Song Ren stayed in the Ministry of Heavenly Spirit for another 3 days. Usually, I rarely contacted everyone to avoid suspicion. During this period, only Xia Zhilan tangled and asked about the small situation. Why was Song Ren disappearing while sleeping? I used to stay in the room and rarely went out.

With the arrival of the fourth day, after someone started to leave normally, Song Ren looked at the Secret Realm, and it seemed that a large cocoon of light formed, and there was a reassurance in his heart. Maybe the small cocoon came out and it was the real shedding Body, exchanging bones, so at noon, he proposed to leave, Xia Zhilan certainly agreed, and sure enough, also said goodbye to her girlfriends.

After staying fruitless, Yan Yu looked at Song Ren, and seemed to understand something. Both of them were making music, and Song Ren was still the type of Peak. No wonder Fatty Ke had no results. It was lost here.

I seem to remember that in order to be able to share a hobby with Xia Zhilan, Fatty Ke specifically gave up writing and Cultivation, and turned to music, but it has only had little effect, but it was a pity.

Song Ren with a look of surprise, Zhu San and Yue Mei, as well as Xia Zhilan, Fatty Ke and his Dao Protector left the Ministry of Heavenly Spirit and set out on the return journey.

This time I came to the Ministry of Heavenly Spirit, and the harvest was really big. Not only did I save Zhu San and Yue Mei, the cultivation base broke through to the cave virtual reality Middle-Stage. Even with Xiaoxi, I got great benefits, and again Determine the existence of the outside world and the origin of the coffin.

However, the guardian idea of ​​the old tiger tribe knew that he had brought the news of Seraphim Tia, and it is estimated that he could not spread it, because it was only a consciousness left a long time ago, and it was the same as Angel Gal who saw in the red mist forest.

It looked like nothing happened, Fatty Ke, who was talking about nothing in Xia Zhilan, Song Ren suddenly felt a little sorry for his confession idea, and Fatty Ke made it plain for no reason, shame in front of that many people, okay I was confused because of drunkenness, but everyone knows that Fatty Ke of childhood sweethearts was rejected by Xia Zhilan.

This is really not expected. In the future, try to leave the distance with Xia Zhilan. Whether it is because of Su Youwei or Fatty Ke, it is good for everyone. Slowly, it will pass.

It took another 3 days to flash, and several people finally stopped in a forest, facing differences.

“Bigbro Song, do you still return to the Spirit Flower Pavilion?” Xia Zhilan was a little reluctant.

Song Ren hesitated, “It should be.”

In fact, Song Ren intends to go to the Demon Realm. On the one hand, don’t let things like today’s Zhu San Yue Mei happen again. Another is that “The Legends of the Monkey King” has entered the Premium, Divine Demon .Net rewarded him, but he couldn’t get it out. It is estimated that he can only succeed in the demon domain.

And now he ’s not nowhere to go. Go back to Spirit Flower Pavilion. Teacher and Xuan Yi Xuan Chen Senior are not there. Go to Divine Sea of ​​Chaos. Su Youwei is closed-door cultivation. Go back to Ping’an City, Dad. I’m not there, I want to go, and it’s good to go for a walk in the demon field, but the premise is to update his fifth book “Covering the Sky” first.

heaven knows how many people are waiting for his new book now, waiting to follow suit.

However, many people can’t imitate this big book because it will be a story of space and plane.


After hearing Song Ren’s words, Xia Zhilan not at all asked Xiaoxi again, and I didn’t have the mood to ask again. Of course, Song Ren also said that you called me and did nothing.

“Let’s just part here and see you later when we have time!” Song Ren laughed, facing Fatty Ke nodded, and turned away without saying a word.

He loves Su Youwei, and only loves this girl in his life. Since some things are wrong from the very beginning, why drag on, it is a kind of torture for everyone, it is better to say early.

Seeing Song Ren’s resolute departure, he didn’t even say goodbye. Xia Zhilan felt sad for a while, Fatty Ke looked at Song Ren’s back, smiled happily, and then stepped forward.

“Lanlan, let’s go. It’s a long way back to Kyoto!”


Song Ren looked at Xiaoxi in Secret Realm again, and felt that the atmosphere inside was growing stronger and more powerful. It seems that the old tiger tribe has made Xiaoxi unprecedentedly bigger, I do n’t know When can it be absorbed, but it is estimated that it will be only 2 days, because later, the speed of absorption of this light group seems to be getting faster and faster.

Until another day later, Song Ren stopped in a mountain forest, watching Zhu San with a smile on his face and hiding behind Zhu San, staring curiously at Yue Mei.

“I knew that Wu Jiyue had her own sky, and she could meet Egong twice,” Zhu San frivolous said.

Song Ren was speechless for a long time.

“Engong, do you know where A’bao is now?” After Yue Mei stepped out, nervously, on the way, Zhu San told him that Song Ren was the Human Race who saved him last time, and more It’s incredible that A’bao’s friends saved them this time.

Song Ren did n’t know when he became so good, but in order to prepare for returning to the demon realm soon, he had to say, “I know, but I ca n’t say that he ’s all right, but he was seriously injured, and Hidden in the place where I discovered the last time to heal, rest assured, I went to see him last time, it’s almost better, the cultivation base has increased greatly, he also said that during the quiet period of time, inspiration burst out , I should write Novel, I expect to return soon. “

With Song Ren’s words finished, Zhu San and Yue Mei eyes immediately lighted up. Indeed, A’bao was already updating “The Legends of the Monkey King” and could really go back.

Zhu San and Yue Mei glanced at each other, and then used Human Race etiquette to Song Ren saluted: “Many thanks for your help, if you don’t want to, you can find us in the demon realm, and we will definitely treat you well.”

Song Ren nodded: “Okay, I’ll go there if I have a chance. See the mountain in front of you? Go ahead, and you will reach the last place, Zhu San, you know.”

Zhu San nodded: “Remember, thank you, Gong.”

2 Demon 1000 En 10000 thanks, then Shape Transformation into a pig and a fox, drilled into jungle, disappeared.

After watching them leave, the smile on Song Ren’s face slowly converged. The brows tightly frowns, looked towards behind, not at all left, the dragon-shaped mark on the eyebrows flickered, a rolling eyeball appeared, and looked at the top of the head. Above, a masked gray robe silhouette hidden in the sky.

After about ten breaths or so, the silhouette made a soft ‘snap’ sound, and then came out of the space: “I thought you were blind, but you can really see me? It’s really interesting.”

After watching that silhouette, as he absorbed the sensitive breath of the Tigers, even if the person hides deeper, he immediately felt who the familiar breath came from.

It was because he understood that his complexion could not help but darken, and even more painful.

After all, he lost a friend.

“It was Fatty Ke who asked you to come here. I really didn’t expect that we would come to this step. I thought that words like love and hate would not happen to me, but only when faced really I find that friendship sometimes turns into such a humble appearance, “Song Ren said in a lonely voice.

In the air, the Formation has been secretly arranged, so that the silhouettes fighting here will not be discovered again. Finally, the camouflage on the face will be directly torn off. This is the Dao Protector who followed Fatty Ke to the Ministry of Heavenly Spirit.

And they have also seen in the Spirit Flower Pavilion. When the three people set off, at the foot of the mountain, there were 3 Dao Protector in Xia Zhilan and 5 in Fatty Ke. If you remember correctly, this person should be called Ke Yuan.

Seeing the familiar face again, Song Ren felt a pain in his heart again.

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