Under Tiger Prison Peak, in fact, it’s empty, or in other words, it is a hidden space.

This is a grey misty land, and a weird mist wafts everywhere, it seems boundless without end, only vaguely seen, mountain ranges range 狰狞 远 in the distance, scorched black woods standing in it, it looks even more Infiltration.

Even on the earth, from time to time, there will be echoes of all kinds of beasts roaring, the sound is full of ferocious and wild tame, and the wildness of wildness is unprecedented.

But weird things, but there was a silent silence filled with it, in stark contrast with the roar of the beast.

On the earth, there are piles of white bones everywhere, some bones are intact, some are scattered, bigger, even half a mountain range, which is frightening and shocking.

In the center, there is the largest bone, horrible and terrifying, exuding the coercion of terror, and it is constantly twisted around it, as if an extra layer of invisible barrier was added to isolate the inside and outside.

Outside this barrier, seven silhouettes are sitting cross-legged at the moment, and under each of them, there is an array of each and everyone with different colors slowly turning.

“This one is left, and I don’t know when it will be cracked.”

“Don’t think too much, it is estimated that it will be a while, from the discovery of this space to the next 300 years, all areas have been explored, and only this last one is left.”

“How do I feel like a buried beast-shaped area of ​​Mundane.”

“I don’t think so. Maybe the good thing is this last one. Come on.”

“Huh, I hope not to let us down. I heard that Mo Cheng, the kid, will be a relative today. As his second uncle, you won’t go out and see.”

“Don’t go, younger generations will do all right on their own …”

A few people haven’t finished talking. Suddenly, the space in front of them trembled. Then, a crack suddenly opened, and a nearly substantial momentum spurted out like a tiger released from the cage. The man immediately got up.


At the next moment, it seemed that something passed behind them, slammed into the space, and then closed, everything, quieted again, it seemed nothing happened.

7 people looked at each other in blank dismay, what happened?

Song Ren only felt dizzy and eyes blurred for a while, then he stepped on his feet as if stepping on the ground.

He almost hugged the little in his arms immediately, and quickly guarded, only to find that his position was no longer the bonfire, and what appeared to him was a huge tiger bone, heaven knows how many years have died, Even some places are incomplete.

Sparse. It’s hard to believe how powerful this giant tiger was before, but now it can’t resist the changes of time.

But despite this, this tiger bone is still filled with anger and a kind of real coercion. It feels like Song Ren first saw at the Spirit Flower Pavilion mountainside in the Red Mist Forest for the first time.

And even these bones are faintly filled with extremely old lines, covered with mysterious rune.

“Great Grandpa ——” At this moment, Xiao Xi suddenly went straight ahead. As soon as Song Ren turned his head, he saw that there was an old man facing his back under the tiger bone.

Looking from the side, the old man is wearing plain sackcloth and looks can’t be considered too outstanding, but the age of the whole body looks quite old, and the wrinkles on his face are like a gully Mundane old man.

But Song Ren looked as if he were looking at a vast void, which was scary.

Everything is already obvious, and they must appear here to worship him.

Song Ren put Xiaoxi down and saluted respectfully, “I’ve seen Senior!”

The old man slowly turned around, and his turbid eyes turned out to be as dark as ink, without any pupils. This made Song Ren subconsciously pull Xiaoxi to his side, and even immediately sense Deity.

Everything is unknown.

The old man with a bald head just gave Song Ren a slight glance, and Song Ren’s whole body suddenly trembled. Then, a huge thunder dragon phantom emerged directly from behind Song Ren, completely involuntarily.

Song Ren complexion changed.

so horrible.

Soon, Song Ren seemed to have a slight touch, looking towards himself, where his Secret Realm emerged by himself, revealing 3 huge Deity and 3 Divine Artifacts inside.

He just glanced at it slightly, and then stared at the coffin, a soft ‘snack’ coming out of the old man’s mouth for the first time, and then the coffin flew directly from Secret Realm.

Song Ren’s face was horrified. How horrible was this old man. What could be in Secret Realm?

The coffin slowly flew away and landed on the ground.

“Senior, this is me—”

The old man looked up at Song Ren, and Song Ren shut up immediately, because at this moment, he seemed to face death, his heart was fiercely, and his back was almost wet.

At that glance, Song Ren was scared.

“One of Trial 4 Angels, Seraphim Tia, didn’t expect your fleshhy body to be here, no wonder it hasn’t been killed forever, it’s fun, it’s really fun,” said the old man suddenly with a smile.

As soon as Song Ren heard it, he felt a sorrow in his heart. It turned out that this was really another Angel.

At the beginning, in the Red Mist Forest, the stone statue collapsed, and the Angel with the mind seemed to be what was the trial 4 Angel, but the name was not Tia, but Dragon Race Dao Protector Gar.

“Front, Senior-” Song Ren stammering said.

The old man didn’t say anything. With a wave of his hand, the coffin flew into Song Ren’s Secret Realm again, staying firmly in place.

“Little Brat, protect her, and when she gets outside, maybe it’s a chance and a guarantee,” the old man suddenly said to Song Ren.

Song Ren’s subconscious nodded is again the word ‘outside’.

He had heard Angel Gal said before that others may not understand it, but in the previous life, he knew planet and saw that many fantasy novels. It was easy to understand the outside world as another larger space and universe. This is even more true of Novel’s Covering the Sky.

It turns out that on this continent, there is a bigger outside World, that must be very cruel.

But look at the old man’s appearance, and that huge tiger bone, should not be a residual illusory shadow idea like Senior Thunder Dragon.

Song Ren didn’t dare ask, but looked towards Xiao Xi, and suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth: “Xiao, long time no see.”

“Great Grandpa, do you know me?” Xiaoxi was surprised when she heard people call her by name, including Song Ren.

The old man said: “Of course I know, you can order a baby doll with my family, but unfortunately, my child is not very lucky, and died prematurely, but you can still call me grandfather.”

Song Ren listened to the old man and hesitated: “Senior, dare to ask Saint Race like Dragon Race, hasn’t it perished yet?”

“Of course not, we just … forget it, you do n’t understand, but my guardian ’s bones are almost the same, and the death will eventually pass away, and it ’s just a pity. Living in this World, it will be given to you, it is also time for me to dissipate and let go.

Ca n’t say too much, say too much, then Old Guy will probably look for me desperately, Xiao Xi, see you outside, and you Little Brat, take good care of her, the benefits you get in the future are not what you can imagine, This time, look at the face of the former granddaughter and give you some benefits. “

The old man said nodded to Xiaoxi with a smile, and then slowly dissipated into countless light spots, submerged into the huge tiger bone.

Song Ren looking thoughtful glanced at Xiaoxi, faintly guessed, and the tiger bone next moment seemed to melt away, divided into two white light clusters, one big and one small.

Xiaoxi flew up involuntarily, and then submerged into it, while another light group exuded a strong vitality and breath, suddenly assaults the senses, and entered Song Ren’s belly …

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