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Xuanxin Bodhisattva, with the word “Profound” in its name.

Song Ren remembers that outside the real world of angels, the old monk of Vajra realm was called Xuan Zang.

It seems that they belong to the same generation.

Furthermore, people who can reach Cultivation to the Half-ancestral Realm, and are among the 1800 87 Bodhisattva in the Vajra world, can already prove how old you are.

Although it remains the first time.

But I do n’t want whoever wants Song Ren.

cough cough, it ’s not right, how do you feel a little belittle yourself?

As Song Ren was really scared, after a hysterical scream, Xuan Xin stopped, and was a little puzzled: “Listening to Senior Brother said, it ’s wonderful to go to Wushan together Things, especially men like it the most.

Otherwise, you will not stay in the real world of angels and will not come out. Why are you so afraid? “

Listening to what others said, Song Ren felt even more terrifying.

It ’s Bodhisattva, who is not familiar with the world, that makes people feel the most embarrassed. There is a deep sense of guilt.

I do n’t like Buddha very much, but I admire them, at least in my previous life.

In the past, as long as the major event items are important, such as exams, interviews, etc., in addition to worship, the other worship is Buddha.

Of course, first give Second Master Guan two greetings before fighting.

In short, no matter how you dress or that quiet look, I ca n’t lay down my hand, ca n’t open my mouth, and more importantly, do n’t have that guts.

“Well, Xuan Xin Senior, please wait a moment, let me slow down,” Song Ren swallowed.

Xuan Xin salutes again: “Amitabha, can’t be called Senior Hu, this poor monk is longer than your cultivation time, and it’s also older, but you are the 70th three real Buddhas who were enshrined by the Buddha, The position is higher than me, you can call me Xuan Xin, “Xuan Xin said.

Song Ren nodded again and again: “Okay, mysterious heart, can you put on your clothes first? This always makes me feel a blasphemous Spirit God.”

Xuan Xin smiled: “Is this dress? Senior Brother said, this is like a medical primer that can cure the disease, is it not good? Moreover, it is just a pair of skin sacs, without harm.”

Song Ren heard that his face was only smoking.

Go to your Senior Brother, he knows red dust better than you.

And saying this from a woman who has not experienced the joy of fish and water is even more awkward and makes her scalp numb.

I also ‘trifling a pair of skins’, which is really light.

Song Ren said: “Although it is a pink skeleton, it is also an independent individual. It exists because of you. What you say is so arbitrary.”

Xuan Xin froze: “Red Pink Skull? What is that?”

Song Ren looked at Xuan Xin’s doubts and said directly, “You don’t even know the pink skull, this is the Buddhist language.”

Xuan Xin shook his head, and soon his eyes shined: “Dao Ming hosted Zeng Yan, you have seen the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures, is it possible that this is the words in the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures, please ask the lay people to solve the puzzle.”

Xuan Xin finished, immediately sitting cross-legged, a humbly asking for advice.

Song Ren suddenly remembered that the term pink skull came from the words in the Vajra Sutra.

“Okay, I remembered it a little bit, but after I finished, you had to leave, and it would be the result of your discussion of the scriptures, OK?” Song Ren said.

Xuanxin immediately nodded: “You can hear the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures, Xuanxin is very happy, if you have any income, you must go back and learn more.”

Song Ren was relieved and had to sit down: “The so-called pink pink skeleton is a selfless form, no human form, no Painting of All Living Things, a lifeless person, a pink pink skeleton, white bone skin, in fact The skin sac is what you mean. “

Xuan Xin heard, cursing her eyebrows, and said softly: “No self, no person, no Painting of All Living Things, no life.”

“Yeah, that ’s what it means. Red powder can be turned into a skeleton, and white bones can also produce flesh. Everything is empty on the outside, the appearance is empty, the inner is the essence, and the substance is the essence.

If you have to be straightforward, you should look at the essence and content when people see things and get confused, so as not to be confused by the surface and phenomena. “

Xuan Xin heard Song Ren’s explanation like this. His eyes were bright and he saluted directly: “Thank you, the true Buddha, for solving the puzzle.”

Yes, I just called myself a layman, and now I am directly a Buddha.

Song Ren just opened his mouth, Xuan Xin asked again: “Dare to ask the true Buddha, what is the Lesser Stage Dharma? What is the Great Ascension Dharma?”

Song Ren knows this and can help you out.

“The goal of your current cultivation is the Buddha, which is divided into 40% law, pentagram, hexapod, wisdom theory, essay theory and so many things. You believe in Buddha and want to become a Buddha. To be a Buddha, but what is a Buddha? A simple ferry and a ferry?

Do you think this is like a trail, let you press forward, if you need help on the road, go to Huahua, is it too narrow.

This is my understanding of the Lesser Stage Buddhism that you already know. To put it bluntly, it is Xiaojiazi. “

Xuan Xin looked towards Song Ren, which seemed a little bit angry.

Song Ren continued: “Let me put it simply, Lesser Stage Dharma, your goal is to have only one Buddha, and Great Ascension Dharma is the Buddhas.”

“Buddha?” Xuan Xin still puzzled.

“The Buddhas?” Dao Ming murmured in the ancient great hall.

Under a bodhi tree, a white eyebrow monk has many divine ring slightly frowned.

Song Ren said: “It is the Buddhas, it contains a variety of Buddhas, and the Buddha you believe and pursue is only one of these Buddhas, which means the tip of the iceberg,”

Lesser Stage The general tendency of Dharma is “the law has me but nothing”, that is, it only denies the reality of the person and the reality of the law.

Just like you casually treated your body just as a skin bag just now.

And Great Ascension Buddhism not only advocates that human beings have no self, but also believes that the law has no self, that is, it also denies the reality of the law.

But from another point of view, Great Ascension is Lesser Stage, depending on the mindset of the Buddha, big heart is Great Ascension, and careful is Lesser Stage.

I took the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures in the future, and I learned from those called “Pan Ruo Jing”, “Hua Yan Jing”, “Vajra Sutra”, “Yuan Jue Sutra”, etc. Don’t look at me like this, this is the same as Novel Similarly, there is a directory.

That book is so thick, I just glanced at it in a hurry, and it ’s pretty good to remember these. “

Song Ren quickly stopped Xuan Xin’s question.

“Okay, these are enough for you to digest, go out quickly, and you are not allowed to come again, I am timid, I ca n’t help being so scared.”

Under the bodhi tree, the white eyebrow smiled at the corner of the mouth of the old monk: “” Pan Ruo Jing “?” Hua Yan Jing “?” Vajra Sutra “? It seems that it really exists, the hidden dragon realm is interesting.”


Here, Song Ren finally sent away Zhenhui. After a while in his heart, he was afraid that he would almost lose himself. What’s wrong with others, I’m so sorry for you, Weiwei.

It ’s just 2nd day. Together, besides two deaf and dumb monks who came to serve breakfast, Song Ren also saw what Daoming said, and would send a monk with Huigen to wait beside him, and also to listen to the great Buddhist mantra. .

This is a very handsome monk. His facial features are upright, his eyebrows are clear, his skin is as delicate as white snow, and a simple cassock has an unspeakable charm.

Well, it should be empty inspiration.

Of course Song Ren has seen him.

“Little monk Zhenhui, see the true Buddha!” ​​Little monk, who once had a relationship on the 58th, saluted Song Ren.

PS: Thank you [Gong Zimo] Boss for the 2400 reward, thank you [Aria Momo] [Book Friends 20180707165256349] two Boss for the 500 reward, thank you for your support.

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