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Zhenhui Little Monk is like Huigen in today ’s Buddhist temple younger generation.

As the host abbot, Dao Ming can send Zhenhui, listen to the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures, and serve Song Ren’s daily life, which shows the importance he attaches to him.

However, Song Ren ’s identity is a true Buddha, and among the several thousand thousand monks in Tianfo Temple, he is top-notch.

Even the preaching of TD is one of the true Buddhas, but the leader.

So, it seems that the two are about the same age, but Zhenhui meets Song Ren and has to perform the elder ceremony.

After all, he was almost slept by a Bodhisattva last night.

“I’ve seen you at Star Domain No. 58, and the Celestial Demon Phoenix’s Mu Qing Luan, the Corpse’s Pu Qiang, and the Tibetan Pheasant’s Real Pheasant grabbed the dragon corpse,” Song Ren said.

Zhen Hui smiled: “At that time, I did n’t know the true Buddha, and did n’t expect, you would become the first place emperor in history, and the written” De Dao Jing “became astronomy.”

Song Ren walked out with his hands and let the two deaf mute monks carry breakfast in, looking at the gold and jade in glorious splendor gradually reflected by the morning sun on the distant roof, taking a long breath of fresh air.

“Actually, I didn’t expect,” Dao Te Ching “is when I went to Dao Child. When I asked for literature about Baidi, I suddenly came to the beginning of the inspiration, and didn’t expect will attract the emperor. Divisions and military divisions come, “Song Ren said.

True wisdom is necessary, this is a Buddhist etiquette.

Leave this aside, in fact, he and Song Ren are considered peers, and Mu Qingluan, Puqiang, Qing Pheasant.

“You should have returned from the angel realm. I saw you there with the old man named Xuan Zang. What happened in the end?” Song Ren asked.

Zhenhui ’s face is a little weird: “The eleven realms are all around the angel realm to find you this emperor and want to be invited to be a guest, but the angel realm ca n’t hand over people, especially in the end, four angel The king of kings all appeared, and each and everyone couldn’t be restrained.

Several people are investigating your formation. They are extremely advanced. I do n’t know who was robbed by you. I ’m still studying there, but when I finally leave, my teacher Uncle Xuan Zang Only his face was excited, pulling us back quickly.

I ’m not afraid of you making a joke. When I came back last night, I heard that you were snatched back by my TD Ancestor Master in the Vajra world. Too. “

Song Ren shook his eyes directly at him: “How do you feel that you have been wronged after listening to you?”

Zhenhui scratched her head awkwardly, and then looked at all around nobody, and hugged Song Ren’s shoulder all of a sudden. It seemed to suddenly change from a well-behaved monk to a worldly person.

“I said Emperor Zi, you rely on one person, but attracted the Emperor Division, the Military Division, and the third most mysterious Sovereign. Have you ever had a conversation with them?” Zhen Hui was really curious.

After all, when Song Ren wrote four Deities, the Emperor Master appeared and brought Song Ren up close, although at that time it was just a vague shadow.

Later promoted all his previous books to Emperor ’s Composition and helped him improve his cultivation base.

This is since ancient times, the first person closest to the emperor.

After that, open the Xian Lai, so that everyone in the plane can see it. There are six people on the Xian Lai, and the Emperor Master is only one of them.

This breaks everyone’s perception since they merged into the universe of thousands of years.

In the end, Song Ren wrote the Tao Te Ching and lived up to his expectations.

It looks like a heroic general who killed the enemy on a battlefield.

Just over half a month ago, it was in one go, and the Daode Jing was written with only five thousand words, but it was pinnacle and became astronomy.

Another emperor who looks like a deceased man walks out of the dying vortex.

Because of this, everyone is more curious. A Heavenly Book attracted three immortals.

Want to recognize the last three, do you want to write a book that is more astronomical than astronomical?

Or, how many astronomy can be?

This is obviously impossible.

It’s too unimaginable.

Even if Song Ren is impossible even if he is evil, he will write a book that contains Heavenly Dao’s cosmic principles more than the Tao Te Ching.

Now countless planes, all of them are dispatching staff to engrave this wonderful book and want to delve into it. After all, at the end of the book, the three fairies listened cross-legged.

At this moment, Song Ren is right in front of him, even with the calm mind that Zhenhui has been teaching for many years.

He’s curious, Song Ren must have talked to those three.

Song Ren was still a bit surprised to see how Zhen Hui looked like this, and the actions at the moment.

This Little Monk, it’s pretty easy to pretend.

Also, young, pretending to be a monk, not a little energetic.

And the other party turned out to be Middle-Stage, a realm higher than Song Ren.

Of course, people start high, and it is estimated that they will be trained as soon as they are born.

Which is like me, I walked across, ate a meal and did not stop, and occasionally went to Aunt Wang’s house to rub a meal, and also brought it to the dad who couldn’t adjust it.

Run around for life.

Song Ren laughed: “Yes, the emperor once told me that a huge treasure was buried somewhere in the mountainside of your Tianfo Temple, and only the destined person can take it out.”

After hearing Song Ren say this, Zhen Hui suddenly lost interest.

“Emperor, this is not fun, I am serious.”

“I am also serious, I am not a dragon clansman, and have never been to the real world of the Tibetan dragon, otherwise, the people of the real world of the Tibetan dragon have already lifted me back with the eight-lift big sedan. Outside, letting you snatch it away is like trying to rob the wife of Zhai. “

Is it a dragon clansman, and Lei Wuji can see at a glance, as are Uriel and Gal, so Master Daoming and Buddha must have seen it.

This cannot be hidden.

Zhenhui is stunned: “But, you said to Ancestor Master and Buddha, are the Great Ascension Dharma Books in the real world of Tibetan dragons?”

Song Ren nodded: “I did see it.”

This time, Zhenhui is even more puzzled by the second monk.

Looking at his confused look, Song Ren hugged him in turn.

“This is what the military division showed me. He said he had killed in his life, and he did n’t know how many people died in his hands. Therefore, instead he committed suden enlightenment in the killing and wrote the Great Ascension mantra.


And this scripture is to teach people to be kind, to benefit the world, and to atone for themselves.

It blooms in the killing, just like the flowers in the dawn.

The killing is to the extreme, it is the kind Peak.

But the world has never lost the pie, he showed me two pictures, one is the real world of the Hidden Dragon, on a desert island in a Sea Territory.

The other is the mountainside of your Tianfo Temple, not to mention the real world of the Tibetan Dragon. It takes hardships and dangers to get it, it is the upper part, and your mountainside needs the destined person to take it out Lower part.

The combination of the two is the real Great Ascension mantra.

At that time, I read through the mountains. The mountainside scriptures seemed to be called “Nirvana Scripture” seven hundred and forty-eight volumes, “Bodhisattva Classics” one thousand twenty-one volumes, and “Baowei Classics” one hundred and eighty volumes, There are two hundred and twenty volumes in the Great Peacock Sutra. Anyway, that’s all. I can’t remember the rest. “

When Zhenhui heard it, it was originally unbelievable, but the names of these Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures are extraordinary when they are heard.

More importantly, this is actually at the mountainside of Tianfo Temple.

Is it rumored that the most dangerous place is the safest place?

It’s dark under the light?

He was eager and looked towards Song Ren in a hurry.

“How do I find it?”

Song Ren coughed suddenly. Some sorry looked towards this pure little Monk: “The military said that the destined person needs to have the following conditions?”


“One person, one horse, one monkey, one pig and one sand monster.”

“Uh …”

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