With Madam Long seated, Song Ren sat down casually.

As for Xiao Xi, after getting the enlightenment from Song Ren, he couldn’t wait to start eating.

Faced with the temptation of food, little child can’t bear it.

Seeing everyone in peace and harmony, it’s Old Acquaintance again, and the wife sitting above was happy for a while, what a good deal, cultivation tonight, and I can live a few more years.

Madam Long looked towards Xiaoxi with a smile on his face: “Is this your child?”

Song Ren nodded: “Yes!”

Xiaoxi wiped his mouth, looked towards Madam Long, and lifted his mask: “Grandma, my name is Xiao … I have no name.”

Xiaoxi seemed to think of something, quickly said, and looked at Song Ren next to him, seeing that he was not angry, secretly relieved, and then seriously looked towards Madam Long staring at her, scratching her head, next moment, Xiaoxi The pupil suddenly became a golden-yellow’s eyes.

Madam Long’s smiling face suddenly changed: “Demon?”

Soon, Xiao Xi’s eyes became normal, with a look of doubt: “Grandma, are you in Cultivation” Dragon Emperor Scripture “, your Cultivation is wrong.”

With Xiao Xi’s next sentence, Madam Long stood up with a stunned expression, with a horrified look: “You, what are you talking about?”

“Emperor Scripture” is an ancient Magical Powers that she got 1000 years ago. It can be said that she has today because of this Magical Powers, and old fogey was not dead at the time. According to his guess, this is most likely to be True Dragon Clan, not extinct, is the Magical Powers of Cultivation.

They consulted too many ancient books, especially the Dragon Race text, and determined that the three words “Dragon Emperor Scripture” were written on Magical Powers.

Since then, they have changed the name of Magical Powers to prevent it from being leaked, being taken by other races, and then becoming a little stronger. Now even the granddaughter Cultivation does not know the real name.

“Emperor Scripture” 3 words, after the death of old fogey, she was the only one understood, and the name, even for a long time, she was almost forgotten in memory.

Seeing such a big response from Madam Long, Song Ren quickly looked towards Xiao Xi, just going to cover his mouth, Xiao Xi continued: “But grandma, your Cultivation was wrong. There were actually 2 versions of” Dragon Emperor Scripture “that year. One is orthodox, the other is modified, distributed, and used by other races that are attached to Dragon Race, and some methods are used to contain them.

The grandmother’s use is modified. It allows Cultivation to make rapid progress in a short time, but it also completely breaks the road ahead of them. Dragon Race does not need to be infinitely close to their forces. It only needs to be used for a short time. Cannon fodder. “

Xiao Xi said very seriously, Madam Long’s trembling hands were stunned, no wonder, no wonder, breaking through to the realm of emperor how many years, has been hovering in this realm, and even watched, some former Juniors have passed she was.

Therefore, she rarely shows up and rarely takes shots. She retains a sense of mysteriousness, making people think that she has reached the emperor’s realm.

This time outside Longshou Mountain, facing the Great Wei dynasty’s King of Ice Prison Mo Tianxing, she even gave her a sense of danger and pressure. She became famous in the past, and this child is probably playing barefoot.

So after learning the existence of the sacred corpse from Long Panzi’s mouth, and the clue that it is possible to break through the imperial class, no matter whether it is true or not, after making good preparations, she set foot on the land of Human Race.

However, today such a little girl lay bare the truth with one remark.

It turned out that from the very beginning, she was wrong, but she also taught it to her only granddaughter.

It hurt her, it hurt her.

Dragon Race has always been proud, even if they are not Dragon Race, facing some other races, they will lift up a proud head and think they are a poor Bloodline race.

So, the True Dragon tribe will do this, and it will.

Madam Long looked a little uncomfortable towards Song Ren, a mask man. How terrible the forces behind them are, they look like they know everything.

All the races in the demon domain are estimated to underestimate the power behind the teenager in front of him.

She quickly looked towards Xiao Xi again: “Is there any solution?”

When she asked Xiang Xiaoxi, her old and sophisticated wife sat down and searched for news about Madam Long. Although it was rare, she locked a place—the demon realm.

At this moment he swallowed, and finally understood that the lower part of the cultivation technique, which was deep in the demon domain, was delivered to his hand so smoothly.

An quasi-empire old monster!

Xiaoxi scratched his head and shook his head again: “Forgot!”

Madam Long immediately looked towards Song Ren, she did n’t need to break through, but her granddaughter is a genius. In the future, young teenager girls like Mu Xiao, Kui Cha, etc. will be with her in an era, an era of fighting, and she is old Now, can’t break her way.

Seeing Madam Long looking around, Song Ren quickly shook his head: “I don’t know, this help is really helpless, you don’t listen to the little child telling her what she knows, Senior can’t be surprised!”

Song Ren directly tore off a chicken leg and stuffed it into Xiao Xi’s mouth.

brat, you can’t talk anymore, neither of us can live. If you jump out again, as long as True Dragon blood essence can be unlocked, I’m updating “The Legends of the Monkey King” again. This Madam Long will have to go all over the continent. Find me this A’bao, how can I hang out in the demon domain in the future.

In Longshou Mountain, everyone knows that he had the opportunity to get Thunder Dragon blood essence, and he has also manifested the dragon body. If you explore it carefully, Song Yu, a talented man on the side of Human Race, also got it.

Madam Long’s object becomes two.

And these two goals, it is a man who repays his mother.

When Madam Long saw Song Ren’s refusal, he directly saluted: “Song son Song, the old man is willing to find a solution at all costs.”

Seeing grandma like this, Long Lan was shocked and horrified in his head at the moment, and was also saluted.

Seeing them like this, Song Ren didn’t seem to give them a word, and he would be forcibly left here.

What a mess with Brat.

However, it was quite comfortable to suddenly take the initiative, Song Ren coughed out: “Senior, please get up, don’t want to break Junior, you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t. So, when I go back, I should look up those classics. It ’s really impossible, ask the elders in the clan, if there is, I will go to Longshoushan to inform you. “

When Madam Long heard it, he suddenly exulted: “Many thanks, Song Gongzi, thank you so much. I will let you give your opinion, as long as the old man can do it, he won’t feel bad.”

Song Ren nodded: “Okay, we have a big appetite, just hope Senior Wang can do it by then.”

“Don’t be afraid, there are some early relationships that can be used and can definitely satisfy the aristocracy,” Madam Long looked very happy and pulled Long Lan directly to toast.

Song Ren has to say this. Some things, if you do n’t trade things, people will think that you politely coax her to play, the heavier you want, sometimes the better the trust of each other.

It sounds ironic, but it is reality.

Even more how, if it wasn’t for saving Long Lan entire group by himself, if it wasn’t for Madam Long who had given him a token that could withstand the attack of Zhundi, he would have been shot and killed by the King of Fire.

Aside from the inter-racial contradictions, he is actually very grateful to Madam Long.

This is a life-saving grace, but the lie that should be lied is still for the sake of life.

Finally escaped.

Of course, in addition to the top, at this moment, the wives who are constantly wiping sweat with their sleeves, look like 2 idiots from time to time, looking towards 2 people, showing a forced and embarrassing smile.

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