“So, hand it over!” Tianshu’s mouth revealed said with a sneer.

Song Ren directly protects Xiaoxi with a shield, and on the back of the foot, a thick silver light emerges quickly, and with the thunder, the body suddenly shakes suddenly, and a thunderstroke is formed.

“Give you uncle, old fart, have the ability to get it yourself,” Song Ren finished, and after Su Youwei sound transmission, took the lead in launching an attack.

Tianshu sneered in the air: “The teeth are sharp and sharp, don’t beg for mercy later.”

After Tianshu whispered to himself, the sleeve robe swung fiercely, with a sharp wind of terror, and dozens of sharp blades went directly to Song Ren.

Song Ren dodged quickly with the speed of thunder and the Instant Talisman Gate that opened instantly.

At this time, time can’t be delayed, because no one knows that they are imprisoned in this space without further rescue.

The realm between themselves and the others and Tianshu is too big, and in the end, they must have died first without any suspense.

Then, you can only take a gamble, and at the fastest speed, take advantage of his care for them now, kill him first.

What’s more, the two parties are not able to reconcile. Since they are understood small, they dare to take action against Su Youwei. They originally held the idea that nobody knows and works secretly. Otherwise, there is definitely a helper rather than a person who greets them. of.

The space fluctuated. Song Ren brought a thunder, and directly drilled out from the rippled space. A thunder whipped past, and instantly split the two sharp blades of strength into two halves. Rao is so, Song Ren still feels his hand. A burst of sour.

The Third Step’s mighty blow can have such power.

The Su Youwei below also directly displayed the magical powers at the bottom of her press box, and quickly printed on her hand. Behind her, a clear blue water mist appeared. With the sound of roar coming from the water mist, a sob came out. sound.

Immediately afterwards, the three Sea Beast heads were soaring out of the mist, each one exuding the breath of Transform God Boundary great perfection, plus their own skin is rough, flesh is thick, which is comparable to Just promoted to the hole virtual reality.

Not to mention the person who is Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, summon 3 people with the same level of battle strength.

Su Youwei’s face was pale, and at this moment he did not dare to procrastinate, soaring directly with 3 Sea Beasts to help.

Xiaoxi was nervously enclosed in a mask and watched the five holes in the realm playing against the old man.


With another blow, Song Ren’s abdomen burned, and he quickly dislodged all the energy that broke into within the body. He even took a few steps back to stabilize his figure.

This is not the way to go. The gap in strength is too wide, and people have already made sufficient preparations.

Pu chi!

The next moment, Sea Beast, which was originally lurking behind Tianshu, was pinched directly by one of Tianshu’s hands, and Su Youwei suddenly spit out blood and was stingy.

Song Ren stomped on the Eight Talisman Gate and hurried up, blocking directly in front of Su Youwei, giving her a blow.

“Thank you,” Su Youwei said in just 2 words, and he recovered quickly.

Song Ren was nodded, and turned up instantly. At this moment, there was still room to hide. He shook his fist violently, his hands thundered, and then shot directly at his brows.

Ang ~~

With a louder roar of the dragon, a dragon full of thunderbolt suddenly turned out, Song Ren stepped on it, and the whole person seemed like a thunder god.

The sudden change made Su Youwei stunned. After being shocked, Tianshu over the sky felt the coercion of the True Dragon, and suddenly laughed heartily: “The joy of surprise, the joy of surprise, well, this time there is no danger In vain, everything you will be mine. “

Tianshu laughed heartily, and then left and right hands turned directly into two huge Formation vortex, from which there was a roar of fiery lava.

The other party is playing with them.

Su Youwei even had a huge folding fan in his hand for an instant, and went uncontrollably towards Tianshu’s waist.

The two lava objects were blocked by the two Sea Beast heads, which made Sea Beast’s figure much transparent instantly.

The fan passed by, but was blocked by a large blade of Tianshu, and a huge buzz came.

For the treasure of the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, Tianshu dare not entrust it.

Song Ren stood at the head of the dragon at this moment, arrogantly and energetically, sacrifice the inheritance Magical Powers in dragon’s blood.

The next moment, in front of Song Ren, formed a huge dragon-shaped mark, which was no longer a silver lightning, but all turned black.

Song Ren’s complexion turned pale, his hair fluttered, his shirt fluttered, and his bloody murderous intention was revealed.

If this time there is no breakthrough to the hole, and it will not be able to perform at all, didn’t expect it to do its best once and it will succeed.

“Close!” Song Ren said softly, and then soundly transmitted Su Youwei and the two Sea Beasts suddenly retreated.

The huge Formation suddenly turned into a black thunderbolt, with the terrifying coercion of world destruction, twisting the surrounding space and heading for Tianshu.

Tianshu’s face was horrified. Really strong Magical Powers didn’t dare to care about it anymore, but it was too late. The speed of this thunderbolt was too fast. He immediately set up a formula with himself as the center.


The thunderous sound of thunder blasted directly in everyone’s ears. Countless black thunderbolts exploded to the ground like one after another python, causing the lava to burst and the flames to burn. The entire space moved.

Huge thunder arcs are jumping on the ground, releasing amazing fluctuations and destructive power.

Su Youwei couldn’t believe looking at Song Ren standing on the dragon’s head. Is this the guy from the small town or an acquaintance he knew?

What is this Magical Powers?


Hearing the scream of Tianshu inside, Song Ren hurriedly carried out the last move of the ‘Lei Lin Yin’.

The imprints of numerous strikes on the ground continue to flow through, crushing the lava flow channel, and the black glow roars out, intertwined with each other to form a complex and complex formation diagram.

Weng weng!

The huge formation diagram outlines a huge black light lotus composed of thunderbolt.

Guanglian bloomed with a strong depth, and saw the thunder arc moving, but quiet without any sound, in sharp contrast to the thunderbolt still bombing in the sky.

Tianshu rushed out with a shawl in his hair, his face blackened and ragged, and he admitted that he had taken care.

The two cricket ants turned his gutter almost over.

“Boy, congratulations on your mess with me …” Before he finished, the huge black Guanglian quietly wrapped him in and closed the lotus.

Immediately afterwards, the lotus was completely detonated, and the dazzling white light rose from the sky, like a Self-destruction of a planet.

Buzzing in his ears, Song Ren was lifted down by a huge air wave, caught by Su Youwei, and the two of them joined forces to protect Xiao Xi.

As if only a few breaths, and it seems like a long time, Song Ren look pale, lifts the head, everything has disappeared, there is only one in the sky, flesh blooming, and the arm of a broken arm.

Seeing each other still alive, both of them were cold.

It’s terrifying, it’s not dead.

“It’s very good, I’m going to crush your bones!” The cold voice with hatred came out of Tianshu’s trembling body.

Su Youwei was holding Song Ren, looking at Song Ren’s pale face, faint breath, and suddenly smiled: “Take Xiaoxi out and go back alive.”

Song Ren complexion changed: “What are you doing?”

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