The recent horizon always seems unusual, almost 2 months ago, it is also such a roar, and then they witnessed the appearance of Sage’s Composition for a long time, and Deity condensed, creating a small Secret Realm.

After half a month of Cang Divine Race and Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, let these people slowly dig deeper. It turns out that the author of that Emperor’s Composition is mysterious Cang Divine Race.

Today, it is like this. Many people are eager, sighing and envious. It is estimated that the years of Demon Race must have been difficult in recent years. Premium, Boutique, Epoch, Divine Artifact, and Deity seem to be concentrated in these years. A piece broke out.

The outstanding work of Human Race has reached a breaking point.

When Skyrim roared and warned everyone, the scene slowly changed, with the formation of black clouds and mists, like thick ink, and a Wenquxing star flickering in it.

How is this scene so familiar? Seems to have seen it?

As fans of “Confucianism and Taoism”, there was no doubt at the moment when they saw it, because during this time they read “Confucianism and Taoism”. Whether it is wonderful plots, poems that people enjoy, or horrible updates, They made them feel that if this book didn’t manifest during this time, it would be unreasonable, and they might even be late.

At present, “Confucianism” is almost 3,000,000 words, and as usual, everyone is finished with several thousand thousand, even if, for example, “Zhu Xian”, more than 100 and 10000 have been completed, settled in Epoch, and exited Deity. .

And the current 3,000,000 words, in their opinion, the quality and quantity, the story seems to be far from over, so all this is expected.

Many people came to understand it quickly. Where was this familiar scene seen? Immediately sighed again. Can the pervert author give us a little way of life.

It seems that all the auras have been taken away by you alone. It ’s a good idea to divide us a bit. We are not aggressive about you. This time, Confucianism is wonderful, but we ca n’t imitate it. It ’s too hot. Brain out.

Now I don’t know how many authors are waiting for you to finish this book, and then quickly open a new book, we can imitate it.

Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, Su Youwei lay at the window and looked at the scene. The corner of his mouth slowly smiled, then put his hands on his chest, closed his eyes and prayed for blessing.

She did not return to tell anyone the true identity of Song Ren, even Su Yangxuan, but only informed Tianshu of the attack, and fabricated a lie. It was a senior who was mysterious to save them.

As for Xiaoxi, whether it was the long-extinct True Dragon or Tianshu said at the time, the granddaughter of Madam Long, or whether Song Ren was connected with Demon Race, she did not want to know, nor did she want to ask, she only knew that Song Ren is important to her.

Divine Sea of ​​Chaos is very quiet. Nan Huangtong grandfather and Su Beiqiu of Tianmohai left the day before yesterday, because Su Beiqiu told him the truth, their common Master, the original generation of Emperor’s Composition author [沈 砚], real name [Gu Ruochen】 Senior died, not naturally. Even now, the body has not been recovered.

As a master of 2 people, it is the goal of countless authors. Just such an accidental and tragic death will hit everyone, and it will also promote Demon Race’s arrogance.

So, they blocked it, and talked to a few people who knew the truth. At the time, Nan Huangtong failed to consolidate Deity when he entered the Premium because of Caving’s “Break Through the Ancients”, so Su Beiqiu not at all told Senior Brother across the sea , But chose to hide.

Because although he is the author of Sage’s Composition, he has never condensed Deity. There is only one Divine Artifact, and Senior Brother is the same.

Therefore, he understands what the results of this book mean to Senior Brother. He understands the situation of his granddaughter Su Youwei, so he does not dare to bother, even when Su Youwei and others come to Demon Sea to receive Master Secret Realm’s origin, He had never looked for and said.

Now that the dust is settled, he can also say it, so when Su Youwei looked at the distance, the Southern Emperor grandfather fiercely punched Su Beiqiu a few punches, and then crouched on the ground and wept, she knew what must have happened and did not dare Approached until they both left.

It seems that suddenly, the days without Song Ren have been lonely a lot, and I have lived here for many years before, why don’t I feel at all.

The more brilliant he is, the more Su Youwei feels that he owes him too much and too much, and the more he doesn’t deserve him, he doesn’t know how much he has paid for himself, music, Deity, company …

Because of the owe, she didn’t face him, but she always wanted to stay with him and stay with him, but it took a little time for her to get out of this psychological barrier that imprisoned herself.

I hope you, going further and further, succeeding every time, Su Youwei’s mouth is pouting.

On the top of the mountain, Song Ren, watching this familiar scene, was a little confused. It was so similar to the scene I saw last time in the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos. It was normal to change the previous few times. Yes, because every time it fails, and then to the next stage, it appears repeatedly, the probability increases, and the success is condensed.

But the last time it was successful, otherwise why did you just enter Secret Realm and not get hot, then send it out quickly and help Nan Huangtong to show Deity Hong Luo who failed.

Don’t say it, many poems will appear next.

As soon as the idea of ​​Song Ren rose, the ink and cloud of the sky faded, and then the Wenquxing became brighter, and a series of characters condensed from the cloud and mist, flowing rapidly.

“I’m not afraid of the broken bones. I want to be innocent in the world!”

“Tong Rong and Xi Xun ten thousand li, today An Xilong is a friend!”

“Ten Years To Sharpen A Sword, Frost Edge Never Tested!”

“The wind is bleak, Yi Shuihan, once the heroes go, they will not be returned!”


Countless poems emerge, just like last time.

In the same way, all the poems and words have changed. These all are the poems from the later updated chapters since the last appearance. They are all war poems and classic sentences.

At the moment of Song Ren’s embarrassment, countless words composed of verses began to scatter, like a little bit of stars being disrupted, until a boat, with a cloud sail, appeared slowly.

Around the hull, familiar verses still lingered.

“Difficult to travel! Difficult to travel! Divergent road, where is it now?

When the wind and waves break, there are times when hanging directly on Yunfan to save the sea! “

Song Ren’s cheeks trembled, it’s too much.

Countless people looked up at the scene, equally stupefied.

When can two identical Divine Artifacts appear in a book? This perverted author is not only perverted, but perverted with this book, you Heavenly Dao website …

cough cough, sorry, sorry, sin.

It ’s really that they do n’t understand. Usually, a book can go out of a Deity. It is already the limit. It is a matter of life.

The “Tomb of Gods” by the pervert author has condensed 2 Divine Artifacts, worshiping the platform, the dragon sword, and a humanoid Deity Chen Zhan.

Like an egg with 3 yellow eggs, it is perverted and awesome, like a mountain that cannot be surpassed.

And today, you have broken through a kind of record, a book condenses Divine Artifact and Divine Artifact, it also condenses exactly the same before and after, to have no shame.

Wait, the role of this Divine Artifact is still the same as last time, right?

Watching the ship more and more condensed until it was completely successful, some people were stunned, and they seemed to see what the ship did to Divine Sea of ​​Chaos’ book “Breaking Through the Wasteland” half a year ago.

A spit in this brief moment was swallowed by countless Human Races.

Too fucking.

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