This shield has layers of golden feathers clinging to it, and there is a head of a giant roc bird in front, and there are eight golden sharp claws bent on both sides. At first glance, it is extremely hard and unstoppable. Shield.

This shield is called the Golden Feather Shield. It is a very rare shield from Golden Wings Great Peng Clan. It took more than 500 years to build. Among them, there are eight pieces of Golden Feather on it. They are made from the Golden Wings Great Peng feathers that passed away. The old Ancestor is an imperial powerhouse. In short, this shield is Mu Xiao ’s trump card treasure. It has never been shown to outsiders. After all, it is used properly, but it can withstand Monster Sovereign and even higher cultivation base powerhouse. Attack for time.

Soon, the bright shield is swallowed up by darkness, and you see nothing again.

Mu Xiao is okay, and then slowly fumble to put the shield in front, then insert it into the ground, take a few steps back, move your wrist and head, jump a few times, and then punch in Above the shield.

With a humming sound, Mu Xiao’s hand hurts, but more things rejoice, and finally no longer boring.

Emotions This is the Golden Feather Shield as a sandbag for training and killing time, but this method is very good, tired and leaning on it, and feel relieved, unlike this dark night, you can’t feel anything , Always feel empty back, disturbing.

Dong dong dong …

Mu Xiao hit the shield with excitement, and felt no pain in his hands. He began to seep sweat on his head, but he didn’t notice it at all. , A big black dog with a pair of eyes dripping, seems to be able to see the shield, spit out his tongue, then his eyes are bright, spit a greedy spit, and start creeping quietly towards the shield …

Mu Xiao Sweating, gasping, and I do n’t know how many punches were hit. At this moment, my body is soothing, so cool, I did n’t expect such a way to relieve boredom, and touched the Golden Feather shield with one hand. Wiping sweat with the other hand, then turned around and sat down on the ground to rest on the Golden Feather Shield.

Then, sit down and groping back, leaning back, the man turned over, slammed, and the back of his head hit the ground. Mu Xiao, who didn’t prepare anything for a while, contorts one’s face in agony, There seemed to be many small, invisible gravels on the ground.

What’s going on?

Mu Xiao, with a round face, quickly got up and reached out to touch the Golden Feather shield. Was it hit too hard just now, the ground didn’t get stuck and fell down?

It shouldn’t be. The Golden Feather shield has an adsorption function, how could it fall so easily.

As soon as he reached out, Mu Xiao’s face suddenly changed, because … it was gone.

He was suddenly scared. This was a heavy weapon given to him by the family, because he was reluctant. Until now, he did n’t even dare to stay on Divine Consciousness. He usually did n’t even mention it outside the family. Not to mention take it out.

He fumbled around quickly, and even stomped his feet, and numerous gravels flew towards him, then submerged into the darkness and fell to the ground. This shows that there is nothing to block all around.

How is it possible, good, there are no other people here, where is my shield?

In an instant, in the darkness, he seemed to see a ray of light on the ground not far away moving quickly along the ground, but was soon swallowed by darkness.

Damn, this is the fire star that came out of my shield because of being rubbed on the ground.

Mu Xiao suddenly became angry and directly transformed into the Golden Wings Great Peng. The main body looks like: “Shameless little thief, how dare you steal the things you also have grandfather and don’t want to live!” Later, I swooped directly, and the light was rubbing faster.


After the light stopped, a dog bark suddenly sounded, and the powerful sound wave made Mu Xiao’s galloping for a moment, two or three seconds. Then eyes opened again, and there was only endless darkness in front of him, and the rest had a feather.

“Ahhh ~~”

Mu Xiao’s lungs are about to explode: “Shameless little thief, I fight with you-”

Mu Mu Xiao was really angry and flung forward. A random legendary array suddenly appeared and moved him directly to another place. The reappears trembled in Mu Xiao in an unfamiliar area and spit out blood and blood …

Song Ren’s eyes opened with satisfaction, and his whole body can’t be said. So Cultivation is good. Feeling the energy in the veins, Song Ren is confident that when the punishment ends, he will be able to break through to the late stage of the cave. It was the late Monster King Realm.

But you have to do it step by step. Do n’t worry, it ’s time to go out and wait, because he ’s not sure if there is a Demon Race powerhouse watching Black Valley, just in case you find that you ca n’t find your own breath, Occasionally stroll around, and then come in Cultivation, the best combination of work and rest.

Song Ren got up, cautiously opened the Secret Realm entrance, and then jumped out.

This place seems to be different from the one that came in before. It seems that the space and area of ​​this black valley are constantly changing, but it is wonderful.

Song Ren closed the entrance, fumbled to find a place, got ready to sleep, and then entered Secret Realm Cultivation again.

I just lay down and haven’t slept yet. I suddenly stood up with a look of alertness, because the extremely quiet night seemed to have the sound of ‘snoring and snoring’, extremely striking, it seemed that The same around.

This too terrifying, I could not see anything at all, Song Ren the past few days even became familiar with this silent black valley, you suddenly said that there are unknown creatures in the darkness, which is not tortured And scary?

Song Ren has n’t had time to determine where the sound comes from. He just opened the pupils on his forehead, and suddenly a “bang” in his ears, something very heavy seems to be thrown to the ground. Song Ren immediately Jump three feet high.

This damn night, no matter the light or sound, will be immediately devoured. When I came to myself, I didn’t notice it at all.

Song Ren’s pupils flickered quickly, only to see a dog-shaped outline and a huge shield in front of Luo’s outline.

“Black Emperor?” Song Ren did not dare to channel.

“Wang Wang——” seems to be responding to Song Ren’s shout. The black queen yelled twice, then rushed over and licked into Song Ren’s face. Song Ren was in a hurry. Quickly pushed it away and wiped the sticky saliva on his face. As a clean-skinned Song Ren, he felt like he was going crazy.

What’s even more incredible is that he was not discarded by the Black Emperor, how could it have appeared strangely here? The interlacing of time and space and the transmission of the ground are not useful to it? or is, happened to move in front of it?

Song Ren got up, stepped on his feet, and looked at the black emperor who was not moving. Song Ren lifted the shield with a look of embarrassment. With a look of doubt, he immediately opened Secret Realm and got in. Hei Huang also took the opportunity to enter.

In the Secret Realm, in the light, Song Ren finally saw the true face of the shield, and his eyes suddenly became bright: “Dear guy, this is a good thing. Where did you get it? Me Go, it ’s still a masterless object. Look at the sign above it, is it possible that in the black valley, what powerhouse has fallen? ”

Song Ren checked it with joy. After the shield, he left his thoughts on it.

Starting from today, this shield belongs to him, and there is another life-saving thing, which is great.

Song Ren hastily looked towards the Black Emperor. Before, he felt a lot less obscure. Think of Novel. The Black Emperor is good at stealing tombs and digging baby. This black valley may not have the tomb of the ancient powerhouse. Definitely.

Thinking of this, Song Ren suddenly showed his big white teeth, rubbed his hands, and chuckled away towards the black emperor …

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