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With Song Ren ’s unforgettable writing, the millions and millions of creatures of countless planes are all looking at the three seemingly enlightened projections on the sky.

A Purple Hair Emperor is occasionally nodded.

The military officer in a uniform is frowning.

An emperor-like person closed his eyes.

All sitting cross-legged, almost listening to Dao.

This author is too Fucking Awesome, as if he were a preacher.

I do n’t think it ’s okay to read this Tao Te Ching, is my Realm so much worse?

Everyone could n’t believe it. There was an echo of the echo of the emperor and army divisions in the front. In the end, it was all very quiet.

Everyone would like to open their own plane network to see what the author has written in the follow-up to the Dao De Jing, but they are also thinking in vain.

The author is not in his own plane, and the network cannot be synchronized. Even with the exception of the Luohai plane and the three planes of Jiuyuan and the vastness, other authors and this book can not be found.

Because Song Ren only went to these three planes, and because of the synchronization message, the author account was logged in on this plane.

For a while, everyone felt very tickled.

“The way of heaven is good without harm.

Sage’s way, do not argue. “

Song Ren in one go wrote the final words of Daode Jing.

Since then, this book, which caused the arrival of the three immortals, is completely finished.

The book is five thousand one hundred and sixty-two words, one word is not bad.

Song Ren could n’t tell the heart, and then clicked through the book.

“Good!” The Emperor Master stood up, and then left as if enlightened.

“Good!” The military commander stood up and left with a bloody long spear in his hand.

“Good!” Lord Old Sovereign, wearing a broken crown, stood up and walked into the dying vortex.

Song Ren ’s Primordial Spirit began to shrink until it regained its normal size.

There is no increase in the Song Ren cultivation base in the lower chamber. It is still Early-Stage, but he feels that if he operates Deity, the power he exerts is extraordinary.

The previous operation of the eight Deity against Uriel was still a bit difficult, but all of them exploded in potential.

And now, not to mention the eight, it is sixteen, they are all at ease, of course, provided that he has so many Deity.

countless planes, since ancient times, no one has ever had sixteen statues. It used to be, today is, future … not necessarily.

Song Ren ’s body is slowly eyes opened, a little trance.

“No—” next moment, a stern voice came out of the black mouth behind Song Ren, scaring Song Ren who had just awakened, and suddenly covered his heart.

When I turned my head, I saw black eyes, and there were many red spots in the dark black of the original left eye, which was already disappeared at the moment.

In his right eye, red is also rapidly disappearing, and the traces of black are constantly swallowing.

“Why, why, this is my body, I was born from this body, this is mine, I am not willing to, I am not willing to ah-”

The stern voice kept coming out of the mouth of Wuwu, gradually and gradually weaker.

Uriel and Gal hurried forward and yelled, “Ugg big brother, come on-”


Between Heaven and Earth, the original three silhouettes have dissipated, and all circles are vigorously discussing.

With a bell ringing.

In an instant.

Countless mountains and rivers tremble, it seems that the stars of the universe are shaking.

This sound is not simply a sound in the real world of angels, but all real worlds and planes.

Everyone was quiet again and looked up.

And Song Ren is also in this brief moment, suddenly his body trembles violently, and then, his figure suddenly disappears.

“Dad–” Xiao Xi screamed in horror.

At the same moment, above the sky, after this terrifying scalp and tingling bell, a silhouette gradually appeared.

This man stands with his hands in hand, dressed in an ancient robe of stars, and has nine divine rings behind his head, like a true Spiritual God.

It’s just that his face is covered with a cloud of fog and he can’t see through it.

It ’s unreal, like a mirage from another World projection.

Not only that, since the appearance of this person, a second, third, and eighth appearance have appeared.

All the silhouettes are exactly the same, and they ca n’t see their faces.

millions and millions of creatures are shocked, what’s going on, is it that “Dao De Jing” becomes Emperor ’s Composition, directly condense eight Deity?

This is boring. Will you give me the hard work of these hard-working authors?

The elders of the twelve real world looked at this scene with a trembling heart, and always felt that it was not that simple.

Until, the ninth silhouette slowly emerged from behind the eight people.

However, this person is dressed the same, but his face is getting clearer and clearer, until it is completely condensed.

Song Ren is exactly what it looks like.

At this moment, the reputation has changed, and Song Ren’s appearance has always been developed, and it is completely displayed for the first time in front of everyone.

Everyone also recognizes this Legendary author.

Song Ren did n’t know what was happening. In both eyes, he seemed to cross countless planes and looked at numerical living living beings.

He saw Teacher Jian Wuchen.

I saw Xuan Chen!

I saw Sikong Bitu.

I saw my father Song Rentou.

I saw the dying Celestial Emperor Pavilion Heavenly Venerate Jiji.

I saw the old Turtle, the old Demon Race engine that had been turned into corpses, returning to the sea.

I also saw Bai Yu, Fatty Ke and Huo Hu.

Xie Qingge, Gu Ruochen, Li Muzhi, Mu Qingluan, Puqiang …

When I saw all kinds of people, I knew them, I did n’t know them.

He wanted to stop, but he couldn’t stop.

At the same time as countless people were shocked, Between Heaven and Earth continued to sound the bells of the 2nd, 3rd and even the ninth track.

Nine Dao Zhongming, all the creatures involved in the Internet, under this terrifying bell, all bend their waists, some even kneel directly on their knees, shiver coldly.

A vast voice echoed to the plane.

“Abiding by the Law, Song Ren, the author of the Tao Te Ching, became the ninth emperor of this Star Domain, and the Tao Te Ching was in astronomy.

At this time, millions and millions of creatures are completely shocked and cannot be repeated.

Law compliance?

Who will obey?

The ninth emperor?

Have eight emperors been born before?

But why have you never heard of it? since ancient times


Only the author of Emperor ’s Composition, what is astronomy?

And the Tao Te Ching has become the ninth astronomy, what about the first eight?

The emperor’s face is clear right now, it can be said that everyone has kept it in his heart, but why are the eight former ones vague and invisible, even a little unreal?

Everyone is ignorant, except countless doubts are doubts.

The top of Song Rentou, full of colorful auspicious clouds, hangs the air of thousands of lives, seems to be celebrating.

After Skyrim, one Deity after another came out, it seemed to be guarding, it seemed to be a follower.

Deity Chen Zhan, Li Chungang, Gui Li, Great Empress Ferocity, Six-Star Ancient God, Greed Wolf, Wang Lin, Situ Nan.

Eight Deities, eight different powers.

The spectacular scene is moving.

At this moment, the Black Emperor, who was originally standing beside Xiao Xi, was also disappeared and appeared in front of Song Ren and in front of the eight Deity.

I heard two sounds loudly at all the planes below, and I heard them deaf.

What do you think, how does it feel like The Dog acts fierce when his Master is present.

This is the power of the emperor!

PS: After receiving the notification, tomorrow ’s homepage will be promoted, with 1.14 million words, and it will bring you a different Novel World. I hope everyone will help Xiaoyu when he recommends tomorrow and increase the exposure. .

Look at the pirated version, it has been free to watch for so long, Xiaoyu begs you to come and support it, which can be regarded as an approval of Xiaoyu.

Thank you, subscribing to the recession, Xiaoyu is also weak now, working hard every day, working overtime, and having no time to eat at home, just hurry to code, because you are waiting for Xiaoyu.

Five thousand collections, Premium authors, more than 2,000 or 1,500 subscriptions per day, converted into money is 70 yuan, and there is a tax when sending the manuscript. The sleeping plot is a real headache, and my hair has lost a lot.

Thank you and beg you.

The number of words in this chapter is enough, 2200 words, and the PS words behind it, because the pirated ones ca n’t see the chapter. This chapter says that a special piece will be made to let Xiaoyu also be in the top ten on the best-selling list last time. Forums will do.

By the way, the story has reached Middle-Stage. Follow up with everyone ’s support, let Xiaoyu go further.

Plead and thank again.

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