Celestial Emperor Pavilion ’s background treasures are inexhaustible. Everyone can send messages through the network, you can increase life and entertainment, you can be respected by others, you can get various treasures, you can also inspire Deity, protect yourself, protect your loved ones, Too many things are unmatched by traditional days.

Why do you want to release the network? This does n’t make sense. Why, it ’s your plane? Does this mean what you mean or everyone in your plane? “

Song Ren looked at Uriel with his eyelids drawn down, and finally understood, what would you say, the woman would return ten meanings to you.

I’m just asking, as far as so many things are extended.

“I ’m just asking and curiosity, mainly because I just got a little bit of sentiment about the Daode Jing, which involves the universe …”

Song Ren ’s words have n’t finished yet, and suddenly he feels light, and then there is the hu hu wind in his ears, which seems to have passed for a long time, but it seems only a moment.

Song Ren’s feet are solid, and he only feels like a huge stone is pressed on his chest. As soon as he opens his eyes, he sees that in the front, Uriel stands with a curiosity on his face.

And in front of the three, there is a sky.

No, to be precise, it is a huge abyss in front. The pitch-black as ink below, like a bottomless pit, seems to be able to devour people ’s minds and make people sink into it.

On the abyss, hu hu winds were heard in some places, and a large number of unimaginable spirit strength particles roared thinly, rolling like a tide, making people smell, and the smooth pores of the whole body were relaxed.

This kind of scene makes people dumbfounded, more full of mystery and strangeness!

Song Ren hurried in two steps and looked at all this, swallowing a spit.

There is such a magical place that he had n’t found out after wandering around for so long.

No, recalling how Uriel brought himself just now, this should be a very secret space.

next moment, nearly a hundred breaths of terror came from the opposite bank, glancing at Song Ren.

Each of these is the powerhouse of the ancestral realm.

Hundreds of ancestral powerhouses comparable to the King of Angels have been here, silently guarding, too terrifying.

Not losing money is a world.

Soon, it seems that the identity has been verified, and all the consciousnesses of the Dao Dao are disappeared.

“Let’s go!” Uriel finished, pulling Xiaoxi and jumping along the abyss.

“Where are you going to take me?” Song Ren shouted, but Uriel had already gone.

Song Ren murmured a few words, looked at the abyss below, sighed, waving a pair of wings, and followed.

After all, Xiaoxi followed, he had to go.

Song Ren keeps going down, and the air is getting colder and colder. I do n’t know how long it has fallen. It seems to be nearly three thousand ten thousand meters.

As he landed on the ground, an ancient and desolate breath assaults the senses, like returning to the Great Ancient Era.

Song Ren was alert immediately, his body swayed, and his forehead was swept again, and he saw Uriel in front of him, holding Xiao Xi’s hand, walking forward.

Song Ren just moved, and his feet seemed to step on the sand. When he lowered his head, he saw countless tiny blue crystal particles.

“This is, top grade Spirit Crystal sand? So much?” Song Ren looked around, all around, like a sandy beach.

If he stays here for cultivation, it ’s better than putting one or two hundred Tia ’s coffins next to him.

Song Ren swallowed a spit and hurried to catch up …

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