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Under the watch of the four angel kings, Song Ren seemed a little embarrassed, and he was not sure whether he could resurrect the black spirit, even if he enabled the additional attribute of the Great Empress Ferocity Deity, and he had no idea.

It ’s really a very special situation. In the past, there was only one newly born consciousness, but now both consciousnesses are fighting for the same body.

Whether Wu Hua was originally or newly born, this body is his own, is it half dead or alive?

The Great Empress Ferocity ’s additional resurrection attribute is only left twice, but the condition for her resurrection is that the body is preserved intact and unconscious, and the convenience given by the Heavenly Dao net is used to retrieve and return that awareness to the body.

So he is not sure about the situation now.

While Uriel did n’t know about Great Empress Ferocity, what she hoped was that she would continue to draw inspiration to write the Tao Te Ching, seeing that it would cause a sensation and put dragon corpse beside her, in case it attracted Whatever comes down, or something like a reward, Wuxie can ‘stain a little light’, just fine if it’s done.

Facing the attention of the four kings, Song Ren wanted to say something, but his arm moved. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Xiao Xi staring at himself pitifully, his eyes moist.

“Dad, you can save Wuxi big brother, although Xiao Xi can’t remember this Big Brother, but you can feel that he is very important to Xiao Xi, just like relatives, just like you,” Xiao Xi exited pleadingly.

Xiaoxi is grown up looking at Wu Xiao. Since childhood, Xiaoxi has been given high hopes. The clan is very strict with her. After all, she carries the hope of Dragon Race in the future.

Everyone respects her and fears her, but only Wu Hua can secretly take her, and in a tense life, she can relax and laugh.

More to save her, resurrect her, and take her own life.

On the other hand, Wu Hua is her big brother.

What can Song Ren do if he is pleading,

Xiao Xi is her daughter, and Wu Xia is her big brother. According to this generation, is Wu Xie not his own … cough cough, deserve to be saved, deserve to be saved.

Song Ren gently pats the little childish little hands: “Save, Daddy save.”

I heard Song Ren say that the four Archangel kings all breathed a sigh of relief. With the words of Song Ren, everything is safe.

Once Wu Wu returns, he will give them a big boost. After all, he is Dragon Race Imperial Family Bloodline.

Now the Dragon Race Imperial Family Bloodline is very rare, but the massacres of that year made it impossible to know how many royal veins were completely cut off or destroyed.

Song Ren stayed in Angel Realm and asked Uriel and the others to find him a few people, Teacher Jian Wuchen, Xuan Chen and his father Song Rentou.

After all, they are now standing on the same line. Helping find someone should be with no difficulty. How to say it is also a real world, the existence of Peak.

When Uriel heard that Song Ren’s father was Song Rentou, each and everyone’s face turned red.

Song Ren sighed: “Laugh if you want to.”

“No, no, just suddenly I want to see what your father looks like, can cultivate an excellent son like you, rest assured, we will try our best, during this time, what do you want to eat, what do you want to drink? Tell us, once you have the inspiration, notify us quickly, we will immediately move the body of the Ukrainian big brother to your side. “Uriel said.

Song Ren nodded, but still said: “Do n’t give me too much hope, you know.”

Uriel is silent, and after a while, a smile appears on his face again: “I know, try your best.”


Song Ren is now completely a distinguished guest in the angelic world, and the privileges granted are also very large, and he has the wings of angels. He can walk around at will, and he can walk through the positions of the four royal courts one by one, except for some forbidden places. Outside.

As for the little ones, they are protected strictly. I am afraid that some people will think of something. Although no one dares to think about this idea, after all, the characters 10,000 years ago have reverted to the appearance of children.

Even if the older generation stays in front of you, I do n’t dare to think, not to mention that most of them are now a new generation of people, so much.

The whole book of Dao De Jing contains more than 5,100 words. Song Ren of course knows that the 48 words that contain the avenue have been updated, and it is already Boutique, which has become a legendary masterpiece in all planes.

After all, he was the first person to attract emperor and army divisions, and many people even hoped that he would attract the remaining four to see the appearance.

What is that ladder?

Who are those six climbers?

What are you doing?

hundreds of thousands For years, they always thought that there was only one emperor, but because of Song Ren, they opened a new world to them.

Everyone from all walks of life, I do n’t know how many works are born every day, there are Deity, there is no Deity, Epoch text, Emperor ’s Composition, but never attracted that military division.

Who is he, and why is there a feeling of admiration and admiration from the bottom of my heart when he looks at his broken armor.

It’s a pity Song Ren disappeared, and I don’t know that he was taken away by the gods.

Song Ren is also curious. As a hundred emperor a day, he updates tens of thousands of words a day, and the update of the two thousand eighty-eight characters of Daode Jing is simply a stunned effort.

But he always feels uneasy. After all, Sage ’s cause and effect are not easy to touch.

Song Ren was spending time and observing that if Wu Huan ’s original consciousness suddenly succeeded, he devoured another way, and he did n’t need himself anymore. How good.

He has nothing to do every day, he is updating his “Qing Mo”, when the word count reaches 300,000 words, finally, in the angel realm, someone found it.

In other realms, the contents of Song Ren ’s new book could not be found or synchronized, but they were found in Angel Realm.

What’s the matter, is it possible that the author that every real world is looking for, in the real world of angels?

This probability is too great, and for a while, countless spies began to spread messages.

hong long long!

And just today, after Song Ren’s whole body and comfortable update of the latest chapter of “The Devil”, Heaven and Earth began to manifest, and there was a horrible voice echoing.

【Spiritual Novels Network Congratulations, “Magic” is included in the Premium Novel column. 】

【Spiritual Novels Network rewards the author ‘Have The Ability To Hit Me‘ Ah? ’Two thousand 300 years Purple Lotus! 】

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