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Song Ren is landing himself on this Level 4 plane for the first time.

He believes that if the Teacher is there, he will know that he is here.

And after connecting to the Internet in this world, Song Ren also quickly sent a message to the Teacher, but did not receive a reply.

Is the Teacher in other planes?

After all, each plane is a separate ‘local area network’. If you are on the Level 4 plane, Old Drunkard ca n’t be reached at all if you are on another plane.

Because Song Ren, as a newcomer, has never landed on thousands of planes, it is a ‘person’ who does n’t exist at all, and even if he wants to contact him, he ca n’t even get in touch.

But Song Ren does n’t plan to run anymore, after all, his destination is here.

In the Dao Child door, find two networks and ‘headquarters’ that are in the same plane and briefly lose contact with each other. Then Heavenly Dao begins to devour the fusion of the two immobile and rebellious Dove Zhanque. The nesters slowly hide the starry universe, form independent individuals, become self-reliant, and steadily develop and grow.

Otherwise, it will be crowded out by the two networks, and before death, it will let all the souls of the entire continent be buried.

Song Ren has checked the Internet about the Internet until now, and there is no relevant news. Therefore, Song Ren is very worried that if these network seeds are spilled to all planes, they are all ‘ The unbridled wild horse ‘, the kind that can’t control at all.

In this case, when the time comes, you can only fight with Heavenly Dao.

Emperor’s Composition author reached the news of falling into the sea, after everyone talked about it, he quickly searched the work of this Emperor’s Composition author online, and found a total of five finished works, a serial, After tens of millions of words, I was a little shocked.

This author can really write,

Five works, three Epochs, one Sage ’s Composition, and one Emperor ’s Composition, can be called smooth and smooth.

Some authors have potential, Mundane ’s, and even Court Eunuch ’s Novel.

However, such a good work makes people want to see it, and it ’s a lot of stuff. I will look at it first.

And the number of sects in this plane is tens of millions, or even as much as cattle hair, but the more famous are the eight sect names that are given sacred tasks to expand the business and subordinates of this plane The number is big.

Not to mention anything else, when the fifteen Emperor ’s Composition authors of Dayan Immortal Sect and the fifteen Deity besieged the star beast flower, everyone was shocked, but also numb.

After all, the author of Emperor ’s Composition is no longer unfathomable in the process of communication between thousands of planes. Some Academy even hires Emperor ’s Composition as the teacher.

Emperor ’s Composition The author has been teaching live broadcasts innumerably.

The most important thing is Deity.

It is Peak that can write Deity from a book.

And Deity, maybe Premium goes out, or Boutique goes out, maybe Epoch, Sage ’s Composition, Emperor ’s Composition can all go out.

Of course, or maybe, even if you wrote the Emperor ’s Composition that Heavenly Dao admits, there is no Deity, it is still said in vain.

Too many, too many Sage ’s Composition and Emperor ’s Composition authors ca n’t write a work that can give birth to Deity, maybe once, but after using it, I feel more pressure, the more I want to achieve the previous achievements, the more discomfortable.

Some people even repressed this pen and became a thing of the past.

The old gods abdicate, the new gods are on the top, the replacements are interleaved, and the endless stream has emerged, which has become a common way of writing nets.

Even worse, 500 large sects have an Emperor ’s Composition author. Among tens of millions of sects, the content of Emperor ’s Composition authors is already terrifying.

After being seeded on the internet by his own small plane, because he was in the depths of the starry sky, he was severely wounded and sealed by Jian Wuchen. This world, no one guides, starting from nothing, up to Sixty-eight Emperor’s Composition authors were born in the exploration of more then 2000 years.

There are some Deity, but they are all consumed in the battle with Demon Race.

Not to mention, these have been tens of thousands of years, the various planes have communicated with each other, or the people have moved around to learn the plane.

According to the investigation by Song Ren, this single Yanmor Immortal Sect alone has more than fifty Emperor’s Composition authors, more than fifty Deity, basically every Emperor’s Composition author has such a Deity The standard configuration is horrible.

Dao Child door Song Ren does n’t understand, but there must be many authors who want to come to Emperor ’s Composition, and there are many authors who have Deity.

As a foreign household, Song Ren, who has also had a relationship with Dao Child ’s door, wants to go deep into the Dao Child door, get attention, and get clues about the network ’s ‘cutoff’, which must be valued by others.

I ca n’t always run over and say to others now: “Hello, I ’m the author of Emperor ’s Composition, you have a certain plane outside, I own four Deity, no, no, what, which one do you want to ask? Plane? I ca n’t say, what, I want to show four Deity to confirm, my Deity usage is limited, in our plane, everyone knows. “

What do you think of yourself as a Level 4 plane sign of one of the Eight Great Sects?

And the specific situation of the Teacher is still unclear. The Emperor Sect of the withering Taoist Immortal Sect is unknown.

According to what has been said on the Internet, the Kuling Taoist is seriously injured as a gold pioneer. If the teacher is seriously injured, where is the teacher?

There is also Xiaoxi, a more intriguing Dragon Race.

Song Ren has to be careful and careful in order to gain everything about himself in this dragon’s pool and tiger’s den.

Hundreds of millions of people are waiting for him in the plane of Little Heavenly Dao.

So, if you want to be valued, Song Ren will have to come up with ‘door entry ceremony’ and ‘knock brick’.

And this entrance ceremony, Song Ren put it in the current Sixth Novel “Fairy Reverse”, find a place, in one go.

After making a plan, Song Ren, with a little girl, found a Heavenly Paradise that was rented for one year, and began to update “Sinny”.

Song Ren ’s update speed is very fast. After all, others need to think about the plot and polish the sentences, but do n’t forget that he is in his own plane, but he is a hundred more emperors and record creators.

Song Ren has started a frantic update of “Xian Ni”, after all, there have been many people who have begun to pay attention to the author of Emperor ’s Composition, which first came to the surface of the falling sea.

In just ten days, plus the previous manuscript, Song Ren ’s book has reached 300,000 words. The plot has a certain expansion, but Skyrim has no manifestation of “Sin Reverse” .

Song Ren is losing, and has a new height for the network maturity and criticality of this world.

It seems that in the outside world, especially this Level 4 plane, the brilliant age of countless talents, countless good texts running around, it is really not easy to get a good text.

However, he has enough confidence in Xian Ni.

Because Song Ren rents an independent mountain, Song Ren once again ordered Xiaoxi not to run around and Heihuang and Xiaohua to take care of her, Song Ren chose to update again.

From 10,000 words to 20,000 words per day, to the last 50,000 words, Song Ren’s updated hearty and hearty, also revisited this different cultivation Novel, bringing him endless touch.

After half a month, after Song Ren updated the latest chapter, Skyrim suddenly responded.

Song Ren opened Cave Mansion and looked at the sky, a horrible voice began to echo the entire continent.

[Spiritual Novels Network Congratulations to “Xian Ni” for being included in the Premium Novel column. 】

【Spiritual Novels Network rewards the author with a 2,400-year-old Xuanyin fruit! 】

Many people looked up, an orange reel began to include “Xian Ni”, but did not care too much,

Premium is very common in this plane For them, this is just fortunate authors who have reached the lucky pass.

Let ’s first take a look at the work of the newly emerged author of Emperor ’s Composition.

It seems very good, and it is more and more attractive.

Song Ren smiled and said nothing, and entered Cave Mansion again.

Twenty days after shaking, Skyrim rolled up again and again …

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