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Setting up Wang Yongan and seeing Daniu and his lady who hurried back, Song Ren and Su Youwei set off towards Author Certification Guild.

At the same time, there are Bai Yu Fatty Ke and Huo Jie Monster Sovereign who went to the guild together.

There are also some melon-eating people who are gathering towards the guild and may be able to capture another big news.

Because we can see that two Deity have an accident, and now, there are only four Deity left.

The number of Deity has been fully transparent since Sikong Bitu used Deity summon.

In the unlikely event that something is unknown to everyone, will the next author also have an accident?

Zhong Jingshan from Author Certification Guild? Is Tianyi Old Ancestor of Divine Race? Or Qian Chen from Kuixing Mountain and Mrs. Ji from Qingxia School?

Also at the moment going to Holy City, there are Xuan Chen and Old Drunkard of Divine Race in Cang.

Only because the corpse sent by Celestial Emperor Pavilion was one of the brother corpses that fought for them, they had to take the brothers home and let them rest.

Demon domain!

Wan Yao Academy, all the students at this moment stared at each and everyone curiously, because all the teachers appeared, including more than a dozen imperial powerhouses, each and everyone looked awesome towards that old man.

It was an old man dressed in Tsing Yi, leaning on a dead wood cane, raking his waist, his face was kind, his nose was slightly larger, and his long eyebrows fell directly on his cheeks, except for the old man Except for some wrinkles, the other places looked like a piece of Wen Yu with a shimmering light.

He just talked to everyone, all the emperor-level powerhouses and prospective emperors, each and everyone looked respectful and listened to the teachings.

Such a scene is incredible.

The old man ’s voice was very soft, and he seemed to tell Junior about it. Finally, he looked towards Sikong Bitu in the crowd and waved.

All Monster Emperor gave way, Sikong Bitu walked out of the crowd, respectfully saluted: “Junior Sikong Bitu, I have seen the Senior!”

This old man, It is this continent, the first super powerhouse that surpasses the imperial powerhouse and reaches the Sub Saint level, and is also the old Turtle that Ji Si talked about-returning to the sea!

In fact, above the emperor level, it is the state of Sub Saint, but it is only Sub Saint Early-Stage. They ca n’t go any further.

This piece of Heaven and Earth is not allowed, nor can they let them cultivate again. If they want to cultivate, they can only go out.

But the spirit of Heaven and Earth will not let them leave, because once they leave, it is very likely that people outside will find this place, a plane can give birth to self-awareness, it ’s too difficult Difficult, and this spirit is new and weak.

Until the advent of the Heavenly Dao net later, with an unstoppable impact, it forced it to protect itself in disguise.

This makes it very angry.

When Bai Yu and the 17 people were about to leave Luoxuefeng, he tried his best to keep him down and was seriously injured, forcing Bai Yu to recover in the corpse for so long.

After that, Bai Yu used the demon domain to activate Divine Demon .Net, let the two networks compete for each other, and let the spirit that had been lurking to appear, appearing in the blank area between the two networks.

It regretted it and let Bai Yu hurry to leave.

Maybe because of the relaxation before, Ji Si became the second Sub Saint and Song Rentou became the third.

Going to the sea looking at Sikong Bitu, gently stroking the snowy white beard: “Very good, you are also an imperial powerhouse, and also a Human Race. I will take you on this trip. It ’s just familiar, and I have n’t been there for a long time. ”

As Gui Hai finished, all the monsters were started. This Sikong Bitu, the teacher who usually teaches students, turned out to be a powerhouse ?

I thought he had at most a quasi-empirical cultivation base, which is too good to hide.

Since Gui Gui lay bare the truth with one remark for decades, Sikong Bitu has no accidents: “Yes, his subordinates follow the orders!”

Gui Hai gets up, a few An emperor-level powerhouse quickly went to help: “I went to Human Race this time, I was invited by an old friend, maybe I have a good harvest, and I have to congratulate a colleague. Before leaving, I have to say a few hundred years of sentiment.

Monster Emperor listened, and bowed immediately, listening carefully.

The return to the sea slowly walked towards the gate, looking at the World outside: “Day and night, Yin and Yang, positive and negative, Human Race and Demon Race, everything is actually caused by countless such The formation of the interaction of contradictions is precisely because of this, so that we are constantly suppressed and moving forward.

When one day is missing a link, just like Human Race suddenly no longer, only left Under Demon Race, there will be conflicts again between Demon Race, and then there will be yin and yang. It must be Yin!

Is it containment or balance, one day you will understand, let ’s go, I have a feeling, I, finally have to leave! “Gui Hai looked up towards the sky and then extended the hand , Sikong Bitu quickly went to help.

One man and one demon, just go towards Human Race, leaving only the whole palace, the quiet and contemplative Monster Emperor …



The Kuling Taoist people felt a little surprised after feeling that Han Ling was also dead. They opened the Heavenly Dao net and looked at the news above.

“It turned out that the author with four Deity shots blocked, otherwise, I’ll go find you, maybe, you can bring me a different kind of splendor!” Kuling Taoist revealed some Excited expression.

Looking at it, there is still a day or so away, and I arrive at Author Certification Guild.

According to what is said online, it is the place of faith in Human Race, where Holy City is located, all the Deity Divine Artifacts are there, and there is a Vice-President, a new Deity is born, Never used it.

The original goal was him. If he slaughtered in Holy City, it would have been very good. After all, the population is that many, and the number of Cultivation is innumerable.

By the time the two sides are besieging, it must be pretty.

After hesitating, he decided to go to the author who has four Deity, but next moment, he seems to have a general sense, the pupil of purple flashes, and the bead appears in his hand, black The gas lingered between them, forming a barbed arm, one finger in front.

“Someone even sent someone to your door, lest I go to each and everyone to find it, so that you can attract your attention first, and then I will go to the author!” Kuling Daoren accepted the beads, As soon as my feet moved, I moved forward.

Song Ren and Su Youwei went all the way and kept looking at Heavenly Dao ’s news online. This matter seemed very serious. Is it possible that the guild president came to him for his safety?

“Why not take a night ’s rest, follow the route, and then you will arrive at Holy City one day. Recently, I ’ve seen you have a lot of thoughts and I ca n’t help you much,” Su Youwei said.

Song Ren turned off the internet and gently tapped on her forehead.

“What do you think, it does n’t matter, maybe I see you …”

next moment, Song Ren suddenly covered his chest, his face palpitated, and then suddenly raised his head, looked towards the front , A middle age person with purple hair and purple eyes, step by step …

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