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As this sound sounded, another sound sounded, unlike the old one just now, full of the middle-aged man’s magnetism, and a bit more bloody meaning.

“The beginning of everything, Grand Dao Reaches The Simple, evolved into prosperity.”

The two voices read the same words, but they make everyone feel different.

Song Ren doesn’t care, it’s important to save people at this moment, he continued to write.

“The way of heaven is not enough to make up for the loss. The way of humanity is otherwise, the loss is not enough to make more.”

“Goodness is like water, water is good for all things without dispute, and it is evil for everyone, so it is better than the way.”

“Knowing Chang Rong, Rong Nai Gong, Gong Nai Quan, Quan Nai Tian, ​​Tian Nai Dao, Dao Nai long, and no loss of life.”

“The wood of the embrace is born in the end; the platform of 9-Layer starts from tired soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”


Song Ren is like writing to Xingtou, and he ca n’t directly control dozens of sentences.

I do n’t know when, above the sky, a rapidly spinning vortex began to appear, which was filled with Yin Qi of Death, making people tremble from the soul.

Under the rotation of the vortex, it is vaguely visible, and it seems to be filled with intertwined cracks.

Each vortex crack is a world.

Everyone was stunned. What’s going on? What is this?

Some people seem to think of something, and looked at it in disbelief.

is it possible that he really attracted the third person on the fairy ladder?

You can see through the vortex, there is the yellow sky, the black earth, and there are countless two-headed people there looking up to the roar.

They wanted to rush out, but at the moment they rushed out, it seemed to hit a invisible barrier, and was bounced back directly, with a scream.

Everyone saw this scene, and all subconsciously shivered.

Song Ren, who is beneath the real world of the angels, does not know, and continues to write in one go.

“Tao is a thing, but it’s just a trance. The trance is in it, there is an image; the trance is in it, there is something in it; “

“Great Accomplishment is lacking, clever and clever, arrogant, generous without corners, large instruments late, loud sounds, elephants invisible.”

“It’s like a sea, it’s like a sea.”

“The Taoist technique, the way to cultivate the way, and the strategy to seek the way. There is no way to hold the way, the way is empty, there is no way to slap, and the sternness is also ignored.”


A huge Yin Qi of Death directly dropping from the sky and submerged into Song Ren’s body.

Song Ren suddenly stiffened, only feeling that his soul seemed to be pulled away from within the body.

next moment, under the watchful eyes of Uriel and the others, the Songless Primordial Spirit of motionless in front of him came out slowly from his head, and then the golden rays of light bloomed.

The surface of his Primordial Spirit is filled with a layer of golden rays of light, as if gilded.

Not only that, Song Ren ’s Primordial Spirit is starting to grow bigger.

One foot, two zhang, 30 feet …

Song Ren only feels as if he is bathed in warm sunlight and becomes full.

And in all planes, what everyone sees is from which yin dying vortex comes out a person.

It was a middle age person with a crown on his head and a ruined yellow robe, as if he had just climbed out of the grave, and could not see his face, but the red eyes still had rotten atheistic eyes Let everyone in ones heart trembled.

It was even this moment when this person appeared. It seemed that it was difficult to withstand the tremendous pressure of faintly discernable scattered from this person. The bodies of countless creatures shook together and then bent.

“It’s horrible–” This is everyone’s thought at the moment.

He is like the emperor of Death God, full of irreversible feeling.

Angel Realm, Yin Qi of Death keep pouring Song Ren ’s Primordial Spirit, making him grow stronger.

The cultivation base of man is divided into three parts: essence, qi and spirit.

Fineness is the foundation of the body. It looks like a container. As many things as there are, it looks as big and sturdy.

And qi is what this ‘container’ will contain, commonly known as spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth.

And God is Primordial Spirit, you have enough of it to control the spirit and energy.

Song Ren didn’t expect in this Daode Jing, the third person in the ladder who attracted him will help him build his own Primordial Spirit for his rewards.

Looking at the scene before him, Uriel and Gal looked at each other.

“If Song Ren ’s Primordial Spirit can have 500 zhang, his future achievements will reach half-ancestral realm, and if it exceeds 700 centuries, the ancestral realm will be Peak,” Uriel said.

Know that Cultivation is in three aspects: Essence, Qi, and Spirit, only God is the most difficult to cultivate and grow.

But if you grow up, you will be paved in front of a wide road.

The body building and spirit strength can keep up, and it will press forward.

Uriel ’s Primordial Spirit is more than 950 feet.

Gal Primordial Spirit is more than 910 feet.

Wait, what is his Deity doing?

Uriel and Gal only noticed that Deity Great Empress Ferocity, who had been standing still next to Song Ren, now touched Song Ren with one hand, and pointed at Wuxi with one hand.

At the moment, Wu Hua also did not know when, his body was covered with Yin Qi of Death, and his body was trembling violently.

Song Ren stopped writing and enjoyed the moment beautifully with his eyes closed.

His Primordial Spirit unconsciously, which has reached three hundred long, is still growing.

And many angels also noticed that apart from the three silhouettes on the sky, there was a man ’s Primordial Spirit Phantom growing continuously on their clouds.

Five hundred and ten ten zhang, five hundred and thirty zhang …

Song Ren feels that his Primordial Spirit is constantly being cast again, eyes opened, looking at the clouds, looking at many angels, looked towards the sky in addition to the military division and the imperial division, another yellow robe silhouette.

“Great Accomplishment is lacking, clever and clever, arrogant, generous without corners, large instruments late, loud sounds, elephants invisible.”

Mumbling in his mouth, then, looked towards Song Ren.

Song Ren ’s Primordial Spirit suddenly froze, and through his eyes, he seemed to see the death of sentient beings.

And his Primordial Spirit grows rapidly in this one after another instant.

600 zhang, 600 zhang 50 zhang, seven hundred zhang ……

Under the watch of Uriel and the others, Song Ren ’s Primordial Spirit stopped steadily at Jiuhunred zhang and began to become unstable.

This is because Jing He Qi has not kept up.

But even so, the two were shocked.

Because Angel Gal, there is currently only 901 ten zhang.

As long as Song Ren does not fall, it will surely reach the ancestral realm in the future.

Song Ren ’s Primordial Spirit stopped growing and sat cross-legged.

The emperor and army divisions and the yellow robe silhouette also sat down, facing Song Ren, and seemed to be listening to Dao Yin.

Song Ren can feel their longing without communicating.

But Song Ren is out,

The huge Primordial Spirit all around, one after another golden text began to flow around.

“There is no way to do things, but there is no way to do it.

“Induce virtual reality, keep quiet and believing. Everything works together, and I will see its recovery.”

“It’s like a sea, it’s like a sea.”


Song Ren, began to write the complete “Daode Jing”.

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