As the light mass enters the body, Song Ren’s subsequent feeling is that an extremely majestic energy enters his within the body, which is very large and terrifying.

Song Ren’s eyes are shining, this is simply great good fortune.

Looking at the light group that was 100 times larger than herself, thinking of her Dragon Race’s body and the kindness of the old man, Song Ren hurriedly sat down on his knees to guide this huge and high-level essence of Sacred Beast.

Outside the mask, 7 people sat down again and tried to analyze, because they felt that the dawn was about to be seen.

On another mountain peak outside, Xia Zhilan swept through the crowd a lot, did not find Song Ren, and even Xiaoxi didn’t see it.

She knew that Song Ren liked Su Youwei, even before everyone knew it, and helped make music early.

Song Ren rejected her without a trace, she could see it.

However, it doesn’t matter if you don’t like me. I like you is my right. You can’t control it.

Fatty Ke saw Xia Zhilan’s look, his face suddenly fading, especially in the embarrassing and quiet scene of everyone present, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his head fell down.

Right when drunk.

Seeing Fatty Ke’s flushed face slumped to the ground, 9 Wangcheng saw this, secretly relieved, and hurriedly came over haha, someone helped Fatty Ke said with a smile: “Drunken and drunk, all nonsense, Zhilan also knows that you are old together and like to play with each other, but also drink happily because of your girlfriend engagement. “

Some people immediately laughed, so did Mo Cheng and Yan Yu: “Don’t play, don’t play anymore. Throw this Little Fatty over there, let’s dance,”

“Okay, that’s it.”

Everyone was reluctant to think too much, and down the steps, they played with each other again.

Xu Yu came to Xia Zhilan and touched her elbow.

Xia Ling smiled forcefully, and was pulled around in a circle around the campfire …

Song Ren is enjoying it now. Behind him, a huge black hole keeps expanding and condensing, and each compression is deeper and deeper. The spiritual strength in the body meridian is constantly whizzing, too pure this energy.

It is said that Dragon-Tiger is at war. At this moment, Song Ren within the body has the blood essence of the dragon, the momentum of the tiger, and the two merge with each other, continuously improving the cultivation base quickly, and even he believes that if it is transformed into a panda A’bao at this moment , The monster qi on his body will be more intense, even if Monster Emperor looks at him, he is also an authentic Demon Race.

Needless to say, this volume of Great Brahma Scripture is from Angel Gal, and she is from outside the World.

The three are perfectly integrated with each other, so that Song Ren can incarnation A’bao in the future, and can walk more safely in the demon realm, even the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

Time passed by a little bit, and the party was over. Xia Zhilan never met Song Ren and Xiaoxi again, or they had already returned to the room to rest in advance, and everyone had dispersed.

One night passed quietly, and the black hole behind Song Ren, which represents the cave realm, was larger and deeper. At this moment, the speed of expanding and condensing was faster, like an extremely young jumping heart.

At the next moment, Song Ren’s body trembled suddenly, a strong and majestic breath, like the same hurricane, suddenly swept from his body towards the surroundings, until it was slowly shaped.

Song Ren’s eyes opened slowly, and in the pupils, the golden light flowed, without any surprise within both eyes, a little bit more domineering.

A trace of the Tiger King is unstoppable, but also domineering, even some mature man charm.

Heaven knows, this kind of Song Ren, how many girl’s eyes will attract in the future.

Song Ren looked at his hands, felt a different realm, and finally smiled happily: “It even broke through to the middle-Stage of the hole.”

The hole in the realm is comparable to Monster King. The more you want to break through, the harder the realm is. Even if Song Ren wants to use the coffin, it is estimated that it is more than half a year. After all, the return from Cang Divine Race breakthrough has not been so long. Time, this time because of the smallness, it directly crossed a realm, very good.

Su Youwei is now in the Divine Sea of ​​Chaos, and is in breakthrough Cultivation.

It can be said that among the many Heaven’s Chosen Child who participated in the engagement between Mo Cheng and Ji Yu this time, at least 100 people have not reached the cave, including Xia Zhilan and Mo Cheng, and Song Ren, everyone basically does not The concerned musicians, however, have quietly surpassed them so far.

Lifts the head, the light group wrapped in Xiaoxi is still there, but there is only a vaguely visible dragon shape in it. Song Ren thought about it and tried to open Secret Realm to see if Xiaoxi could get in.

His Secret Realm could only let himself in. The last time the Cang Divine Race was hunted down, Xiao Xi was rejected as soon as he put it in, but Seraphim Tia could.

So I thought, Xiao Xi recovered from the injury, is it okay to be in such a rude state?

Soon, the light group entered, not at all repelled, Song Ren was overjoyed, and then Secret Realm was closed, and everything was safe.

Song Ren secretly relieved, mainly not because he doesn’t want to stay, but because there seems to be someone outside, and there are several others, it seems to be coming soon.

He had to leave quickly, and his disappearance all night would cause doubt.

“Senior, can you send it …” Before Song Ren’s words were finished, an overwhelming and soft force suddenly appeared. Song Ren seemed to be pushed with a punch, and the whole scene was quickly regressed, and several people were faintly heard. Cheers …

With Song Ren eyes opened again, he reached the place next to the campfire, but there was no one here, only a lot of black charcoal still in flames …

The morning sun rose, Xia Zhilan came outside Song Ren’s apartment, raised his hand and hesitated, not knowing whether to knock on the door or not. Obviously, Song Ren was already hiding from her, but she couldn’t control it. Yourself.

As she clinched the teeth and was about to knock on the door, the door of the room opened suddenly, and Song Ren snapped: “Her Highness the Princess, you are–“

Seeing Song Ren again, Xia Zhilan was also stunned, because at this moment, the feeling that Song Ren gave her had an indescribable charm, and her voice was full of magnetism, like the romance Novel she read. , The protagonist looks so bad.

Seeing Xia Zhilan motionless, Song Ren felt it and returned quietly, already hiding the breath of the Middle-Stage of the cave, she couldn’t find it?

“Her Highness the Princess? Girl Xia?” Song Ren extend the hand before her.

Xia Zhilan woke up, her face flushed instantly, and she was lost.

“I, I’m okay. I just came to ask you to have breakfast. Everyone got up and left you alone,” Xia Zhilan said, and immediately turned and ran downstairs.

Soon, the other layers of rooms around it were slowly opening windows or room doors.

“The sun is good today.”

“Well, Brother Su, you are up, too.”

“Early, I played too much last night, my back hurts.”

“I’m fine, I just drink too much and have a headache.”


The crowd greeted, and Song Ren scratched his head, and saw Fatty Ke, who came out from the opposite side, shaking his head.

When Fatty Ke saw Song Ren’s gaze, he hesitated, as if nothing had happened, and once again showed a thick smile normally: “Bigbro Song, early-“


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