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This is a huge Vajra pestle-shaped flying machine, urged by Zhenhui to fly in front of the town. In the middle, Song Ren and Li Mu are eating elbows.

The golden light, which is not too dazzling, just flew in the universe alone.

To tell the truth, Song Ren started to like the meat in the Temple of Heaven. It ’s really a real person, not a real person.

This technique is really nothing to say. Song Ren specially packed more than 30 elbows before leaving. Didn’t expect to the end, even Li Muzhi liked it.

“I was injured and I am growing bones and need to make up,” Li Muzhi sucked into the pigskin again, greasy and vague.

Song Ren was speechless for a while: “It seems like you have n’t eaten your elbows. The one you ’re eating is still really wise. The pig that leads the sudden enlightenment Buddhist cultivation in the mountainside tastes different from others A little more delicate. “

In front, Zhen Hui, who was flying, shuddered suddenly.

“Brother Song, why don’t we go directly to the White Tiger realm, but detour to the angel realm?” Li Muyi wiped his mouth in doubt.

Song Ren stood up and looked at Boundless Starry Sky, because there was a special mask on it, which made them not at all discomfort.

“We call it the other way round.” The Devil “entered the Boutique. Now it is estimated that people from all walks of life must come to the Vajra world to find me. They handle it themselves, “Song Ren said.

Li Muzhi still does n’t understand: “I know, the angels are n’t you kidnapped at the Dao Child gate. We are free now, why should we return?”

“They kidnapped me, but I am very generous and familiar, and the four angel kings are so beautiful. We have become good friends since then, and now we go to good friends, and then by the way Look at old friends, do n’t overdo it. “

“Not too much, not too much, Bigbro Song, you are so powerful, this can make you do with no difficulty, if I have this girl … No, that means familiar, my family Don’t worry about me, “Li Mu’s leader sighed briefly.

Song Ren turned around: “You do n’t call Bigbro Song Bigbro Song anymore. I am a person in my early twenties. I was always called by someone you are more than two thousand years old, always sorry.”

“What kind of sorry is this? We have a different age calculation from your Human Race. You were born in October. I was in my mother ’s stomach for more than two hundred years before it was formed. You are my Bigbro. Song, by the way of Bigbro Song, my sword intent always feels worse. Can you let your Deity out, let me feel and feel, “Li Muzhi was somewhat sorry.

Song Ren directly gave him a big eye: “What do you think, every time Deity uses it, there are a certain number of times, and the number of times is used up, and it dissipates, although my Deity has been rewarded and doubled. Yes, but it ca n’t be so wasteful, and it ca n’t be done. ”

Song Ren directly rejected Li Muzhi, making him depressed for a while.

Since this time has come out, you have to report a few people to the Angel Realm for safety.

There is still little.

There is also Wuxu who spends her energies to save lives.

Of course, when you go to the realm of White Tiger, you have to listen to the advice of the four Archangel kings, instead of running away with a stunned head, and the real world of the Tibetan dragon, you have to plan early.


Looking at sitting on the bow of the ship, he has never spoken, still thinking about the true wisdom of his mountainside. Song Ren suddenly smiled, and then came to Li Muzhi.

“Brother Li, let’s play a game, how about the end of your White Tiger world?”

Speaking of games, Li Muzhi is also interested: “How to play?”

Song Ren pointed to Zhenhui: “I named this game” Transfiguration “. Since Zhenhui is with us, we will play by changing him, such as letting him swear, drink and eat meat, Shopping in Hualou and so on, how can we quietly let him break any commandments he follows? “

Looking at Song Ren’s cheap expression, Li Muzhi suddenly couldn’t believe it. How did you write astronomy with such a two-ball?

Li Muzhi looked at Zhenhui’s back: “This, isn’t it?”

“Nothing is bad, the Buddhists have a sentence that tells me not to go to hell, who will go to hell, the Taoist host let Zhenhui follow us, on the one hand, it is to supervise and contact, on the other hand, it follows me to listen The Great Ascension Buddhist scripture, frankly, you see his cultivation base in the later period of the Little Holy Realm, I helped him break through.

And it ’s not as good as red dust, how can you see through the red dust and understand the meaning of the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures? There is no experience. For him, the Buddhist scriptures are just a very reasonable sentence. There is great merit. “

Looking at what Song Ren said is blunt, Li Muzhi asked suspiciously: “Really?”

“Of course it is true, I can still lie to you, I will ask you to do it?”

Li Muzhi hesitated and clenched the teeth: “Dry!”

The two of them immediately hit each other, and then stared at Zhenhui with green eyes.

Zhenhui concentrated attention completely controlled the direction, from time to time looked at the Star Domain map, turned and avoided certain areas, suddenly, feeling the back was cool, and turned his head, they saw the two of them hanging shoulder to shoulder Whispering.

An ominous hunch suddenly came from my heart.


As the angel’s door to the real world opened, Song Ren and his party just fell, and Gal rushed over and looked at Song Ren.

Song Ren looked around among the angels, but did not see Xiaoxi and Uriel. It seemed that because of outsiders, they were inconvenient to show up.

“Hi, respected angel king, my Hu Hansan is back!” Song Ren laughed hehe.

Gal gave Song Ren a big eye, and he also felt relieved.

Li Muzhi behind him was unbelievable. Song Ren said before that the Angel King became a good friend, like a girl, and even though he was in harmony, after all, he begged others and did n’t believe it.

But this one in front of me is a cold angel who is one of the four kings of the real world.

The white eyes in Li Mu’s eyes just now have a feeling of ‘dead, you are finally willing to come back’.

Illusion, it must be an illusion.

Li Muzhi swallowed a spit, and then a word from Song Ren made Li Mu almost stagger.

“Oh, what about King Uriel?”

Gal said: “She is waiting for you in the dormitory, you two do not have to go with your followers, inconvenient.”

I asked one question and answered another angel king. Even Zhenhui’s eyes widened. No wonder Brother Song was unwilling to stay in Tianfo Temple. The biggest head here attracted him.

Small giggling non-stop.

“Dad, where have you been? Xiao Xi misses you so much,” Xiao Xi hugged Song Ren’s neck, his voice full of nostalgia.

Song Ren gently rubbed her face with her nose: “Dad misses you too, just went out and turned around, it’s okay, have you been obedient lately, how do you feel like you have grown up and become heavier?”

Xiao Xi smiled suddenly: “Of course obedient, my father also found out that I am tall, sister-in-law and Brother Wu also said that I am growing.”

Xiao Xi is very happy. After all, she followed Song Ren a few years ago and has been like four or five years old. , And the good things that sister-in-law provided, finally made her feel more grown.

Including the body, including the mind, including … memory!

Although those memories made her very painful, when I saw Song Ren, I felt a lot less painful.

In the huge castle behind him, Uriel walked out of Wuhuan’s arm.

Wu Hua seems to have recovered completely, but his face is a little bit white, but it ’s harmless. He hit black clothed, dashing eyebrows, and he took off the crane, Qingyun bun. Maybe he has experienced life and death. , A little deep and mature black, more charming.

The extraordinary birth, the elegant and elegant.

Some of them are like Mo Yuan in the TV series that Song Ren watched in his previous life. No wonder they can turn Uriel ’s fandom, even after tens of thousands of years, still remember it.

“Wu …”

Song Ren came holding Xiaoxi, and for a moment, did not know what to call it.

Senior, people are generally younger than themselves, and they are still really “frozen in age.” The temperament and time stay in his own time.

Brother Wu, he’s been 10,000 years ago, and he can’t even count his odds.

Wu Hua walked forward, showing a warm smile, and then saluted: “Brother Song!”

Song Ren suddenly laughed: “Brother Wu, congratulations!”

“Same joy, same joy!”

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