Song Ren and Madam Long get along very well. They talked and laughed. An old man who was more polite than unknown and thought he was enthusiastic was introducing grandson-in-law to his granddaughter. Madam Long gave away several good treasures for Xiaoxi to play.

Real brows and smiles.

The three were very happy to talk to each other, but in the afternoon, Song Ren mentioned that he was going to return, and there was something to do, and he couldn’t stay here.

Madam Long wanted Song Ren to go back immediately and find his own cultivation technique.

Song Ren hugged Xiaoxi and walked out of the mountain with the support of countless people. The scene was reluctant and loving, like sending his son to the father-in-law home.

“So, when is Madam Long going back?” Song Ren asked.

“I ’m not in a hurry. Long Lan, the child, came here for the first time. I still wanted to bring her to know more, but I lived here during this time. Once you found it, you can leave a message for Master Zhu. I also know that I ca n’t receive it, maybe you do n’t have to go to Longshou Mountain, ”Madam Long laughed.

Song Ren understands that this is certain and he will wait for him in the Golden Spirit Valley.

Song Ren nodded, glanced at his paler face at the moment, pursed his lips, and looked at his wife who asked for his help.

After thinking about it, approached Pats Yue Hou’s shoulders and almost made him stunned.

I did n’t work hard, my legs were so soft, why did you go when you pit me.

However, said with a smile: “The Lord of the Yue Valley, you don’t have to give it away. Madam Long is a Senior, and a guest. I’ll trouble you for the friendship of the landlord and take care of you.”

Yue Hou wanted to cry without tears, and she didn’t know where she had the courage. She grabbed Song Ren’s hands and trembled: “Song, Song little brother, then you have to hurry up.”

Song Ren sighed for a long time: “Estimated hanging!”

Yue Hou felt faint.


Song Ren left the Golden Spirit Valley, and then rushed forward. All speeds and Eight Talisman Gate were used. Then, after noticing that no one was following, he immediately entered a hidden place, unlocked Xiaoxi and his mask, and re- Get changed.

Then ran again, this time slowly relieved.

Master Yue Gu, ask for blessing.

I ’m going to escape first and say, it ’s too scary. If Madam Long really does it, she ca n’t escape 100%. A Third Step ’s Nirvana Realm Tianshu almost killed him, not to mention an old quasi-perfect emperor.

After taking care of it, I still thought that I had defeated Tianshu, which made him start to drift away, and it was with a little humor.

But then again, if it wasn’t for Xiaoxi, he wouldn’t have been able to escape from Longkou so smoothly.

Song Ren squatted down and looked at Xiaoxi: “Xiaoxi, tell your dad honestly, is there any possibility of repairing Madam Long’s cultivation technique?”

Xiaoxi scratched his head and frowned, thinking hard, and finally his eyes suddenly lighted up: “Ah, I remember, as long as True Dragon Clan, the Bloodline of the Imperial Family is OK, it seems to be OK on Daddy, Xiaoxi also Yes, but Xiaoxi is painful. “

Song Ren’s face twitched for a while, my silly girl, thanks to the fact that you only remembered it now. You said that you were going to be so vulture at that time.

Whether Madam Long is looking for A’bao for Thunder Dragon blood essence in Demon Realm, or Song Yu for blood essence for Human Race, it ’s me alone, I just want to fight, I have nowhere to go.

After letting out a long relaxed breath, Song Ren looked at Xiaoxi and said with a serious heart: “Xiaoxi, listen to Dad. Whenever you think of anything in the future, 10000000 has to think about it, don’t talk about it, it is likely to catch fire. Remember? “

Xiaoxi didn’t understand very well, but what Dad said was the most famous saying, she repeatedly nodded: “Xiaoxi remembered!”

Song Ren touched her head and was relieved: “This is a good child.”

“Daddy, where are we going this time, back to the Spirit Flower Pavilion? Xiaoxi doesn’t want to go back, she’s tired,” Xiaoxi muttered.

Song Ren got up, looked at the field around all around, and a faint city in the distance, with a smile on his face: “Let’s not go back first, take the Transmission Array and see your grandfather.”

“Grandfather?” Xiaoxi eyes immediately flashed.

Song Ren nodded: “Yes, your grandfather, counted the time, it ’s been so long since I came out, I do n’t know how his Senior is, Xiaoxi, when the grandfather is called, his mouth must be sweet, your grandfather knife mouth tofu heart, looks It’s not reliable, but it is my closest relative who came to this world.

However, now that I have you, with Teacher, and with your aunt, more and more loved ones will not be lonely in the true sense, is it understood? “

Xiaoxi seemed very happy: “Xiao understood, shall I bring a gift to grandfather?”

Song Ren pinched Xiaoxidudu’s cheeky face: “No, you call grandfather, it’s the best gift for him.”

“Well, Xiaoxi wants to see grandfather, so happy–“

“I’m happy too!” Song Ren laughed, opened Heaven & Earth .Net, and looked at Su Youwei who hadn’t responded to the news. It would be better if she could follow along.


It took another 7 days to flash. Because of the need to take care of Xiaoxi on the way, Song Ren hurried a little slower, until the 8th day, looking at this remote and not very large city, somehow, his eyes were a little moist.

Finally back again.

Traveling all over the world, the most beautiful is hometown, drinking the world’s water, the sweetest is still hometown.

The city is not big, and there are not many people, but it gives him unprecedented peace and quiet in his soul.

“Ping’an City!” Xiao Xi said, looking at the words above.

Song Ren picked up Xiaoxi directly and placed her around her neck.

“Go home ~”

“Hehe, go home to see grandfather, drive, drive …”

“You are, Song Family, I haven’t seen you for a long time. You’ve grown so tall. Is this your child? Hoon’s little baby, when do I get married, I don’t know.”

“Hi Uncle Li, um, it’s my child, I, I’m married out of town.”

“Well, Song Ren, I’m thinking about finding someone for you. Why are you so fast?”

“It’s Li Family, oh, look at your beaming look, and you’ve managed to succeed, it’s another good story.”

“Just because your kid is sweet, by the way, Xu Caizhu happens to have a son. He is as old as your girl and can order a baby.”

“Well, I still have something to do, you’re busy …”


The small town has its own liveliness and closeness, but Song Ren and Xiaoxi have fled and fled. Until they arrived at Li’s house, Xiaoxi had been clapping hands happily.

Today, Li Fu, the sound of suona, the lively sound, the red silk hangs over the door of the house, the wedding car for the wedding party has long stopped aside.

Song Ren looked at this scene and finally smiled.

His memory seems to be back.

things have remained the same, but people have changed, but they are also perfect.

that’s nice!

“Welcome the bride–“

next moment, firecrackers are all sounding …

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