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“Looking for the sacred scriptures, why do you want these things? It feels nonsensical, and it’s awkward to say,” Zhenhui asked, puzzled by Song Ren.

Song Ren shrugged: “Where do I know, maybe only letting go of other people’s instructions and letting go of my own prejudices is a destined person, anyway, you are the first one I told.

I inherited the wish of the military division. I rested for two days. I had to tell more people to pick this destined person from them. Get the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures earlier. Spend yourself. Spend the world, Amitabha, “Song Ren has a model A kind of Buddha ceremony was done.

True Divine Vision beads only turned, and finally his eyes became firmer.

lifts the head looked towards Song Ren.

“You did n’t frame me? The monks do n’t swear, you are a true Buddha …”


Song Ren loosened Zhenhui all at once, and flicked his sleeves: “You just treat me as a frame, kindly as a donkey liver and lungs, I haven’t been in it, I have only seen it through the image of the soldier’s mind, maybe not in Tianfo Temple, What other temple? “

Song Ren was a little irritated and felt insulted. He went straight in and closed the room door with a bang.

Then seeing the rich breakfast on the table, I licked my lips happily and touched my belly forward.

I have to say that the porridge of the Buddha Temple is really good.

Outside the door, Zhen Hui frowned.

If people really frame themselves?

Although a monk doesn’t lie, he is a true Buddha, but he is not a Buddhism.

But if it ’s the mountainside of the Temple of Heaven, it really contains the second half of the Great Ascension Buddhist scripture, this destined person …

Zhenhui looked at the closed door again, clenched the teeth, and turned away.

Song Ren sighed with relief as she looked at the back of Zhenhui leaving through the door slit.

Following days are finally no longer lonely.

Really let this Little Monk follow him day by day and listen to the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures. Can I remember that many?

And he was so white, it looked like I was black.

This is so good.

Song Ren shuaa ~ It ’s another bite of white porridge.


Xuande is one of the eighty-seven Bodhisattva of 1800 in Tianfo Temple and belongs to the same generation as Xuanxin and Xuanzang.

He is now a half-ancestral Peak. He has stayed at this stall for thousands of years. It is too difficult to cross over.

Among the many Bodhisattva, fifteen people have reached the ancestral realm in these years. But if they want to become a new true Buddha, Zen and Zen are far from enough.

Everyone is meditating on meditation, but did n’t expect that the new true Buddha was born like this, not any of them.

It’s the emperor!

This is nothing wrong with them. According to the host, he has seen the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures and has the highest Buddhist principles. The Buddha manifested a few days ago because of him.

If you really get the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures, when the time comes, at least a thousand Bodhisattva, at least there are a lot of promotion to the true Buddha.

However, it does n’t matter anymore. Now I ’m thinking about how to raise the cultivation base first.

Song Ren, who is now known as the emperor, once had four books of Deity, so that he did n’t know how many people, and searched the full volume of such Legendary books, and then studied.

What kind of plot and rhythm is what makes this book so high.

Coincidentally, he got it, even more how, now this emperor is in the world of Vajra, and he can directly search for this “Xian Ni”.

He also read this book in his spare time, especially Peak ’s protagonist Hua Fan, who gave him great inspiration.

He wanted to incarnation as an ascetic monk, walked out to experience, to let go, but he was inseparable from trivial matters.

Therefore, he raised a spirit ape, accompanied him, and meditation scripture Lecture to him every day.

Because he has an idea, many scriptures are so incomparable to him, but when he tells an incomprehensible creature over and over again, he may give himself different inspiration and understanding of this scripture.

Looking at mountains is mountains, and looking at water is water. This is what he is in front of him.

But if looking at mountains is not mountains, and looking at water is not water, then that is when he stepped into his ancestral realm.

If you look at the mountain again, it would be the mountain, and if you look at the water, it would be the water. The 70th true Buddha is him.

As Bodhisattva, he has his own place to live alone. In the courtyard, there is a half-human tall ape with golden hair and bright eyes full of clarity.

Monkeys were impatient, but they might be infected daily with Xuande ’s Buddhist scriptures. They squatted on the wall at this moment, facing the sun, calming their eyes and closing their eyes.

He has gradually become Buddha-like, which is incredible.

Looking at this scene, Xuan De is full of relief.

“Amitabha, can Uncle Shi be there?” Just then, someone knocked gently outside the courtyard.

Xuande walked over and opened the temple door, and he saw a white face, and Zhen Hui, wearing a plain robe, folded her hands together.

The two salute each other.

“Sister Uncle?”

“Very well, it turned out to be Martial Nephew, I wonder how I can come to my place today?” Xuan De was a little curious.

True wisdom, like the younger generation of Huigen and the most Buddhist in the Buddhist temple today, is normally taught by people of all mysterious generations and has a very high talent.

Not to mention anything else, the man who has seen the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures and has been crowned the emperor is now living in the Buddhist temple.

On the one hand, the youngster has a common topic, on the other hand, it is listening to the Great Ascension mantra.

The temple has no less than ten people in the same condition as Zhenhui, but he was let him go, which shows that he valued him.

Today should be his first day to accompany the emperor, how come he came to himself?

“Uncle Shi, I heard a few Buddhist theories on the side of the Emperor today. If I have an understanding, I need an opportunity to understand it. This opportunity is right here. Zhenhui said seriously.

Xuande froze for a moment, and said: “That’s it, Uncle Shi will help you, talk about it quickly.”

Xuande pointed to the ape squatting on the wall: “I want it-”


In just one day, Zhenhui put together a horse, a monkey, a pig, and a sand monster.

One person is him.

A monkey comes from Uncle Xuande.

A pig comes from the back kitchen, which should have been prepared by the disciples and the food for Song Ren.

As for the sand demon, it took a lot of trouble to go out and find a few auctions before finding the one.

This sand demon’s body is quicksand, and gradually opened his mind.

After one night of preparation and taming, the 2nd day early in the morning, the Luohan guarding the mountainside, saw the most wonderful scene.

That is the true wisdom of Tianfo Temple, riding a white horse, surrounded by a monkey, a sloppy pig and a sand monster with trembling with fear, and then slowly turned around the mountainside.

The mountainside of the Tianfo Temple totals 5,000 seats, each of which is extremely large. According to his speed of travel, if he walks, it will take at least half a year to a year.

What kind of trouble is this?

Song Ren unable to bear laughed heartily on the top of a mountain, but I also feel really cute Just be compensated.

But you have to write it yourself and bury it somewhere.

Song Ren did n’t notice that, not far behind him, Dao Ming was wearing a cassock, smiling the shook the head, and looked towards an intriguing true wisdom.

“Crazy, dazed-”

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