Song Ren’s new book “The Legends of the Monkey King” on [Divine Demon .Net] went online. There is no demon’s attention at all. There are too many things happening every day recently, especially this big collision, so that the original covers only the demon. The domain network has grown a lot, and various regions have become sound. It is almost the opposite of the Human Race Heavenly Dao network.

2 sides like a mirror!

Many Demon Races have opened new books, studied, and set off an extremely big wave.

Because Human Race will definitely look down on them and look down on them, but they have to prove to them.

Titles like “The Legends of the Monkey King” soon disappeared from the miscellaneous 7 miscellaneous 8 names of countless Demon Race members. Moreover, A’bao was dead in their hearts, otherwise, Mu Xiao and Kui Cha I will not be so desperate for Cultivation, I will avenge my brother.

Of course, these Song Ren don’t know. When I arrived at the Yilan Temple at this moment, there was no one outside. Quiet and abnormal, Song Ren felt inexplicable fear. As soon as he entered, a powerful storm came. , Lightning at your feet, quickly evaded and left.

The Yilan Palace seems to have sound insulation effects. Nothing is heard outside. The inside is so much fighting and looking where Xuan Yi’s clothes are fluttering, standing in the air, and he controls a huge energy light group.

Old Drunkard was carrying his sword box. At this moment, there were ten or eight famous swords with sharp whistling, whoosh whoosh whoosh was spinning around, and on the opposite side, the Xuan Chen of Peak was completely restored. The whole person was much younger and waist. Straight, full of vitality, holding a ghost-headed sword in both hands, blood light diffused above, exuding the extremely rude Ominous Fiend Qi, Ominous Fiend Qi diffused, and even formed a bloody roaring angry lion behind him It makes people shudder.

Xuan Chen has scarlet eyes, an irreconcilable look.

Song Ren understands. It seems that the two finally met today. What can Song Ren do? He doesn’t know what happened to Teacher and Xuan Chen Senior. Teacher is reluctant to say that Xuan Chen was in Secret Realm. In, let him bring words to Xuan Yi, be careful Jian Wuchen.

It can be seen that Xuan Yi is persuading.

Divine Immortal fighting, Mortals Suffers, Song Ren did not worry about them two, even more how Xuan Yi Senior reconciled in the middle, a brother, a lover.

Song Ren found a chair that fell down, sat right in the corner, and became a melon-eating crowd.

I do n’t know who you are.

The battle continued, one trick was stronger than the other. Song Ren ate a sweet potato seed skin and saw the real with keen interest pleasure. He also really saw the power of these two.

Teacher and Xuan Chen, what are they realm?

An hour later, Song Ren yawned lazily. These three people are also each and everyone gasping for breath. Endurance is good. Song Ren admires it.

It can be seen that all 3 people need a step down now. It is estimated that this is why Xuan Yi is looking for Song Ren. At this moment, Xuan Yi with sweaty face glanced fiercely and sat in the chair with his legs raised. , Song Ren still spitting the seeds.

Song Ren shuddered for no reason, got up in a hurry, and then coughed, clapping and clapping his hands: “Wonderful, really wonderful, Teacher and 2 Seniors haven’t diminished back then. I saw Junior blushed with shame for a long time, I really hate I was n’t born in your era to witness your style, it ’s a shame, but today I ’ve made up for it, and I ’ve benefited a lot from Junior ’s worship! ”

Song Ren laughed and hehe said that in the end, he solemnly saluted, a very grateful look.

Xuan Yi quickly received the information, received Magical Powers, and went directly to Song Ren, slap in front of his head: “Dare to show you the show, you have been a customer!”

Xuan Chen took a cold look and closed Old Drunkard of Magical Powers, coldly snorted, grabbed the ghostly sword: “Like your Teacher, no face and no skin!”

Seeing the curtain fall, Xuan Yi on the side took a sigh of relief and gave Song Ren a sigh of relief, which was both gratitude and punishment.

Xuan Chen didn’t say anything. He turned around and left. Many famous swords behind Old Drunkard flew into the sword box and wiped the sweat on his head: “It seems stronger than that year!”

Xuan Yi came over: “Relax, since I’m understood the truth, I’ll tell him later when he calms down. He just went out of customs today and saw you for the first time. I saw you pitted them with your own eyes. “

Old Drunkard nodded: “I know, I also understand, if it was n’t for the mysterious person who stopped me halfway, and even used me to blame the dragon poison, I should be able to get there, when I arrive, already …” Old Drunkard said In the end, the loneliness that could not be explained seemed to see the corpses and the collapsed space that I saw when I rushed to Luoxue Peak.

“Who the hell is that? For so many years, do you have any doubts?” Xuan Yi’s expression of resentment and worry.

Old Drunkard sneered: “It should be OK!”

Watching Teacher and Xuan Chen talking about the mystery that they didn’t understand, Song Ren’s misty water, just about to talk, Xuan Yi watched Song Ren still aside, and said, “Why are you still here? It’s okay, you go back . “

Then, they walked inside with Old Drunkard.

“Looks like you and I guess the same person!”

“Uh-huh, just I don’t understand, why did he do this? What good is it for him?”

“I don’t understand these, but I faintly feel that he should be understood …”


Watching the two of them discuss things and leave, leaving Song Ren alone in this empty great hall, Song Ren only felt that a desolate wind was blowing.

who am I?

Where am I?

What am I running for?

abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal

Song Ren went out of the Yilan Temple and looked at the red misty forest on the mountainside, then headed directly down the mountain. Not at all, go back to the room first, but look for the fabric in 4 places, and keep busy until the afternoon. A furry teddy bear is Appeared in the palm of his hand, and then returned to the residence happily.

When Xiaoxi saw the teddy bear, she was playing with Su Yuan, and screamed and ran over, holding a teddy bear that was bigger than her, which was an excitement and giggling.

Su Yuan got up and looked at this scene, and smiled over, said ill-humoredly: “I thought you wouldn’t be a father. It seems that I underestimated you.”

Song Ren slightly smiled: “It’s all about learning.”

Five days passed in a flash, Song Ren continued to update “Confucianism and Taoism” every day. He wanted to see that this book had more than 5 words and 700 words. He had high hopes for Novel. Where is the ultimate limit?

Only today, Song Ren is watching, Xuan Chen, Xuan Yi and Teacher 3 leave.

Goal, Cang Divine Race.

Xuan Chen just said a few words before leaving: “Your justice, I will help you get it back, but it may take longer!”

Song Ren laughed, solemnly saluted: “It doesn’t matter if justice is done, I hope you can come back safely!”

Two days after the three people left, Song Ren updated the “The Legends of the Monkey King” while incarnation A’bao, and updated the original Confucianism while incarnation. After a short rest, they received Zhong Jingshan’s Message.

Zhong Jingshan these days, can be regarded as the shield of Song Ren, has been meeting guests, but today, this person is a bit special, you have to see Song Ren, because he had ‘reserved’ a long time ago.

He is Supreme Elder of Heavenly Master Path, the older generation of Deity author-Yue Hou!

Su Youwei’s third Deity heart, Sikong Bitu’s Deity summon order, let the Deity tree demon dissipate, and the transaction and commitment of himself and Yue Hou.

Is he thinking so quickly?

After Song Ren pondered, he was added as a friend by Zhong Jingshan’s push.

Immediately after passing, Yue Hou laughed and sent a message: “Little friend, long time no see, old age congratulations here first to congratulate you!

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