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Since the last time “Xian Ni” entered Premium, there have been eight Novels in the past 20 days. While many people are envious, for these potential authors, some Small forces began to draw messages in the book review area.

As for medium and large sect, it is to disdain as beneath contempt.

Their goals are placed on the authors of Epoch or Sage ’s Composition.

After all, on the Level 4 plane, there are too many books on Premium.

And today, the Heavenly Dao net once again winds up in the clouds, and under everyone ’s eyes, a silhouette gradually appears on the sky.

Everyone was shocked, and soon they were startled.

“It ’s Deity, it ’s Deity, or it ’s humanoid.”

“Oh my God, who is this, and good luck, what is Novel written?”

“Quickly, notify sect. Once the name appears, we will immediately mobilize the sect personnel to open the conditions in this Novel book review area.” The number of Novels is getting less and less now, even if the author of Emperor’s Composition is not necessarily, sweet and sour, when will I … wait, what’s going on? “



When countless people looked up, when they were envious of envy, a humanoid phantom appeared in the sky. Then, there appeared a second, then a third, a fourth …

Under their stunned eyes, there are already hundreds of humanoid phantoms on the sky, as well as each and everyone buildings, flying birds.

Hundreds of humanoid Deity?

Are you kidding me?

They have only seen it now. A book has gone out of the three humanoid Deity and become Legendary. Now is this an incubator?

It ’s ridiculous.

“No, they are not the Deity of this work, and it is impossible, too illusory.”

“Yes, this seems to be a city. A person seems to be a resident of this city. You see, they do n’t have facial features, they seem to be doing business. “

” That’s right, you see it is a stall. ”

“That should be a wine shop, the second shop is soliciting customers.”

“Speaking of soliciting customers, look at the shadow of the 2-Layer upstairs in the east. /p>

“Oh Brother Wang, you are a familiar customer.”

“cough cough, seriously, this is simply a city, a group of mortals, set off, the real Deity should be soon Will appear.”

“Look at that-”

People looked at it again, and I do n’t know when, in this group of people with only linear shapes, a different person appeared.

This is a tea shed, dressed in a gray coat, with long hair, like the back of a Mundane person sitting like this, looking at the innumerable living beings in front of him.

I ca n’t see his face, but I can see that there is a wood carving in his hand, which is slowly carving.

One point, one point, there are wood chips falling down gently.

Then the surrounding scene began to dissipate slowly until it was all disappeared.

Deity, the condensation failed.

Many people felt sorry for a while.

At this time, a scroll of azure appeared in the sky, and it was written [Xian reverse].

There is a voice echoing Heaven and Earth.

【Spiritual Novels Network Congratulations to ‘Xian Ni’ for becoming a Boutique work. 】

【Spiritual Novels Network presents the author ‘There is the ability to hit me’ three royal medicine pills, three millennium spiritual medicines, and one Magical Powers, which are set to be random. ]

Then the scroll slowly disappeared, and Heaven and Earth became calm.

But everyone froze for a moment, then suddenly boiled.

“If I read it right, was it” Xian Ni “? I remember twenty days ago, this work had just entered Premium, how could it be so fast?”

“Oh my god, I didn’t pay attention at first. In just 20 days, I updated the number of words to more than 600,000 words, with an average of more than 20,000 words per day. At this rate, I don’t know how the quality is, but it’s just Boutique. ”

” constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry, I suddenly became a little curious about this Boutique work, but it’s a pity that Deity didn’t show up. “

“I said, are you focusing on the wrong thing, did you not notice that this book is an author of Emperor’s Composition?”

“Really, this Pseudonym, so owed, where do I seem to listen Have you been? “

” You are stupid, this is not just some time ago, was the reported Emperor’s Composition author who first came to me on the horizon. “

” Also Really, now the competitiveness is getting bigger and bigger, but the author of Emperor’s Composition is the author of Emperor’s Composition From Premium to Boutique, from more than 200,000 words to 800,000 words, it took only twenty days. “

” haha, I have noticed this book for a long time, I really recommend you to look at this book , Written very well, know who the Deity was just now, is the protagonist Wang Lin, this is the latest chapter content updated today, the protagonist Huafan, return to the Mundane people with cultivation people, looking for traces of life, carving a hundred in the world The attitude is simply too classic. “

” That’s right, I’m looking at it too, and it gave me great inspiration. Admitted by Heavenly Dao, it is enough to show that this is feasible. I also plan to stop Cultivation recently. This bottleneck has bothered me for so many years. The more anxious I can’t break through, I plan to go to the world of red dust and take a break with ordinary people’s mentality. formed. “

” Is it really enlightening? Is it so magical, you guys talk first, I will hurry up and take a look. “


With “Xian Ni” entered the Boutique column, Deity failed to condensate, many people discussed spiritedly, but it attracted more people to pay attention to this work, the popularity rose rapidly.

Because the author himself is Emperor’s Composition, his five works are all one million words, more than 6 million, and the finished version, without Court Eunuch, is a very good character, which makes it Everyone’s goodwill has risen another level.

Song Ren was calm in heart, and was even more surprised by the selection of the mature Heavenly Dao net of Level 4 planes.

800,000 words, Boutique works, although there is no Deity, but there are signs of success.

He has n’t experienced it before.

Looking at Xiao Xi is still there, after not running around, Song Ren enters Cave Mansion again and starts crazy codewords and updates.

1 month later, Song Ren’s face was slightly pale, without Teacher’s reply. After updating the 30,000 words he wrote today, he twisted his neck.

I just went out and prepared to take Xiaoxi to go outside, Between Heaven and Earth, reappears a natural phenomenon.


A roar that seems to come from ancient times, suddenly reverberating from Between Heaven and Earth, scaring many people who have not yet noticed to tremble.

As soon as I looked up, I saw the sky with layers of ripples. I do n’t know when, the surrounding scene slowly changed into a starry sky, and one of the planets suddenly burst in this brief moment, exuding terror Waves.

After the smoke dissipated, a huge giant with naked body was revealed.

The giant head has red hair and no wind, and its eyes are endless with ice and cold. The skin is rough and covered with ravines. The veins above are distinct, like the ancient talisman of each and everyone.

On his eyebrows, there are six stars in a circle, turning slowly, making people involuntarily swallow.

Here, what is going on?

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