Old Drunkard’s speculation was indeed accurate. It took only 5 days, and it was revealed on the Internet that a large number of Divine Sea of ​​Chaos cultivator, hiding the sky and covering the earth were nearly hundreds of thousands. Among many roar’s Sea Beasts, the sky was covered. The black and white one turned on the large teleportation and appeared directly inside and outside the Divine Race 1000.

Numerous sects and passers-by were shocked. This damn thing was either the Demon Race invasion or the rhythm of war.

Look again at the hunting flag and armor, or the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos in the top circle of influence.

This battle strength and imposing manner, menacing, a look of deep hatred, who, dare to mess with the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, are you dead?

Many people followed, followed, filmed, and recorded in real time, until the Divine Race where the soldiers were heading.

Oh my god, this is the rhythm of trouble.

Two giant tigers are about to bite. This will be the biggest thing in so many years, except for Deity.

If they go to war, heaven knows how many powerful fighters will be killed or injured, of course, the happiest must be Demon Race. If this matter is not handled well, even the other party will take extreme measures.

[Divine Sea of ​​Chaos sends troops to Cang Divine Race, why is it so popular? 】

When such a headline appeared on the headline, it instantly attracted the attention of countless people. Follow up, leave a message, and guess.

With so many people eating melon, it’s not a big deal to talk to others.

Even other large forces quickly rushed to dissuade and inquire. On the other side of the dynasty, the emperor Xia Ying came with the Guards in person.

Cang Divine Race is of course an enemy. They are not afraid of the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos. After all, the power and strength are much higher than the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos. However, for no reason, for them, they can directly beat them. Get 1000 sores and 100 holes.

Injured 1000, self-damaged 800.

Cang Divine Race patriarch brought everyone out and asked why, you have to give me a reason.

Some time ago, your daughter still came to us as a guest. The younger generation improved their communication with each other. Although not very happy, it was also fun. How could you turn your head like this?

It was only a question that I learned that your sect’s Tianshu Elder followed and killed her girlfriend and the Steamed Bun of the music network, causing a serious injury to the daughter. The 3 natal Sea Beasts that have been cultivated for many years have crashed directly, if not 3 children He was rescued by a senior who passed by on condition of anonymity, and was assassinated long ago. Even who did it may not be found.

patriarch was terrified, Tianshu, but the old Third Step was powerful, and they were the people of the heavens. I did n’t see the past few days. He thought he had been closed-door cultivation on his own mountain, and quickly sent someone to go. Looking for it, I found out that Tianshu’s life card left in sect was cracked, which means that he was dead.

Tianshu could not have been killed by someone else in his own territory, only he went out. Now looking at this battle, Tianyi already believes 70-80%.

Is this Old Guy crazy? Go and kill 2 Juniors. Is it because the person representing Xuanmai joined this year and won the third place?

This makes the other three veins look at the way my heavenly veins behave.

That ’s it, you still carry the young master of Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, what do you think?

You can kill assault. It’s a success. Now, simply, it is a dead loss. I have returned myself. Now let the entire Cang Divine Race clean up the mess for you. After not going out for so many years, I will give you directly. To be scrapped.

Divine Sea of ​​Chaos is such a big battle, and even the Imperial Family has come forward. The older generation of Elder is really ashamed to deal with the new generation of Junior.

What else can I do? Of course, Tianyi apologized. People sit at home, and disaster comes from heaven.

Under the testimony of many forces, Teana lost a lot of gifts, as well as various Magical Powers. The Imperial Family came forward to lobby, and the two sides looked for each other’s steps, and it took another ten days to go back and forth, and then they retreated.

After learning about the whole sequence of events, everyone ’s senses of Cang Divine Race suddenly changed badly, and many fans left messages for Song Ren and Su Youwei, asking them about their safety.

Su Youwei didn’t return, Song Ren didn’t return, and in a short time, public opinion turned to one side.

On the Spirit Flower Pavilion, there are also many Song Ren female fans, including Su Yuan, who really did n’t expect. During that time, he and Su Youwei went to the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, and they would experience such a calamity. The passing ‘Senior’ came to the rescue, wouldn’t it be complete?

Looking at Xiao Xi playing at the same time, how sad she would be if she died at that time.

“Are you afraid at the time?” Su Yuan asked lovingly.

Xiaoxi thought about Dad’s warning, nodded: “Fear, but there was the Great Grandpa who appeared and beat him down.”

Sitting on a rock, looking at the lawn in the distance, Xiao Xi roared, ao wu ao wu learned to Su Yuan, smiled lightly, closed the headlines.

It seems that Su Uncle is really furious. He even fought such a big battle and attracted the attention of countless people. It also made some people start to understand the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos and Cang Divine Race. They have not shown the mountains and not. The power of revealing the water.

This is really comfortable.

So, after Xuan Chen’s injury, return to Cang Divine Race, what kind of justice will he get back?

It seems that in the next few years, the huge monster Cang Divine Race will undergo an internal change.

However, this was not his consideration. Su Youwei still didn’t contact him during this time. Song Ren also calmed down and kept updating Confucianism in this half month.

During my trip to Cang Divine Race, I talked during the day and understood that in the evening at Earth Palace Cultivation, I never had a chance. Now Mental Power is not many times bigger than before, and it is updated daily with 4 50000 or even hundreds of words. “Confucianism” fans howled excitedly.

Great welfare.

And when I have time, I also read the book in the Boutique column. Divine Consciousness has been doubled and enhanced, allowing him to watch and learn very smoothly. Even Epoch has some to watch, but it is still a little painful in the temple.

Only continuous learning can make progress, Boutique Epoch Novel quality is really good, Song Ren all pay to subscribe to watch.

He is the author and the reader. Every Novel, every word, every story is written by the authors. He has to be worthy of the hard work that the author had done when he enjoyed the story.

Supporting genuine reading is the gratitude of each reader and recognition of the author.

For this money, Song Ren was very comfortable and happy.

As he breathed even more thousand thousand words, a loud noise from the sky and social communication made Song Ren’s eyes open directly.

“So many words with good quality and quantity are updated. I thought I had to wait for two days. Didn’t expect it so fast!” Song Ren muttered to himself, his eyes were bright, he got up, and came from a stream of light. Old Drunkard stood side by side with him, watching everything in Skyrim.

“I really don’t know how your kid’s brain grows. The madness of the past few days made me blushed with shame. It’s really old,” Old Drunkard was speechless for a while, but he could really admire it.

Song Ren laughed, pointing to his own melon seed: “I can’t help it, genius is so powerful!”

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