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Celestial Emperor Pavilion, the current Deity has only six left.

Originally, there were five statues, namely Qian Chen of Kuixing Mountain, Mrs. Ji of Qingxia School, Yueyue of Heavenly Master Path, Fairy of Shenyi Gate and Tu Xiangzhen of Demon God Sect.

The people who originally owned Deity are extremely confidential, but because of the last Dekong summon order of Sikong Bitu, the waiting tree demon of Heavenly Master Path has used up the last number of uses, and Divine Heart and Song Ren complete the transaction.

At that time, everyone checked the origin of each Deity through the Internet, and even the perverted author came out from the Nine Kings City, and one person occupied three respects, which caused many people to pay attention.

In addition to the deity of the pervert author and Sikong Bitu, there are only four Deity left.

But not long ago, Tian An Old Ancestor of Cang Divine Race reached Sage’s Composition, walked out of the humanoid Deity, and Zhong Jingshan of Author Certification Guild walked out of [Sect], so he is currently staying in With the addition of Holy City Celestial Emperor Pavilion, there are six.

If you count Song Ren ’s four statues, there will be exactly ten human figures Deity, and as for Divine Artifact, there are hundreds.

I have to say that it can still give Demon Race some shock.

Song Rentou wore a golden armor and came into the air, invisible in the void, just about to go down. Suddenly, the clear blue part of the Celestial Emperor Pavilion shivered violently. Then, a stone tablet suddenly broke away. The streamer disappeared at the end of the sky.

Song Rentou was a little puzzled and suddenly smiled: “I exchanged Divine Stone from the store of Heavenly Dao. At that time, I specifically attracted all Deity to come back, and then carried out unified management and actions. Why, now you Have another mission? “

” Hey ~~ “A long sigh rang from behind Song Rentou, an old man with gray hair, carrying his hands, wearing a robe, walked out of the void, and followed Song Rentou stood side by side, watching the streamer disappear.

“I knew that satire old man, now I ’m getting more and more powerless, I still have these few left, I ca n’t use it, the author of ‘Have The Ability To Hit Me’ Ah? ‘, A “Snowy Path of the Heroic Blade”, which achieved quasi-Sage’s Composition, opened a small Secret Realm, and condensed Deity’s old Sword God Li Chungang.

Attracted other two Deity to leave Celestial Emperor Pavilion and enter Secret Realm , Since then, all Deity Divine Artifact has never settled in Celestial Emperor Pavilion.

Last time, Human Race traitor Sikong Bitu used the Deity summon order to force summon all Deity, I still did not stay, wasted With five Celestial Emperor Pavilion and three authors, there are a total of eight Deity usages.

Now, as you can see, we have no plan, but Deity has left and should be the author It ’s too difficult for me to summon by myself now. “

Song Rentou smiled suddenly when he heard the old Heavenly Venerate, Celestial Emperor Pavilion’s real leader Ji Ji speaks.

“It can only be said that you are old, the prestige is no longer, moreover, it is the Deity that Novel written by the author himself went out. Whatever they want, you ca n’t control it, I see. “You should let go of this burden sooner or choose an heir,” Song Rentou said.

Ji Si looked at him up and down, his shriveled skin squeezed wrinkles: “It seems that you have reached this step too, it is really powerful, now in this mainland, Human Race here except me and me Outside of you, there is only Old Turtle on the other side of Demon Realm, but after all, you are the youngest one.

I still remember that the old president led you into the guild and announced that you should train you well To take over his class, I laughed at that time, and you, since becoming president, always hang on, because thanks to the hard work of the old men and everyone, you did n’t lose the guild.

In the end, I found three Vice-Presidents to manage for you, and you wandered across the continent, and it disappeared for hundreds of years. I thought you were looking for your Master to join the underground, but didn’t expect, you returned this time, but you have become the third person to step into this realm, really young and promising. “

Song Rentou directly heard the praise from Ji Si Chi laughed aloud: “young and promising? Me? I remember you all have seven thousand seven How old are you? As for the demon domain, according to rumors, it should be more than three thousand years old, which is more than a thousand years earlier than the Heavenly Dao net. I counted it, and it is more than three hundred years old. Also young and promising? ”

“Your kid, it ’s estimated that the old man is mad, I have n’t had a fraction of it. I know your extraordinary natural talent. In other words, since you disappeared a few decades ago, what ’s the powerhouse? I stepped into this step in a few decades? I spent my entire life for more than 800 years, and even went to the Old Turtle before I stepped in, “Ji Si was really curious.

Song Rentou turned around and looked at Ji Sichang ’s old appearance, and the signs of the five decays of heaven and man that began to appear on his body, recalling the centuries of muddiness, constantly transforming his identity, every time he awakened again Breakthrough is actually very difficult.

“Do n’t talk about this, this time I came here, I actually want to ask you something, since I stepped in that step, I feel that this continent has a pair of eyes watching me, making me subconscious Hidden cultivation base, just escaped, you, do you feel this way? “Song Rentou asked.

Ji Si sighed: “It seems that you have also noticed, otherwise, why do you think that I and the Old Turtle did not leave this continent, because of this, after all, the three of us are the only ones who have been People who have reached this point, our continent, seems to be blocked. “

” Blocked? What do you mean? “Song Rentou asked in shock.

Ji Sidao: “It ’s not artificial, it should be blocked by the Heavenly Dao consciousness of this continent, it seems that we are afraid to go out, and then it is found that this plane is average. The result of the joint deduction of the old Turtle.

But decades ago, we noticed that a different breath suddenly fell on this continent. Soon after, the Heavenly Dao network appeared, which also It further confirmed our guess. “

Song Rentou frowned:” You mean, there are people outside this plane? Or World? There are people from outside who came, bringing Heavenly Dao Net? “

Ji Si nodded:” On this point, as the chairman of Author Certification Guild, you may ask the hottest author today, his recently completed Emperor’s Composition book “Zhi Tian” “, Which describes various stories of Heaven Beyond the Heaven and planes.

We used an imaginary reason that has been inferred for so long, but he wrote Novel with such thoughts. Out of so much Deity, it ’s a little terrifying Plus there is a strange smell coming two thousand years ago, so I thought, man, what ought to know. “

Ji Division heard, suddenly silent.

If you reason like this, you really have to find Zhong Jingshan to contact the author.

Ji Si continued: “Since you stepped into this step, I might as well tell you one more thing, anyway, there are only three of us.”

“Why?” Asked Song Rentou, raising his head.

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