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Song Ren was unhappy with Uriel, but in the afternoon, she sent someone to send her a file about the internal matters of the White Tiger real world that she had inquired over the years.

These all are extremely secretive, such as some other people hidden in the real world, each person’s personality, preferences, some unknown handles and so on.

Understand that these things must be obtained by Uriel at last, and hold them in case of need.

But this is all given to Song Ren at this moment.

Song Ren also got angry, and said to the person who gave it to him, let him help thank Uriel, and he took note of the situation.

On the 2nd day, he went to Tia again and solved the problem of unsuitable body and returned.

In the next few days, he concentrated on staying with Xiaoxi, because he did n’t know where to go, and when will he come back next time.

Maybe the things in the White Tiger world have not been settled, the Vajra world will let him go to the dragon world, and take the opportunity to complete the agreement, he will have no regrets.

What are the six people in Xian Ti, and what kind of mother-of-pearl, these are not attractive to him,

In this cultivation world, he wants nothing more than an ordinary, a stable.

Cold him for not having ideals, or not thinking about progress.

Only those who have experienced those dangers know that life is beautiful.

Although the world is big, everyone is an ephemera, a nobody or a great character, just passing by in a hurry.

Seeing the rise and fall of Great Influence, the unknown pain of powerhouse, for the betrayal of interests, the struggle for treasure …

Dragon Race, Li Maozhen ’s pain, the old senior and junior brothers ’suicide, for the love of Mundane, waiting for Uriel of the tens of thousands of years …

Everyone seems to have a story. This story is a memory, a pain, a nostalgia …

Song Ren, do n’t seek longevity, as long as you are with the person you love, and the person concerned is safe, even if it is only a moment in your life, you will feel at ease and satisfied.

If you ca n’t do what you want, one desire after another fills you every day. This ever-changing longevity, do n’t forget it!

This time, Song Ren spent about a month in Angel Realm, digesting all the files of White Tiger Realm.

Even at the back, there are the files of the Hidden Dragon Realm. In addition to the royal veins, the other veins controlled by other angelic realms also told Song Ren and gave him a token, when the time comes It’s also easy to do things.

This time, I owe them a lot of favor.

However, when he left, he didn’t see Uriel, and he still seemed angry with him.

Women na-

Song Ren left Wu Hui and Li Muzhi under the eyes of Wu Hua and the other three kings.

Target-White Tiger Reality!


The flying machine has also been transformed from Zhenhui ’s Vajra pestle into a Flying Sword. The controller is Li Muzhi. After all, he went to his home this time.

On the way, when I saw Song Ren, I kept silent. The two of you looked at me. I looked at you and expressed understanding.

After all, after leaving from the land of warmth and tenderness, who can afford to go elsewhere, when the three kings send each other away, the other Uriel, even afraid of crying, will not reveal his face.

It’s just amazing.

It’s not a loss, it’s a prince, how do you say he did it?

Li Muzhi wanted to ask Zhenhui, but after looking at his bald head, it was a good idea.

“Bigbro Song, have you read the news these days, many people in the Vajra world are looking for you, but today’s Temple of Heaven is almost overwhelming,” Li Muzhi smiled to Song Ren.

Zhenhui rolled her eyes: “When you are in the realm of White Tiger, Brother Song will inevitably land on your network. When the time comes, as soon as the world comes, I will be relieved of my troubles at the Temple of Heaven, but you will hehe . “

Li Muzhi, who was all smiles, suddenly froze.

How to forget this stubble.

Really disappointing!

Song Ren looked at the planets and the star beasts that some impatient wanted to catch up with, and digested all the news he got these days.

It’s too complicated, too huge, it seems to move the whole body in one stroke.

On the basis of these unimaginable networks of relationships and interests, a large high-level area of ​​the real world is formed.

However, what he is most worried about now is how to rescue Li Maozhen?

Do you really need to write an astronomy?

Even if you write it, can you match up with others?

If Li Maozhen really saw another universe, there are now nine emperors and nine astronomys, that is to say, there are at least nine universes of the same level, and even more.

Can they hear what they say again?

Did they listen to the Tao Te Ching every time, was it their idea or something else?

These Song Ren do n’t know, but an invisible pressure is still on him, making him a little breathless.

Li Mu came forward and came to Song Ren: “Do n’t worry about Bigbro Song, life and death, I know it ’s embarrassing for you, but you can come, I ’m very grateful for this friendship, my Li Mu I will remember for a lifetime. I used to think that I had to exchange for the best things, but recently I looked at your status in the world of Vajra and the real world of angels, and even I laughed myself.

It’s too arrogant, if you do n’t want anything, you still need me, so if you can, you can do it, if you ca n’t, I wo n’t complain to you. White Tiger will always be your good Friends, “Li Muzhi said.

Zhenhui, who is not far away, still has some problems. What are they talking about? Playing dumb mysteries?

Also, why did Brother Song go to White Tiger in the real world?

He still wanted to get things done quickly and return to mountainside to find the Great Ascension mantra.

Song Ren looked at Li Muzhi ’s sincere eyes and slapped him on the shoulder with a long and serious voice: “I ’ll try my best, because you, the White Tiger, really have a relationship with me, especially your great ancestor Your uncle. “

One of Li Mu was stunned. During this time, he followed Song Ren. He sometimes couldn’t tell what this guy said, what should be believed and what should not be believed.

Especially the serious look at the moment, you say it, I always feel strange, I am afraid he will dig a hole for himself.

Do you believe it or not? This tone, this expression, is not good in case of offense.

Li Muzhi licked his lips, weakly said: “You shouldn’t say, are you some illegitimate child of my great ancestor?”

Song Ren pu chi laughed at once, this brain is bigger than mine.

“when the time comes, you are understood. In short, I will repay this cause and effect, and I will try my best to return it. After all, the next period of danger may require your help,” Song Ren said.

He will not let Xiaoxi be in danger, never!

That’s it, the three of them have a chance to talk and chat with each other, and go forward in this scrupulous universe. After half a month, they finally arrived in the realm of White Tiger.

After arriving at the platform and covering up the original appearance, Song Ren and the three people left for a while before landing on this plane network.

【Welcome Emperor ’s Composition author ‘Have The Ability To Hit Me‘ Ah? ”comes to the real world of White Tiger, I hope this is a pleasant trip for you. 】

Suddenly, the real person of White Tiger was shocked for a while after a brief stupefaction.

Emperor ’s Composition authors have come to the plane first. The Heavenly Dao web report is a common occurrence, and even promotion to Emperor ’s Composition and so on happened occasionally, but now the Emperor ’s Composition author, but the real value is overweight.

In an instant, many people went to the platform and wanted to see what the author really looks like.

There is only one platform in the real world. Unlike other planes, at least seventeen-eighteen and more than one hundred are created.

Some people rushed to send the news that Song Ren came to the real world of White Tiger through various channels.

“The White Tiger Realm, representing human beings, has always been our White Tiger Clan. Since this realm has n’t merged into the universe yet, we did n’t get the seeds of the Internet. When entering the starry sky and sharing twelve mother-of-pearl, White Tiger was used as the name of the real world, and it has been used until now. “

Li Muzhi introduced Song Ren while walking.

“We tigers have always controlled this world, and now the contemporary patriarch is my grandfather Li Yingzhuo.

My great ancestor has three sons, the boss Li Yingshao, who succeeded me after the grandfather disappeared. Later, due to illness, the second grandfather Li Yinghu was unwilling to manage trivia, and finally fell on my grandfather.

Big grandfather has only one son, named Li Tianhan, which is my uncle, Bigbro Song. You also know that once had a marriage with Dragon Race, but died in the starry sky. Since then, my grandfather has never had another child.

My two grandfathers are obsessed with Cultivation, but they have seven sons. Now they are my fathers. They also have children. Next is my grandfather. There is only my father, and my father is also only my son. It’s a lineage single pass. ”

It ’s complicated, but the network is quite big.

“I do n’t see it, your Li Family is luxuriant, so it ’s estimated that the next patriarch is hanging, your grandfather has that many sons, and your grandfather only has your father and you, even if you ca n’t compete. Ah, “Song Ren jokingly said.

Li Muzhi shook his head: “These are irrelevant. I’m not afraid of your jokes. My father and I are the kind of big-hearted people. Even if my grandfather passed the patriarch to us, we didn’t want to be too tired. We watched how grandfather worked hard every day.

At that time, my second grandfather didn’t participate because of seeing through, and dumped me grandfather. Now, if my uncles want it, we will gladly give in. “

Li Muzhi is very open.

“The world outside is so big, all kinds of fun, delicious, and wonderful, I have n’t seen it yet, why should I tie myself to that position and work hard, my life is to pursue kendo Life, not staying on the quagmire throne like backwaters, fighting with others. “

Song Ren looked at Li Muzhi and admired for a while, even with true wisdom.

In such a complicated world, how extravagant is it to want to be yourself freely.

“I wo n’t go to your house first. I ’m here for the first time in White Tiger Realm. Why, as the host, do n’t take us to play? Besides, I do n’t have the inspiration, I need to walk into life, and–” Song Ren squeezed his eyebrows at Zhenhui without a trace and gave him a glance.

Li Muzhi knows what Song Ren said about inspiration.

Also, even if you bring Bigbro Song to your great ancestors now, it wo n’t help. This is not Sage ’s Composition, not Emperor ’s Composition, but astronomy.

Only astronomy can communicate with people on the fairy ladder.

And even Emperor ’s Composition is not achievable with no difficulty. It takes time and inspiration.

Now that the news of Song Ren ’s coming to the White Tiger real world, many people must have seen it. White Tiger Clan is bound to become the primary goal of everyone.

Let ’s talk about it first so as not to be disturbed.

Looking at what Song Ren looks like, he seems to think of the game “Transfiguration” that Bigbro Song told him on the aircraft.

He was nodded again and again.

“Understood, I know an Old Drunkard, the dishes are very authentic, there are meat and meat, and there are small songs to listen to, I will take you here-” Li Muzhi looked very happy, hug Song Ren and Zhen Hui, just go to a Main Street …

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