Su Youwei suddenly said, let Song Ren startled, Xiaoxi quickly grabbed Su Youwei’s arm: “Auntie, what are you doing?”

Su Youwei looked at Xiao Xi, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and gently touched Xiao Xi’s face: “Auntie wants to let you out.”

Song Ren quickly said, “I don’t allow you to come in random, no matter what, there is me.”

“But you have already exerted all your strength. The gap between us and him is too great. We can only fight to death. Someone will avenge me …”

“If you want to report, that’s also your report. When you were in Qingyun Mountain, you already saved me once. Why, save people and get addicted. After I agreed, if I die, I will die in front of you, not a Behind the woman, “Song Ren seized Su Youwei, his voice extremely firm.


The remaining 2 head holes in the virtual world Sea Beast seemed to be commanded at this moment. While being seriously injured by Song Ren, Tian Shu, who had not recovered, directly roared and rushed up.

“Evil creature, came just right, I really thought … bad—” Tianshu endured the pain, and the spiritual strength of the whole chaos within the body. As soon as I started, I saw the Sea of ​​Two Heads of Illusion. When Beast approached him, he didn’t attack, but became full of spirit strength.

Tianshu immediately turned around.


Sea Beast, who has the power of 2 head holes, chose Self-destruction directly.

That is Sea Beast, which is comparable to a hole in the imagination. The powerful explosion made Song Ren almost bent subconsciously again to protect Xiao Xi.

Ahhh ~~

Tianshu, who was spitting blood, was hit again, and the idea of ​​3 again and again made him a situation where he could easily win, but now he has become such a ghost.

Su Youwei, who lost three of his beasts, Sea Beast, was also terrifying with a pale face, but forcibly swallowed the blood that was pouring out.

Song Ren clutched Su Youwei, hurrying to lifts the head: “We still have a chance, I still have God …”

Song Ren’s words came abruptly, because he originally held Su Youwei’s hand tightly, at this moment, it became transparent, like a water person, and in front of Su Youwei, the five faces on his face were completely blurred, just like Song Ren playing music, those water people.

Song Ren immediately lifted the head, Su Youwei’s delicate body was facing them.

Behind her, a halo flickered.

“You don’t have a chance,” and Tian Shu, who is still above, can give Su Youwei a chance to show, instantly dragging his stubborn body, and the black mist grows wildly around his body. A set of black armor is formed directly on the body surface in the blink of an eye.

There was only one arm, with sharp teeth growing on it, and then his right foot fell forward in a big step. Next moment arrived in front of Su Youwei, with madness and resentment on his face.

Su Youwei’s body is constantly bursting with burning power and strength is increasing. She is burning her cultivation base and burning her soul, but the imprint in her hand is not finished yet, and Tianshu has come to her.

“Dead -“


Su Youwei felt only a hot face, buzzing in his ears, and eyes opened slowly, and saw that there was blood on the corner of Song Ren’s mouth, and behind him a huge crystal coffin, looking at her with a forced smile.

“I haven’t married you yet, so I won’t be allowed to make my own decision, okay?”

Su Youwei looked at Song Ren, his burning power calmed down, and suddenly his eyes became red.

2 people are close at hand, there is only each other in their eyes, the quiet Heaven and Earth seems to be only 2 of them, next moment, Song Ren suddenly kissed her face: “This is the punishment you did without my consent, Whatever it is, there is me. “Song Ren finished, pushing her down with a gentle force with one hand.

As the distance widened, Su Youwei had wanted to say something, but her heart was calmer than ever in this brief moment. Until she saw the coffin on Song Ren, she was so familiar …

The cruel smile on Tianshu’s face has not yet converged, and his eyes are full of unbelievable, because he gave the blow with all his strength and did not break the coffin. Just now if Su Youwei took the blow, he could completely her Blast, what is this treasure?

Song Ren directly took out two jade bottles, drank 2 drops of spiritual milk, and then grabbed the crystal coffin and slammed it.


Tianshu went out to shoot directly.

“Lao Tzu’s woman, you can fight it, it’s really courting death!” The direct drinking of Ling Milk made Song Ren perform 2 powerful attacks before and after. The spiritual strength in Meridian has been exhausted. And full.

Tianshu, who was blown out by the fan, looked at the cracks in the armor and the coffin unbelievably. How could it be so hard? What coffin?

Wait, why is that coffin so familiar, and where does it seem to have been seen?

At this moment Xiaoxi hurriedly came to help the fallen Su Youwei and shouted, “Daddy, use those 3 giants to beat him!”

“Giant?” Su Youwei coughed out blood, and then suddenly remembered the origin of the coffin and looked towards the sky.

Song Ren danced like a mad monster, fiercely stepped forward,

In the next moment, in the eyes of Tianshu, Song Ren even split into 3 parts and disappeared instantly.

“Where have you been?” In his induction, Song Ren’s breath disappeared completely, disappear without a trace.

What is this Magical Powers?

“9 Wraiths, Fiendgod, use my Blood Body, sacrificed, 3 lives and 7 years, forever fall into Yan Luo, just for love, although I do not regret it,” There was an empty mumble, suddenly from this quiet Space sounds.


When Tianshu hadn’t responded, his face suddenly changed, and he retreated sharply. Next moment, a huge scepter emerged directly from where he was standing, even the space was pierced.

Then, one arm, holding a Fire Burning Stick weapon, slowly came out of it.

Its body is extremely huge, its clothes are hunting and hunting, its face is covered with a grimace mask, and its whole body is so powerful that it has reached the realm of the late stage of the cave.

Deity, strengthened by the enhancement of the master’s strength, its potential is infinite.

Realm, who had fallen a long time ago, couldn’t believe what he was looking at, and blurted out in panic: “Deity, ghost, how could–“

This space was sealed by him, how could Deity come in?

Xiaoxi clucked and smiled. Su Youwei also stared at Deity stunned, and seemed to think of something, body trembled.

“I, 100 won’t die, live for war, live for war, I’m Chen Zhan!” Next moment, a very overbearing voice came from a distance, the voice revealed a great majesty, with As the thunderbolt spread through Heaven and Earth, there was an indescribable crazy fighting intent.

Tianshu suddenly jumped over with his head, and a huge dot appeared suddenly, almost smashing him to death.

He just flew up, and a golden-yellow sword came with the roar of the dragon, like a spirit, and when he flew sideways, he took the hair directly.

He was horrified with a look on his head, looking at a broken stone platform, a broken big knife suspended in the air, and then extended two huge palms from the space, pinching them in the palm.

It was a huge Deity with a fighting intent at the moment, an indifferent and resolute look, with many scars on his face, his eyes were hollow, and he seemed to have demonic essence, not angry.

Its hair fluttered, and also stared at Tianshu with the terror in the later stage of the hole.

The trembling murmured again.

“No worship, no kneeling, I only honor myself in my life!”

“Deity, Chen Zhan!” Su Youwei stood up and looked at him softly.

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