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At, Song Ren ’s more than 6 million words of Emperor ’s Composition, which covers the sky, is still high on, even if it has been nearly a month, it is still firmly controlled. With the first place, everyone is really curious about him now.

However, it is more to encourage everyone to move forward together. There are even a few people who are specifically responsible for researching “Sky Cover”. You can complete Emperor’s Composition. I will write a copy and become a Premium or a Boutique. .

Everyone ’s life is gradually becoming calmer in the past. Throughout Heavenly Dao, countless people are working towards Spiritual Novels Network and [Sect], but they have not found that a meteor has slipped from the distant sky. This piece of Heaven and Earth.

If you have a heart to discover, you will notice that this meteor is not light, but scarlet.

Until, on a nameless mountain range, it landed abruptly, and the powerful air wave directly flattened half of the mountain, and the entire mountain range shuddered a few times, and several powerful ominous beasts Coming from all directions, looking at the deep pit below, and the special breath contained inside, each and everyone scrambled to come.

However, when they first touched the edge of the pit, a lot of tentacle-like things suddenly stretched out from below, and they were all grabbed and dragged down at once.

In the deep pit, the whimper continued, and soon it became calm.

As the treetops on the moon, a huge pile of meat slowly creeps up from the deep pit. All the meat in the meat is the ominous beast that has just been dragged. It is the head of the terrified eyes, which is rapidly digested and absorbed.

And in the middle of this meat, there are still a large number of purple blood vessels, with blood vessels as the center, and a lot of bloodshot sticks out, seemingly absorbing.

next moment, in the center of the blood vessels, a pair of purple pupils suddenly appeared. It looked at all around and wriggled directly.

All of a sudden, the mountain range that everyone used to experience has become quiet. It seems that even the bird is gone.

As the morning sun rises slowly, in the middle of the mountain range, a middle-aged person with purple hair and purple eyes slowly walks out, he shakes his neck and wrists, ka ka makes a loud sound, and then meets the long Take a breath: “It turns out that this taste is indeed much stronger than the planes I chose.”

His voice is hoarse, but full of a sense of superiority, and behind him , It is a lot of shriveled pieces.

next moment, both of his hands merged together, the ripples of layers of purple continue to spread out as the center, and it took only a few interest time, left and right hands opened the Heavenly Dao net and Divine Demon. Net.

“It ’s ridiculous, Jian Wuchen and Jian Wuchen, as the gold pioneer of Dao Child, did n’t expect you to put these two networks together, do n’t you know, one plane Can you only grow one of them to Great Accomplishment at most? It seems that when you sneak attacked into a serious injury, you broke the jar and broke it.

I have been healing for so long, almost destroy both body and soul, only to recover slowly, even if I explored a few unknown planes later, I feel that this is not good, and I am unwilling, so I am here, but you sealed this World too strong. , Even if I use a lot of methods, I can only barely pass down my a wisp of Divine Sense condensed body.

Let me see how many Emperor’s Composition authors were born in this World, because Only the author of Emperor’s Composition can add a lot of luck to your Dao Child door, haha, ridiculous, really ridiculous, after more than two thousand years, only sixty-nine Emperor’s Composition authors, as for the other, even a Sage ‘ There is no s Composition.

It ’s such a good world, but you are made into a nondescript look now. It ’s a pity, and I do n’t know if you are still alive. After all, I also tried my best. But I have external resources to patch up. What are you going to do to recover in this plane?

Forget it, no matter whether you are still alive or not, how can I not withstand the death of my withered Taoist? I ’ll leave you some good things. This time, I ’ve made enough preparations. If you can see it, you ’ll love it. ”

The purple hair middle age person of the Mingkuling Taoist, murmurs After whispering to himself, a black bead appeared out of thin air when he reached out his hand. No, it was a rotating eyeball.

Eyeballs are constantly floating with black air, and there are countless buzzing and whispering echoes, exuding a cold air.


Soon, the black qi in front of the eyes turned into a barbed arm, pointing straight ahead.

Kui Ling Taoist is full of surprise: “Luck is so good, there is a guy who has Deity in front of it? But unfortunately, non-Emperor’s Composition, cultivation base is even weaker, it seems It is the Deity that emerged from the advanced Sage’s Composition, but it does not matter. His cultivation base is already powerful in this World. If you control Deity, it will be better. ”

The corners of his mouth were raised, and he even extended his tongue and gently licked his lips. His feet moved, and he instantly penetrated the space and left.

“Let me, give you a hard working plane, loosen the soil!”


Demon God Sect!

Tu Xiang is really meditating in retreat. As the dean of Demon Sect, he seems to be killing and killing in the normal situation, but he has another identity, is a Sage’s Composition writer, and even walked out. In addition to such good things as the humanoid Deity, he rarely uses it normally, unless it is necessary.

So for now, his Deity still has four opportunities to use it.

But last time, the Human Race traitor Sikong Bitu used the Deity summon order to force all of their Deity to summon. Qian Chen of Kuixing Mountain, Madame Ji of Qingxia School, Heavenly Master Path’s waiter, the spirit of Fairy Gate, Fairy, he and the perverted author, many of the only Deities are all gathered together.

No fight, purely for the purpose of consuming one use, that guy, he was distressed after returning.

So, for now, he has three more times.

As soon as he thought about what Sikong Bitu did that day, he was upset and irritable. It was really, not his own, and he never knew that it hurt.

“Teach the palm, 50 li west from my Demon God Sect, there is a change, do you want to send someone to check it out!”

Outside, I remembered the disciples in the door .

Tu Xiangzhen ’s eyes opened, and the expression was rather unpleasant: “Is it still necessary to report this to me, what do the hosts do?”

“Yes, I This is … “The voice outside suddenly came suddenly.

Tu Xiangzhen gave up Cultivation: “It ’s getting more and more unruly, I think now Demon God Sect, you really want to treat me ……, you, who are you?”

Suddenly, the closed door of the hall opened directly, and a right hand suspended his eyes, and the person with purple hair and purple eyes walked in slowly. There was a soft disciplinary discipline outside, which was long gone.

“Nirvana Realm great perfection is pretty good, but almost, I will help you to reincarnate, so that if you control Deity, you should be able to exert more formidable power, but you need it. It’s a little bit alive, it shouldn’t matter if you think about it, you seem to have a lot of people in this sect, enough! “

The mouth of the Kuling Taoist smiled, and the open door slowly closed.

Tonight, Demon God Sect has a bloody smell …

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