viewers.

Song Ren’s performance reached the final stage, and even the rhythm began to slowly relax.

This is a farewell to the times, farewell to the memories of previous lives.

With the last note stopped, everything seemed to freeze.

In front of him, it seemed to emerge again, the black cloak, mottled armor and Bone Blade, sharp minions, the flame of the soul beating in the eyes, looking at the frozen throne in the distance, slowly away from himself, Shouted, “For King Lich!”

Song Ren opened his eyes slowly, his eyes were a little moist, he closed the piano, and sighed softly.

Many fire apes bowed to Song Ren.

This is a gratitude.

Song Ren slightly smiled, also saluted.

Maybe this is a farewell to my dream.

Six fire apes came out from the back under the signal of the new king, each holding a constantly moving fish, dragon roar.

Song Ren smiled and extended the hand, expressing his gratitude, and immediately after he was about to collect it, he stretched out a small pink hand from behind him, caught a fish dragon roar and put it in his mouth to eat.

The weird scene shocked Song Ren.

As you can imagine, after you’ve just forgotten to play a piece of music, if no one accepts the feedback of a group of monkeys in front of you, and then you haven’t stumbled yet, a pink hand stretches out from your sleeve to grab your own results .

Song Ren really jumped 3 feet high, and then, when he saw, a silver white hair, pink carving and jade carving, his eyes were like the star-like dragon girl Bai Mo, and he was putting the fish dragon roar into his mouth and chewing , A trace of pure energy into the mouth.

I’ll go. When will she wake up?

Seeing the Dragon Girl again staring at the other five fish dragon roar, Song Ren quickly took it in and accepted it.

Fortunately, she just woke up again and gave a full blow.

Then I looked at more than 500 fire apes full of red hair. Then I compared myself with Song Ren’s body and felt Dragon Qi within Song Ren within the body. I suddenly flew over with a smile and hugged. Song Ren’s thigh, wiping his face intimately.


Song Ren only felt Five Thunderbolts for a while, and quickly pushed away Dragon Girl to explain.

“Don’t scream, I’m not married yet, I’m just entrusted to take care of you. You scream like this, you are responsible for my reputation,” Song Ren hurriedly.

Joke, I am an unmarried man, and now I bring a baby, how to explain to others in the future.

Could it be me and Su Youwei?

He dare to say this, 2nd day Su Yangxuan dare to launch the entire Divine Sea of ​​Chaos wanted him, and justify the reputation of daughter.

In order to prove innocence, is this an incarnation of True Dragon?

That also requires people to believe, and if they really believe it, let alone Demon Race, Human Race will restrain them all.

A drop of Thunder Dragon blood essence left the Old Sovereign Lord willing to let his granddaughter give birth to a good seedling, let alone a living dragon girl.

“Although I was the first person you saw with your eyes open, but I’m not your father. You can call me a big brother in the future, remember,” Song Ren quickly vaccinated her and changed her mouth.

Bai Mo scratched her head, she didn’t remember anything, but just felt that the person in front of him was so kind. Facing Song Ren, Dragon Girl Bai Mo pointed at Song Ren’s behind.

“But that sister said, you are my father.”

“Good child, don’t listen to others chewing their tongues, but I’m married … sister? What sister?” Song Ren turned around and saw behind him, a female Angel floating, waving the black wings gently, staring Under the statue, the old Ape corpse, which had been reduced to bones.

All the fire apes do not know when they are crawling on the ground kneeling, trembling with fear, for fear of making the slightest sound.

That way, it looks like the Thunder Dragon humanoid illusory shadow that dissipated before.

No, are you kidding me?

She was covered in armor, with smooth legs and a mask, and could not see her looks, but the floating golden-yellow hair under the helmet was so eye-catching.

Song Ren hurriedly backed away from her.

what is it today?

Thunder Dragon’s divide sense illusory shadow, the dragon girl’s incarnation, opened her mouth and called her father, and now the angel Angel of this statue has come out.

In the middle of the night, is there too much information I receive? Can it give me time to digest.

At this moment Angel illusory shadow looked at Old Ape, turned into a long sigh, and then slowly turned around, looking at the dragon girl who was curiously staring at her, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

“Xiao Xi, long time no see.”

The sound was like the Orchid Valley Orchid, as if it came from the ancient times.

“Sister, I seem to have met you,” when Dragon Girl Bai Moxi heard that she called herself Xiaoxi, her eyes were full of confusion: “Am I Xiaoxi? I ​​don’t remember.”

Angel Saintess lifts the head looked towards Song Ren: “Ask your father what’s your name?”

Seeing Angel looking towards him, Song Ren had an unexplainable burst in his heart and subconsciously said, “Bai Mo.”

I soon felt wrong: “Senior, you misunderstood, I’m not her father, I’m personal.”

The small dragon girl heard about it, with a look of surprise: “I’m Bai Mo, thank you Dad.”

Song Ren: “…”

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