Song Ren breathed a long breath, fumbled to find a place to sit down, and began to wait. Didn’t expect how long it has passed. Whether it is Cultivation or sleeping, it is quiet and scalp, even Song Ren. If you want to ignite, you can’t get a little light.

After about another day or two, Song Ren thought that no one should pay attention to himself. He opened Secret Realm and drilled in. The light made him cheer happily in Secret Realm, watching the three Deity, Three Divine Artifacts and a huge black dog, Song Ren hurriedly ran towards the coffin.

With a month’s coffin, plus the previous few layers of Cultivation, when the time comes should be able to break through to the late stage of the cave, elated.

Song Ren was so happy that he just jumped a few steps, made a sudden brake, and suddenly turned around, looking at the big black dog that was the size of a tiger, sleeping on his back, and snoring. , And even lifted his hind feet and scratched his head.

This is the only living creature that has appeared in Secret Realm so far.

Song Ren quickly rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t really dazzled.

Then look again.

I scratch it, and I really have a big black dog.

Song Ren changed from three steps to two steps, and came directly to the big black dog. His forefinger reached into his mouth and turned around curiously. Tsk tsk became strange. Where did the goods come from? ?

It seemed to have a feeling in the heart, Song Ren closed his eyes and felt for a moment, and soon the big black dog’s head showed the calendar.

“Black Emperor?” Covering the Sky “is in Boutique?” Song Ren blurted out.

The sleeping black emperor was immediately awakened, and then immediately turned around and looked towards Song Ren. It seemed to recognize the breath of Song Ren, stretched his black tongue, and shook his tail. Song Ren quickly pulled away. The distance between the two.

Why did he also did n’t expect that “Covering the Sky” was added to Boutique, and such a thing would condense. Is it Deity or Divine Artifact?

Why is it a black emperor?

“Covering the Sky” Novel He also sees the end from the beginning, the real Chen fan, and the black emperor inside, he also knows better than anyone else, although he is the pet of Yuanshi Emperor in his later years, but he is bad Bad, kill familiar, tired and lazy shameless, grab secret treasure, bite people, collect pets, dig graves and rob pits, set pits and mines, do all bad things, and also ruleless of the law and of natural morality, anyone dares to bite, friends Well, no matter the enemy, there is no person who cannot bite, the typical ‘black wolf’.

The real master who only takes advantage of the disadvantages and does not suffer!

In the words of the Black Emperor, “your thing is mine, mine is mine”!

Throughout Novel, whether it is a friend or an enemy, it is very defensive, after all, “anti-dog anti-theft anti-ye Fan” Well, and the black emperor is the first dog!

Especially in the supporting role of Novel in “Covering the Sky”, it suppresses Jiang Yichen in Mao Hang for 500 years, and transmits Tu Fei to 3,000 years lost …

So everyone They are all guessing, why was the Emperor Yuanshi, the former master of the Black Emperor, why he always turned his back on sentient beings? Because he has such a dog, he is so shameless!

And look at its black tongue, black eyes, black hair, do n’t you think your heart is black, do n’t make it out, when the time comes to pit me, Novel, it ’s pit The bottom pit of the pit is extremely unreliable and will bring bad luck.

Song Ren took a spit and thought, “Dark Emperor, can you speak human?”

After finishing Song Ren, he was worried and afraid of it Here is a mantra in Novel: “Look, haven’t you seen such a handsome dog grandfather, believing or not, I accept you as a pet.”

After hearing Song Ren’s words, the black statue statue is extremely A Mundane dog, leaning his head, looked confused, and then licked Song Ren’s feet when he came over. Song Ren pulled the distance between them again and immediately said: “Stop!”

He suddenly stopped his heels and looked very confused.

Song Ren relieved, always feels wrong, Heavenly Dao this time isn’t this fooling around, making one after another such pits, always making myself feel uneasy and uneasy.

“Do n’t move, I do n’t know why you were chosen from the book, but I ’m not your master, remember, your master is the Emperor Yuanshi, and I do n’t want you, Secret Realm, let ’s Get together and get away! “Song Ren said nothing, immediately opened Secret Realm, and then moved the black emperor out.

Of course, Song Ren can’t see anything, even if the forehead flashes, he can only blur the outline of a big black dog, plus the black emperor is black and infiltrated into the night, basically Just go home.

Song Ren doesn’t know how big and deep this black valley is, but knows that in order to punish the students who make mistakes, to avoid mutual connection and closeness, and to relieve dullness, the place is full of invisibility. The legend of High Rank is that the moving space is more labyrinth than a maze.

The black emperor is the thing in the book, there is no life, it is best to keep it here, maybe it will dissipate when the time comes.

When I was reading “Covering the Sky” before, I was speechless to the black emperor. There are always countless ways you can’t imagine how to pit you. After finishing it, there is a lot of excitement. Song Ren has already Enough bad luck, he really didn’t want to keep this bearer of bad luck with him.

“Look, there is a flying saucer!” Song Ren pointed in front of him, and the black emperor turned away immediately.


Turning my head again, I saw Song Ren jump into the bright Secret Realm with a thunderbolt and disappeared.

It’s dark, quiet, and quiet. It’s just the crazy sound of breathing. The black emperor’s head is on his side, and the wagging tail gradually pulls down. He looks at all around and shakes his nose vigorously. There is no Song Ren’s. Breath, but soon, its eyes glowed in the dark, moved towards one direction and spread his legs and ran …

Song Ren looked at the three statues of Gui Li, Chen Zhan and Li Chungang Humanoid Deity, Dalong Dao, Bai Jie Tai, the three Divine Artifacts of ‘Xing Lu Nan Hao’, and the crystal coffin next to it, clap your hands. This is familiar and appropriate.

Don’t blame him for being cruel. What Heavenly Dao embodies is the performance of the person or thing in the book. What it embodies is the black emperor. It must have inherited its own habit of pitting people. The book The protagonist Ye Fan has been pitted by him many times, and how many times he has been in danger, Song Ren does not describe one after another.

Stretching a slack, Song Ren leaned against the coffin and began to meditate Cultivation, hoping to break through to the late stage of the cave when he came out of the Black Valley.

Mu Xiao eyes opened … In fact, there is basically no difference in opening eyes and closing eyes, nothing can be seen in the dark, and he is bored facing all There was a roar around, but the sound seemed to be swallowed directly by the endless darkness, and the boring both of his hands turned into sharp claw, struggling hard on the ground.

This academy is too cruel. It ’s only been a few days. It turned out to be the most terrifying. It ’s quiet. I never thought of such a punishment. This is the rhythm of going crazy. Ah, Cultivation can’t calm down at all, no, you have to find a way to kill time, and you won’t make any mistakes in the future.

Soon, Mu Xiao had a happy look on his face, his hands quickly printed, and suddenly, in front of him, a one-man golden shield slowly emerged.

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