Song Ren also thinks that this is too nonsense.

After the Divine Artifact completely condensed, above the sky, Secret Realm opened a crack, a sword rang out, and then submerged into it, disappeared, as it was last time.

Song Ren Divine Consciousness rushed in. In Secret Realm, the huge ship docked to the side. Divine sense passed to Song Ren was the same as last time. It only had one effect, which was to help illusion Divine Artifact or human Deity. , Help to completely condense, completely out, still a disposable consumable.

What the hell is the difference between getting a Divine Artifact or Deity directly.

Song Ren really couldn’t believe it, and on the other side of the sky, it was notified that Song Ren’s “Saintly Path of Confucianism” became a boutique work, everything, so where water flows, a canal is formed, and can’t believe it.

Old Drunkard twitched his face, turned his head, looked at Song Ren, opened his mouth a few times, and finally turned into a bitter smile, pats Song Ren’s shoulder: “Now, you have to be a fragrant in the eyes of not many people . “

Song Ren shrugged. He really didn’t understand the idea of ​​Heavenly Dao. However, it did become a citron. After all, last time, the Human Race across the continent was obvious to all. The real pulling strongly against a crazy tide. A Deity that has already dissipated can be reunited.

There is a wood there!

Like the few poems around it

“Difficult to travel! Difficult to travel! Divergent road, where is it now?

When the wind and waves break, there are times when hanging directly on Yunfan to save the sea! “

Good poem, good Divine Artifact.

Zhong Jingshan watched the disappearance of the ship in the sky and the announcement of Pseudonym belonging to Song Ren, feeling 10000 1000 in his heart.

He still remembers that when Song Ren first came out and went to the Author Certification Guild to receive the subsidy, the chairman has not returned for many years. As one of the three Vice-Presidents, he was able to actively obtain with the author afterwards. To connect and strengthen relationships, I have to say that we have a unique vision.

It is estimated that this will be the proudest thing in his life. If you look at the things behind him, each of them will be insurmountable.

The envious exhaled a sigh of relief, and it seemed to have a general feeling. When opening Heaven & Earth .Net, there were many people who usually ignored him at all, but the message added by his face made him dizzy by ding ding dong dong.

“Chairman Zhong, hello, long time no see, ah, I am the dynasty Xia Lin, I heard that you and this author are friends, and several times the planning was contacted through you. I have a presumptuous request here. That is, you have to contact the author, the role of the Divine Artifact ship that is difficult to travel on the road. I booked it in the dynasty, and if he asks for a price, here in the dynasty, I will also remember your favor, please.

“Hi, Zhong, I’m Changshan. This time is too busy. I still remember that we had been drinking together for almost ten years last time. It’s really a long time. Brother, now I’m a mentor in the Great Hades, teaching a group of little cubs. That’s it, the Minister of the Great Hades asked me to ask … “

“Zhong Uncle, how are you recently, I’m …”

“Chairman Zhong, you are the chairman of my heart, every time you have to let me add an adverb in front, student me …”


Demon Sea, Great Spirit Department, Ministry of Heavenly Spirit, dynasty, and many forces that you usually don’t dare to mess with, all contacted him at the same moment. In a word, this ship can directly consolidate Deity’s Divine Artifact, must leave them under.

These Super Sects, all these years, have cultivated some authors in secret, even very powerful, but it is too difficult to get out of Deity.

It’s different now, it’s directly guaranteed. Deity, how many Sage’s Composition authors don’t have this Good Fortune, even if there are countless Boutique Epoch articles under the name, but if there is Deity, it will be completely different.

Deity and Secret Realm are the ultimate goals for which they need to fight, and now there are shortcuts to this goal.

How can they not fight for it, even if it pays a great price!

Looking at the 99+ news, Zhong Jingshan didn’t know how to reply for a moment, and who should I reply to.

At that time, no matter which one gets the right to use the Divine Artifact or does not get it, they will feel that this middleman must not have exerted all their efforts and it is easy to have resentment.

This is the beginning. It is estimated that starting tomorrow, these big guys who are not seen in the normal will appear in the Author Certification Guild and come to him with various gifts and promised conditions.

It’s still a big group to start irritating.

God asked this multiple-choice question and just wanted to shout: I’m too difficult!

When Song Ren returned to the room in the afternoon, he received Zhong Jingshan’s plea for help. He sat at home obviously, and the disaster came from heaven.

Even in the next ten or twenty days, people will come to visit him constantly, looking for him by name.

How can he promise others at that time?

Song Ren saw Zhong Jingshan’s complaint, and suddenly laughed heartily, really, Teacher said that he would become a citron next, but didn’t expect that the first citron would be Zhong Jingshan.

However, Song Ren thought about it and told him that at present he has no intention of using this Divine Artifact idea, and even to whom, I will use it myself.

After a while and a half months passed, Song Ren is still frantically updating “Confucianism and Taoism”. Everyday starts at 4 50000 or hunted thousand. It is like a lunatic, so countless readers and authors are flushed with shame.

This is a real metamorphosis. Isn’t he afraid of writing down?

“Confucianism” has a total of more than 700, 10000 words. Once Song Ren finishes writing this book, aside from various honors, he will be the most-written Novel author in history.

7 million words, can you get so much water for someone else?

If you change to someone else, in the later period, it will be those routines that you ca n’t edit. Once this achievement is achieved, it will be a peak and record that others can’t pass.

Of course, Song Ren’s previous life has seen Novel’s 10000000 million words, which is really powerful and really good. Sometimes he read more than 1000 chapters by himself, and he can’t tell who is who, and occasionally a person pops up. He had to run to look ahead, otherwise he wouldn’t.

So in the end, you can see Novel with 2,000,000 to 4 5,000,000 words, so it is not time-consuming and time-consuming.

When Song Ren kept updating with the “update madness” in the eyes of others, on Heaven & Earth .Net, the blank space did not know when, it increased a circle, and the noise of “Zi Zi” sounded. Many people hurriedly withdrew, their heads were sore, including Song Ren who updated the chapter.

It has been going on for an hour. After many people entered with confusion again, they found that weirdly, in addition to the blank area becoming larger, they seemed to sense another kind of network in the midst of it, but they could not touch it, just like a person. Suddenly itching on the body, but I can’t find where the itch is, and I feel it is not right to scratch everywhere.

Until one day later, Demon Race had the news of [Divine Demon .Net] and was completely exposed. The reason this time is so is that the Divine Demon .Net has grown very fast and has reached the same level as Heaven & Earth To the extent that the .Net Chamber resists, the blank area is the friction between the two.

The Human Race executives have gone through this time, together with what they had previously secretly understood, and had a strange guess.

Heaven & Earth .Net appeared suddenly at that time, and the news was discovered. Divine Demon .Net of Demon Race was also researched by many Monster Emperor and even demon gods. This is too fake. It is not so much research as Divine Demon. .Net was activated by them.

Heaven & Earth .Net and Divine Demon .Net may have been together, one for Demon Race and one for Human Race.

However, it later caught up, or was late for launch and development.

Of course, most Human Races who finally got the news laughed at it.

A group of underdeveloped Demon Races, beasts, do you want to write Novel?

Don’t laugh at me!

Everyone was ridiculing, no one paid attention, except Song Ren, because now in Human Race territory, she can directly sense and enter after turning into a panda A’bao, just as she was in the demon realm.

Things seem a little big.

Xiaoxi didn’t know when to come in secretly. After seeing such a fluffy panda, he put the stars in 2 eyes, and rushed over, hugged him, and scowled with his face.

“Wow, so soft little bear!”

Song Ren was speechless for a while. You can change your name to Annie. Our partner is just right.

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