Song Ren’s enthusiasm is abnormal. Of course, Song Ren is, too. After all, he promised Yue You to get rid of Su Youwei’s fear of the future in advance, even if it was an extra day, Song Ren was willing.

Therefore, Song Ren is still grateful for the always-hidden Small Sect Supreme Elder, and provide timely help is much higher than the icing on the cake. Even if Yue Hou was on the right day and pushed the boat smoothly, Song Ren did not complain.

“Yue Senior, many thanks you, just by chance,” Song Ren replied.

“Well, you can don’t say this, so it just so happened that I can only die in shame by crashing the pillar. Presumably these days, there should be many people looking for you, a Divine Artifact that can condensate Deity , Heaven knows how many people will be robbed of their minds, envy, “Yue Hou said.

Song Ren was in this brief moment, and Zhong Jingshan, who had been crying and tearless all day, emerged from his mind.

dignified Vice-President of the North Authoritative Certification Guild and other Three Great Emperors guilds, Holy Land, are now being forced to look like this, now they are hiding or not, not hiding or not, promised not, no Promise is not.

The 4 dynasties all have Author Certification Guild. The side of Yinye Imperial Court is north because it is in the north. At first, the Heavenly Dao website refreshed a thing that could attract Divine Artifact or Deity to manage and arrange it uniformly. And established Holy City Celestial Emperor Pavilion.

And that thing hasn’t been refreshed since then, which also makes the Divine Artifact and Deity on the Celestial Emperor Pavilion continue to accumulate, while the Celestial Emperor Pavilion of other dynasties does not have a Divine Artifact, of course, it is stored With other powerful things.

Therefore, as Vice-President of the guild, others usually want to stagnate, which are all hidden in Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, but now it is seen by a larger group of Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail People chasing.

It’s just too hard.

So Song Ren is very fortunate that he didn’t show up. Only Teacher and Su Youwei knew their identities. As for friends, there are only a few people. The usual chats are through Steamed Bun account.

Author friend account, hidden very deeply.

Seeing Yue Hou joking, Song Ren groaned: “It’s true, but it’s okay, then Senior Yue is looking for me this time, so I want to come.”

Song Ren promised Yue Hou that he would do what he could to compensate his heart for the tree demon.

Today, this newly acquired Divine Artifact is indeed, if it can be done on its own.

However, the Deity it condenses, the least has 3 chances, the most, even 7 8 times, how to see how Song Ren suffers.

However, some things are no longer measured by value, and he is no longer the young boy who just came out of Ping’an City at that time.

If you promise to others, you must do it. This is the first criterion for life.

Seeing Song Ren’s reply, Yue Hou was laughing heartily: “You can guess wrong this time, I’m really different from those people, but they did come to fulfill our transaction, Frankly, I was So the transaction with you is because of my Cultivation cultivation technique. Now that I have reached the bottleneck in the past few years, only the first half is tortured.

If there is no second half, I should not be far away from death. The older this person is, the longer he lives, the more he is afraid of death. Especially without Deity’s guarantee, it is even harder to say. This is Small Sect again. Those of Great Sect who use Divine Heart are also the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos and you.

But I always feel that you or mysterious power behind you must be greater than Divine Sea of ​​Chaos and can help me find it earlier, so I will hold the treasure on you, because you are serious. “

When I heard people say so frankly, what else could Song Ren say, I would definitely think that if he had promised Su Yangxuan, they would turn around and use it for daughter, so he would not care about his affairs, and even rushed to find it A Deity heart, isn’t he all in vain.

People have more power than you, can you still find it?

But Song Ren is not the same. He is serious and affectionate. The power behind him is also huge, and he can certainly help him.

But he was thinking wrong. There was no power behind Song Ren, and even the 1 / 10000th of Divine Sea of ​​Chaos could not be compared.

Everyone seems to think that Song Ren can write so many good works one after another. I don’t know what kind of power behind them, what kind of mentors teach them.

But what kind of cultivation technique made him disbelieve even Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, maybe it was stored in someone’s warehouse.

After groaning, Song Ren asked: “Do you mean, you don’t want this Divine Artifact, but let me help you find the lower part of your cultivation technique? Help you to live?”

Yue Hou hurriedly said: “No, no, thanks to you, I found this cultivation technique of the year, which I found in an ancient vestige in the depths of the demon domain, and went forward secretly afterwards. Several times, nothing was found, but this time, someone wanted to see you and took out the second half of the cultivation technique, so I said, I entrust you with blessings. “

Song Ren understands that daring is a lobbyist, but it is a waste of human love, is it a loss?

“Okay, it just happened recently. How did you meet your benefactor?” Song Ren said.

Yue Hou laughed: “It’s time to take a break. Recently I watched your crazy updates. I was scared and felt like I had lived in vain all my life. This time my Heavenly Master Path was exposed by Human Race traitor Sikong Bitu last time. Now quietly. I moved to a small hill and changed my name so as not to be disturbed and stared at Demon Race. After all, I used to be the demon Deity, but I did not know how many Demon Races and participated in several large-scale battles.

Although there are only one time left for more than 100 years, I have n’t given up yet, but the Demon Race of Indulgence and Inquiry has not given up. Although the latest place is small, but the environment is very beautiful, she is also your fan. You can talk about wine at that time. The mutual promises are fairly flat, and I will send you the address. “

After a while, the full address came, and the name of sect was changed from the original Heavenly Master Path to King Spirit Valley.

“Okay, see you soon!”

“Many thanks little friends!” Yue Hou finished the message, Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at her with a smile on her face, an Old Lady and a young maiden sitting opposite.

The girl was unearthly, letting a few grandchildren outside the door keep watching.

Most importantly, the lower half of a worn out Magical Powers book that Old Lady put on the table.

“Madam Long, things are done, but the time is uncertain, because the author has always been mysterious, and no one knows where he is at this time,” Yue Hou said, “However, the surname of Dragon is so few, this surname is domineering , Ordinary people really dare not use it. “

There was a smile on Madam Long’s mouth, and he raised his hand, and this cultivation technique flew into Yue Hou’s hands, making him look ecstatic and couldn’t wait to read it.

“The ancestor surnamed Long, and his body followed the last name. In that case, I asked Master Yue Gu to arrange a place for me and my granddaughter to let us wait for this idol in my heart,” Madam Long said.

After Yue Yue thoroughly determined the truth of the cultivation technique, her face flushed and nodded again and again: “That’s for sure, come here, forget it, I’ll take you personally!”

“Many thanks, Long Lan, let’s go!”

“Okay, grandma!”

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