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When I saw the middle age person with purple hair and purple eyes, the moment was still 1000 meters away, and the next moment came to them.

Song Ren almost felt instinctively a crisis of life and death, and immediately pulled Su Youwei who had not yet responded to him.

Su Youwei looked at this person with a puzzled face, and inexplicably thought of Han Ling before death, let them be careful about a ‘purple’ thing.

She immediately grabbed Song Ren’s arm nervously and looked towards the coming person.

Long Ling Taoist looked at Song Ren and was a little surprised: “So young? It looks like this world is still some kind of able-bodied. I thought the female doll was already the youngest, really didn’t Expect. “

When you heard each other looking up and down at them, Su Youwei immediately understood who the female doll he was talking about.

Song Ren caught the sensitive word “This World”.

He is not the one in this World?

No wonder the authors of both Deity will suffer such a catastrophe.

There is no direct evidence linking two things with this person, but at this time, Song Ren knows that he must be the secret mastermind.

Nothing else, purely the same kind of induction as the author of Deity.

Song Ren rarely feels the crisis of life and death. Whether he is facing Tianshu, the fire king Zhuye, or Ke Yunke Miao, he is just afraid and frightened.

But at the moment facing this middle age person, Song Ren has a sense of have one’s hair stand on end from the soul.

“Little boy, hello, I am surprised to see your skeleton, in ten-thousand does not have one …”

The words of the Kuling Taoist have not been finished yet, Song Ren suddenly turned around and immediately hugged Su Youwei. The whole body of Thunder Dragon’s blood swelled instantly. The tigers were unstoppable. Unprecedented, Eight Talisman Gate opened to the extreme and went directly to the direction of Holy City.

Now, only there can gain a ray of vitality, other directions, no escape.

“It’s a wary Little Brat!” A series of escape movements, Song Ren instantly appeared in beyond a thousand li. After the Lingling Taoist finished speaking to himself, he moved and chased him directly.

“You put me down, let’s escape together!” Just a moment, Song Ren came out of the Eight Talisman Gate, Su Youwei in her arms hurriedly spoke.

Holding her, Song Ren can’t run fast.

When Song Ren opened the second rune gate, when the lightning flashed at his feet, a huge bloody blade glow near the thousand zhang suddenly swept across the sky and directly split towards the Eight Talisman Gate.

Song Ren said nothing, a few flashes under his feet, he went to the other side, and then fled towards the sky quickly.

In front of this person, Song Ren knows that he is absolutely invincible with his current realm.

In the face of Song Ren like a loach, the Lingling Taoist exudes an imperial cultivation base at the moment, and Song Ren is only Nirvana Realm Middle-Stage, followed by reincarnation (quasi-imperial) In order to catch up.

And even with the same realm, the means of the Kuling Taoist people are not available in this world, and can be easily suppressed.

Song Ren ca n’t escape. Even at this moment, Secret Realm is not necessarily safe. Even if it ’s safe, Su Youwei does.

Escape, only escape, infinitely close to Holy City, close to the author ’s guild, Celestial Emperor Pavilion, there is a way of life.

The Kuling Taoist has an extra blood red sword in his hand, but his face is a bit surprised, especially when he looks at his Eight Talisman Gate, he smiles suddenly.

“It ’s really did n’t expect, that guy is still alive, and he gave you these methods. It ’s interesting, it ’s really interesting!” The Kuling Taoist people seem to have found the thirst of the enemies. Stepping forward, the figure arrived in front of Song Ren almost instantaneously, and then with a swipe, the space was torn, and it was split against Song Ren’s neck at an extremely amazing speed.

Song Ren’s face was startled, Su Youwei was thrown out at once, and then a crystal coffin appeared in the palm of his hand.

Dang dang dang!

fire star flowing in all directions, the violent wind formed by the collision of the two spreads and spreads, directly leveling the two nearby mountains directly , Even the entire mountain range below, is a tremor.

Song Ren was spitting blood at the mouth with this powerful recoil.

It’s too strong, it’s not a grade at all.

The withering spirit Taoist looked at this green leafy coffin unexpectedly, but he resisted his full strength attack, which was very interesting.

And I do n’t know why, but I feel a familiar breath from this coffin, but unfortunately I ca n’t see clearly.

didn’t expect this World, there is such a treasure.

“Song Ren ——” Su Youwei, who was stabilizing in the distance, shouted anxiously and was about to come.

Song Ren ’s face turned red, barely turning his head: “Run, run-”

“No, die together,” Su Youwei cried, without the slightest hesitation Rushed over.

The Kuling Taoist people looked at them and immediately smiled: “Little Brat, didn’t expect you have a soulmate who is desperate for you. I do n’t know how many people are flying in their own way. Did it fall, I like doing this kind of thing the best. “

” you dare! “Song Ren gnashing teeth said.

“Oh, you can check it out!”

The Kuling Taoist finished, and disappeared in front of him like this.

Song Ren ’s face changed suddenly, and he turned his head immediately, shouting at Su Youwei who was galloping: “Be careful-”


The Kuling Taoist appeared in front of Su Youwei in this way, implying a punch from the imperial powerhouse directly.

“No—” Song Ren’s defect was about to crack, his heart and lungs shouted, and then he galloped.


Su Youwei, whose arms are not yet unfolded, gushed out of his blood, looking at the fist on his stomach, his ears, and his nose There was blood flowing in the middle, she looked up and looked at Song Ren with her eyes confused. She could not hear Song Ren’s words in her ears, only the constant buzzing.

It hurts!

This is Su Youwei’s most intuitive feeling.

In the next second, he flew directly backwards and hit a mountain with dust.

The Lingling Taoist looked at his fist with some doubt. With the blow just now, he was completely confident and directly beat a Nirvana Realm Early-Stage person into blood mist. What happened?

In the mountain range, some of the people who have experienced here are now scared to cover their mouths, here are their five low grade sect, hundreds of Inner Gate Disciple experience, but now each and everyone tremble Even a few female disciple are crying, looking at the woman in the distance, the woman who was beaten into the mountain range, life and death is unknown.

However, at the moment, a blue fluorescence circulates in front of the woman, and a blue butterfly wanders, slowly forming a purple badge.

“Is that the badge of the author of Emperor ’s Composition?” a female disciple cried.

“No, I do n’t know, we, let ’s get out of here.”

“But Senior Brother they, they have n’t gone yet, you see, they ’re actually broadcasting live, do n’t Dead, let’s move forward. “

” We are leaving here, this battle is not what we can watch, I, I am afraid. “

” Wait, you guys hurry See what that is, oh my god — “


” I ’m going to kill you— “Song Ren is flawed and the whole person explodes completely, His eyes were red and he roared.

“Deity ——Chen Zhan!”

“Deity ——Ghost Li!”

“Deity ——Li Chungang!”

“Deity-Great Empress Ferocity!”

Song Ren The whole person was divided into four parts directly, and then dissipated like this, next moment, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth, suddenly an indescribable pressure Directly coming down, let the original Lingling Taoist who was really going all the time, suddenly complexion changed ……

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