Song Ren 1000 Ding Dong 10000 asked, so that Xiaoxi would n’t let the outside talk wildly, and then quickly entered [Divine Demon .Net]. Sure enough, I have n’t seen it for a while. .Net is almost exactly similar, just like Heaven & Earth .Net just came out.

There is even a species. This Divine Demon .Net actually uses the Monster Emperor to promote development. There is a feeling of borrowing eggs from chickens. Not only that, there are more Premium books in it. They are connected to Boutique in addition to Mu Xiao and Kui Cha They have 3 books in addition to 3 books.

It’s amazing.

However, he used Demon Race to break into the blank network and still couldn’t enter it. Like a spider web, it was full of stickiness and flexibility, and very uncomfortable.

What was that area hit by 2 networks?

Song Ren is really curious, he always feels there is something inside.

However, he successfully logged into his account, and the work of “Biography of Sun Wukong” stayed in the background.

However, this time the dual network first reached such a court resistance, wouldn’t it mean that the works written in Demon Race will receive gifts from Monster Emperor, or that Divine Demon .Net is like Heavenly Dao, since Some warehouses.

Instead of writing something on Demon Race, then Demon Race contacted Human Race to write, and got a reward from Heavenly Dao?

If that’s the case, I’ll be able to dine on both sides, wouldn’t it be elated.

Then Song Ren landed on the various information columns of Divine Demon .Net, the so-called headlines. Among them, in recent days, many major events have occurred, far more exciting than the Human Race side.

For example, just recently updated, Long Lan, the granddaughter of Madam Long from Longshou Mountain, by the strength of oneself, defeated Hundred Thousand Great Mountains Golden Crow Clan sixteen teenagers in a row, and won its flame Cultivation.

There is also Mu Xiao of Golden Wings Great Peng Clan and Kui Cha of 9 golden lions. They seem to have been stimulated. They entered their own Life and Death Restriction site a few months ago. They came out some time ago, uncommon military might, and both broke through to Monster. King Realm.

Where else is there an unknown, wild, alien species that is extremely destructive.

In a certain area, the secret trial children of Human Race were discovered, and colleagues were invited to go and kill them.

Until, with the keen interest pleasure that Song Ren saw, he turned to his own column, or the news that belonged to the time he left, is now full of hot spots.

[Monster Sovereign Long Panzi was assassinated by Mo Tianxing, King of the Ice Prison from the Human Race Great Wei Dynasty! 】

[Longshu dynasty’s fire king Zhuyu and the ancient Wu dynasty’s moon god moon 婵 Fairy, all appeared in the demon realm and attacked me Demon Race Junior! 】

[Mo Tianxing captures Hundred Thousand Great Mountains demon mentor Sikong Bitu, Madam Long arrived in time to rescue! 】

[Divine Demon .Net The first writer who entered Boutique—Panda A’bao is unknown. He was hunted down by Zhuo Zhu, the fire king, leaving only a charred bamboo pole at the scene! 】

[Mu Xiao Kui Cha swears that to avenge his brother, the Longshu Dynasty border will no longer be peaceful! 】

Looking at what happened during that time, it was still connected, and Song Ren’s thoughts seemed to return to that day.

Monster Sovereign Long Panzi just destroyed the fleshhy body by Mo Tianxing, but what really killed him was because he noticed that he was inside the body of the coffin, and Divine Source was snatched to a goblin, and he was more on him Quietly cast Thunder Dragon 3 dead and dies.

The chasing and killing of the fire king Zhu Yan, that is really 10000 points of life and death, not only used the token given by Madam Long to avoid a blow, but also used various extreme speeds, incarnation Human Race behind him, lied to him, and then hurry Dive into Secret Realm and escape.

It is estimated that Demon Race thought they were assassinated by the King of Fire.

Looking at the various comments below, Song Ren’s urge to suddenly rise again is just like letting Zhu San go back with the news that he was alive, anyway, there is experience in this matter.

Now on Divine Demon .Net, there are several books of Boutique Novel, and maybe there will be more in the future. After all, time is the best way to prove something, but Epoch Novel is almost empty.

Since Boutique was the top pick for him, why not try it out for Epoch?

Song Ren was suddenly excited. Now that he is in the Human Race field, he can sense Divine Demon .Net as a Demon Race. Who can doubt him?

I just do n’t know, 10000. Will those Monster Emperor show up in Human Race territory when they admit to find him a reward?

or is, when they step into the demon domain, a series of others give out?

Song Ren didn’t have much time to think about it. He quickly entered his backstage and looked at the short novel of “Biography of Sun Wukong”. After thinking about it, after hesitating, his eyes immediately became bright, and he suddenly thought of a Novel that he had seen before. The description is Demon Race, that is, The Legends of the Monkey King by Turtle Author.

“The Legends of the Monkey King” is so good. Song Ren saw it 3 times at first, and was always amazed by the wonderful plot inside, even in some emotional aspects, he made him cry a few times.

It also corresponds to “Biography of Sun Wukong”, which also makes people understand what is Sun Wukong.

I still remember that the last time Sikong Bitu took them to the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, they said that because his “Biography of Sun Wukong” was well written, he mainly described monkeys, and became the first Boutique work. There is an ancient ape family there, always wanting to see him.

If this “The Legends of the Monkey King” is more successful, will you go to the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains in the future, will you become a VIP, then the ancient monkey family may be his patron.

More importantly, “The Legends of the Monkey King” is in perfect condition. Except for revising the story of the earlier Human Race as a monkey, the rest is not at all wrong.

Because Journey to the West itself is a magnificent World, and the Sun Wukong’s rebellion described in it, Jin Chanzi’s unknown experience, such as the indifference of the coming, the Buddha’s watching the westbound theater, and the Celestial Court’s suppression of the demon The roar of the bottom monster and the growing Sun Wukong are in the dark of Novel style, with a little humor.

The goodness of the protagonist, the pursuit of freedom, and strong beliefs have sublimated this book to the extreme.

As the author of the original book said, this is the demon. They have no history, no culture, no tradition, and no belief. There is no place for them in the justice of Celestial Court. They can only rely on themselves, only Living in a corner where the sun can’t shine, but still growing like wild grass.

The publication of this book will make countless Demon Races better understand the meaning of the previous “Biography of Sun Wukong”. Even if Divine Demon .Net ignores itself and wants to come to those Demon Races, it will become its own iron powder. .

The “The Legends of the Monkey King” book has a total of 2 100 50 more than 10000. Today, the boutique novels only have more than 40 10000 words. For Demon Race who just wrote Novel, this is already It’s a huge number.

Song Ren immediately warmed up and contacted the system quickly. After recalling some wonderful clips, the entire book of “The Legends of the Monkey King” appeared. He looked at his arms and fell asleep comfortably. Xiaoxi, Song Ren gently covered her for life.

Waiting for the afternoon to make a plush toy for her and holding her to sleep at night is actually quite good.

Check the surroundings again, so as not to be aware of the Demon Race atmosphere in your room, Song Ren enters again, click to register his work name, and then start writing the preface [Five Elements Mountain] …

An hour later, Song Ren spent some energy, revised the design of the previous article to Human Race, and copied the ten chapters, and sent it out as the author A’bao, and moved his sore neck, Suddenly I felt footsteps outside, and quickly converted again, and banned.

The door of the room knocked lightly, Song Ren opened, Su Yuan looked at Xiao Xi who was asleep on the bed, shook his nose, and had to lower his voice: “Master asked me to call you and head to Yilan Temple, it seems very Anxious look. “

Song Ren nodded: “I’ll go now, that little Xi-“

“Rest assured, there is me, you go,” Su Yuan said, she loves Xiaoxi very much, can’t wait to be regarded as her daughter.

After Song Ren asked him a little more, he set off for Yilan Temple, but probably guessed what was going on.

Xuan Chen Senior, restored!

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