If you want to write an astronomy again, you can’t even do a reference, write a hair.

So, the only way left is to find Song Ren.

Song Ren attracted three people who were immortal ladders. He listened to the Tao Te Ching and was enlightened by Purple Qi, the emperor. He rewarded all books as Emperor ’s Composition, helping to break through the cultivation base and enhance Primordial Spirit.

The three celestial ladders left, and the word “good” for each person is enough to show their approval of the Daode Jing.

At least, Song Ren is experienced, he knows how to write astronomy.

You only need to write one more, attract one, and then go to heaven to listen and tell him to help save the individual. Perhaps for them, this is a matter of convenience.

You are so favored by others and will definitely help you.

This is the reason why Li Muzhi followed the clues and secretly came to Song Ren to hide his great ancestor Li Maozhen.

Song Ren is also embarrassed at the moment. To be honest, he did n’t expect anything from the Dao De Jing to become astronomical. At most, he thought he would break the record again. Five thousand words became Emperor ’s Composition.

But who would have thought that there is astronomy on top of Emperor ’s Composition.

Moreover, he does know books of the same level as the Tao Te Ching, such as “Tai Shang Sen Zhi Pian”, “Huang Ting Jing” or the Confucian “I Ching”.

However, Song Ren does not have enough confidence in these at present, so he dare not try it easily.

Even on the other hand, Li Muzhi ’s great-grandfather had a life-saving grace for him.

According to Li Muzhi, Li Maozhen has left a mark on all his heirs to ensure help in the crisis.

His grandson Li Tianhan rushed into the starry sky to explore himself, encountered danger and died, and then fell into his own plane. The mark of protection on his body has disappeared, leaving only a obsessive body that is disconnected from the body. Guardianship, don’t let people destroy, after all, even if the tiger family is a bone, in that small plane, it is Supreme Treasure.

And the body was also looking for grandchildren, only to encounter the black hole to devour, and luckily came out, and then saw the ghost woman, and had been back and forth for nearly ten thousand years.

And this obsessive body, until it changes with the years, becomes weaker and weaker. Before dissipating, I saw myself and Xiaoxi.

Because he takes care of Xiaoxi, he will give Tiger Yuan 10% to himself, and the remaining 90% will be given to Xiaoxi.

Song Ren broke through the realm with the help of Tiger Yuan. After leaving Ministry of Heavenly Spirit and separated from Fatty Ke and Xia Zhilan, he could defeat Fatty Ke ’s killing due to love and hatred.


And this time, people will come to the door to ask for help. Causally, sometimes it is so wonderful, and you do n’t believe it is impossible.

Song Ren said that he was very tired. Here, in order to save Wu Hua, he wrote a complete “Dao De Jing”. Here, Li Muzhi went to the door again and asked him to save people.

The key thing is, I did n’t catch up with those people from beginning to end, how to save?

Use Deity Great Empress Ferocity?

She has only one last time to save people. He has to keep from time to time, and the curse cast by the ghost woman is estimated to be not great Empress Ferocity. Moreover, Li Maozhen is still alive, which is different from Wu Hua.

At this moment, from the other side of the temples, Zhenhui Little Monk, who had been elbowed away by Song Ren, came over again.

At a glance, I saw Li Muzhi’s affectionately pulling Song Ren’s hands.

Pavilions, towers and pavilions, large public areas, mercy, my Buddha, orphans and men.

He originally wanted to leave, but got the rumors from Teacher, so he had to brace oneself.

“Congratulations to Brother Song, He Xi Brother Song, the new book has achieved Boutique’s works, which will become Emperor ’s Composition in the future, coming out of Deity is just around the corner, and Brother Li, it looks good,” Zhen Hui laughed hehe.

Li Muzhi’s nodded, let go of Song Ren’s hand: “Thank you medicine pill.”

“How can I protect you from being injured by my nursing monk? We dare to thank you, as long as when the time comes to you, White Tiger, you do n’t have to come and demolish my temple,” Zhen Hui said. It’s a little sorry to cause Li Mu.

After all, he broke into Tianfo Temple by himself.

Later, both looked towards Song Ren.

“I ca n’t do anything about it. I want to write it. I have n’t expected it to be a Boutique. However, it is estimated that someone will soon determine that I am in your Vajra world, but it will be Where there may be doubts, “Song Ren looked innocent.

Now the Heavenly Dao network announces itself as a Boutique in the Vajra world, which is the same reason that it was announced in the Angel Realm that “The Devil” became Premium.

Zhenhui smiles bitterly, do you still have to guess? Now all the realms are looking for Song Ren. Which force in the Vajra world dares to keep Song Ren? Except Tianfo Temple.

“Dao Ming, host, I ’m getting tired here. You tied me up, just because I wanted to be my emperor, want to add some cause and effect, right?

Now the cause and effect have also increased. You have got some points in the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures. The place is also understood. I stay and idle. It is estimated that many people will come soon. I am also afraid of trouble. You are not easy to do. Just move a nest and go somewhere else. Hey, people, it’s too well-known. It’s not very good. I’m tired. I can write something casually and become a Boutique. I don’t ask people to agree or disagree. “

Song Ren covered his head and shook his head for a while, sighing, and the faces of Zhenhui and Li Mu shook terribly.

Why do n’t you go to heaven? Is this ridiculous thing too powerful?

But Li Muzhi’s eyes shined, does Song Ren really have to help himself?

Move a nest?

Where to move?

However, as Song Ren finished, a sigh rang out, and then, behind Zhenhui, the silhouette of Tao Ming gradually appeared.

“Have seen the host!”

“I have seen Senior!”

Li Muzhi and Zhenhui quickly saluted.

After all, he is the boss of Tianfo Temple.

The Tianfo Temple is the representative of the Vajra world.

His identity is no different from other real-world owners.

Only Song Ren plays.

I ca n’t help it. I ’m a guest, and you still have to ask me, so I ’m capitalized.

“Song Jushi, be that as it may, but, that place …”

“Have you explored the place clearly? Presumably, Zhenhui told you, and you also know that I have never been to the Tibetan Dragon Realm, and I am not very clear about the specific place. At least you are sure. The picture is for me, so I can recognize that it is not, now I can only wait blindly, and it takes time in vain. Are you right?

And all the monks in the entire Temple of Heaven are polite and seem to have no temper at all. I ’m so tired. I want to go out and turn around. If you do n’t worry, let Zhenhui follow us. If something happens, Contact him, and we will immediately meet at the real world of Tibetan Dragon, how?

Besides, you are begging me now, I do n’t have even one thing that you need to do for me, unilateral benefit, okay? You are not afraid of when the time comes Then come to a good deed? “

Zhenhui heard it and was silent. He could see that Song Ren was really annoying.

And Song Ren is right, at least one “Tibetan Scripture” is enough for them to study it, and there are a large number of Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures waiting for them.

It ’s just that the Sea Territory of the real dragon is really big, and the sea dragon occupies a large part. If Song Ren does n’t lie, it will be a huge screening project.

Because “Magic” entered the Boutique, it was only reported in the Vajra world, and soon a series of troubles needed to be dealt with, which was not easy.

“Alright, then I will let Zhenhui follow you. The youngster is also talking about it. When the time comes, the Buddhist sutras need to trouble the lay people, Amitabha.” Zhenhui salutes.

Song Ren’s heart was filled with joy, and his hands flicked: “It’s refreshing, I like bald donkeys like you … No, monk, Amitabha, Shanzai Shanzai!”

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