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“Uncle, come and play.”

“Oh, is n’t this Young Master Wang, but you have n’t been here for a long time and want to die your servant.”

“Miss Zhao, please on your side, I have just come to a few white-faced Langjun recently, you can pick whatever you want, and the price is good to discuss.”


【Qing Yuan Chun】.

Three people looked at the three words flamboyant on the plaque, each and everyone stupefied the specifications here.

Obviously, Li Muzhi understood Song Ren’s meaning and led them to the place of seeking flowers and willows of this scale.

This building is all around, ancient trees towering, green trees shaded, red walls and yellow tiles, gold and jade in glorious splendor.

The decoration is very good, at first glance it is very high-grade.

Moreover, the floor is 7-Layer high, and there is a large river behind, with independent cabins above, VIP treatment, and colorful candle lights on each one.

The dozen or so women who are soliciting outside are at least eye-catching. The probability problem is not too bad.

Zhenhui’s face changed at this moment, and he didn’t notice Song Ren and Li Muzhi standing on either side of him.

“This building is good, you listen, there seems to be a faint sound of vibes in the faint room, we don’t do anything else, just a simple meal, let’s go!” Song Ren finished, it would be true to be together with Li Muzhi Hui frame up.

Zhenhui complexion changed: “What are you going to do, the monks ca n’t go here.”

Zhenhui suddenly struggled violently.

He was also hungry, thinking that the three of them would find a place to eat, didn’t expect to come to such a place.

“True wisdom, what are we afraid of? We didn’t bring you to do bad things, we just came here to eat. What do you think about every day,” Li Muzhi said quickly.

Song Ren said aside: “I brought you to listen to the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures. When Xuan Xin came to sleep with me that night, I told her about the pink skull. Does the pink skull know, from Great Ascension “Vajra Sutra”, it seems that I need to popularize it for you … “

The two pulled almost violently, and Zhenhui, who couldn’t get in or out, came to the greeted old mother.

The old mother was shocked. It was really these three Young Masters, a handsome like a jade tree, carrying a long sword, full of sharpness.

An elegant and easy-going face.

As for the middle one, it’s still a pretty little Monk.

No, what is your combination?

For a moment, even the old bustard froze.

Grow up like you, then use brothel, I do n’t know how many girls are rushing to post it.

“Old mother is good, give us a good private room, a good table, girl, two, and you ca n’t lose the money,” Li Muzhi finished, just took out a large piece of Spirit Stone and stuffed it in In the arms of the old bustard.

The old bustard froze for a moment, then said: “No problem, just, how do you use the two?”

“Don’t worry about this, just find someone,” Li Muzhi and Song Ren forcibly pulled Zhenhui into brothel.

In the superior room of Jiazi No.7, a table of meat and vegetables with excellent meals was placed on the table. Zhenhui’s brows and red dots were on his head, and his bright brain was sitting on a chair.

Song Ren tastes the food, nodded from time to time, and the taste is not bad.

And Li Muzhi is in front of the house, ‘beauty contest’.

I heard that Jiazi VII came with three young pampered young masters. Not only were they extremely handsome, they were striking, but more importantly, they were generous.

Therefore, many women have rushed over to see if they can catch the order.

“You can’t do it, be pure.”

“This makeup is too ridiculous, Zhenhui has no appetite.”

“No height, the next one.”

“You, it’s okay, choose it first, I guess Zhenhui likes it.”


Every time Li Muzhi said, Zhenhui meditated and meditation shuddered.

“The two to have no shame,” Zhenhui said such a thing in his heart, and immediately responded, he made a whine, and quickly murmured Amitabha.

Song Ren tasted a few steaming dishes almost, looked at the true wisdom of motionless, shook his head for a while, but more was fun.

You think that the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures are so easy to take, I do n’t want to write brain cells for you. Now in this World, I want to get something without paying a price.

A large number of beautiful women gathered in Jiazi No.7 room, which instantly caused dissatisfaction in several other same rooms.

For a long time, a woman did n’t come, ca n’t see how we are?

The old bustard hurried over to mediate, but no one wanted to leave.

“Don’t dispute it anymore, my eldest brother likes a literate person. This is a couplet from my eldest brother. Whoever gets the match, you can come in,” Li Muzhi took over a pair of Song Ren. The couplet was handed out.

“Bai Yunfeng, Fengfeng Fengfeng, Fengfeng Fengfeng does not move the peak,” the women looked at Shanglian, each and everyone were quiet.

The seconds linked to this sentence, it seems that the three Young Masters in the room are talents.

Soon, a woman raised her hand and pondered: “Qingsi Road, the roadside heron, Luda Lufei did not fly.”

Song Ren’s voice came from the room “Good!”

Li Muzhi’s nodded: “What is your name?”

“Concubine is green lotus,” the woman looks pretty good, just the candidate.

“Come on, come in,” Li Muzhi said.

Song Ren made another couplet and a woman named Dong Mei took over.

Although I came here to find flowers and ask Liu, on the other hand, this is also an elegant thing. The sense of ceremony is very important. After all, he is an astronomy author.

Green lotus, winter plum, one summer and one winter, which is interesting.

“You sit next to him, you must wait,” Song Ren pointed to Zhenhui.

Zhenhui opened his eyes instantly: “Brother Song, do n’t go too far. I am a monk, not a mortal man.”

Song Ren was shocked: “What ’s wrong, I ’m taking you through the red dust, how can you get out of the red dust? How can you get out of the red dust? Your Buddhists still do n’t say that the wine and the meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha ’s heart remains, Your temperament is unshakable, and for you, they are pink skulls. “


True wit suddenly stood up, his face flushed and his breath was shocked.

“Who is so greedy, I want to see, who dare not to give the turtle grandfather face, so each and everyone is like eating an aphrodisiac, let it go!” At this time, outside the door Two rough voices sounded, and the door of the room was kicked open.

After many women screamed, a pair of hazy egg heads came in, which was in stark contrast to Zhenhui’s white head.

These are two twins, their faces are black, their heads are dark and fat, but they are very strong.

The breath radiating from the whole body is middle-stage.

Thick eyebrows, thick lips, and long breath.

“Fuck, are the bald donkeys so crazy this year?” As soon as the two came in, they saw Zhenhui standing between the two women, especially a glance at the ring scar on his head. call.

“Cockchafer, silver turtle, how are you?” Li Muzhi was shocked when he saw the two.

Of course they are not called scarabs or silver scarabs, but have their own names.

Gu Dashuai, Gu Xiaoshuai.

They are from Profound Nether, a twin brother of a female compatriot.

Cultivation of the two is of course the tortoise shell of the body, and it is extremely talented, but during the battle, one’s spiritual power is golden and the other is silver, so everyone likes to call them scarabs and silver turtles child.

On the contrary, the names such as Gu Dashuai and Gu Xiaoshuai were so popular that no one called it.

However, in their Profound Nether turtle world, on some official occasions, they are still called by their real names.

White Tiger Realm, Hidden Dragon Realm, Celestial Demon Realm and Profound Nether Turtle Realm are the twelve true within the realm, the most purebred beast Bloodline.

Li Muzhi was shocked when these two black eggs came to his White Tiger real world? And their home is very strict, and places like brothel will never come.

The eldest gold chafer and the second silver chafer do n’t know Zhenhui, only that this is a bald donkey, but Li Muzhi knows it.

They are from small to big.

“Li Muzhi, why did you visit brothel? When did you come back?” When the two met Li Mu, the impetuousness that came in before was instantly disappeared, and then happily hugged him.

Song Ren did n’t know each other because they changed their appearance.

“No, did n’t you introduce Celestial Demon Phoenix Saints to your family a few years ago, you said you did n’t like it, why are you very interested in this wildflower?” The chafer rolled her thick lips, said with a laugh.

Li Mu was speechless for a while: “Can that be the same, sit down and forget to introduce, Bigbro Song, they are scarabs and silver turtles, Profound Nether turtle world.”

Song Ren nodded, said nothing.

“This is Zhenhui, the one from Vajra Jietianfo Temple,” as Li Muzhi introduced Zhenhui, the boss with eyes and eyes of gold and silver turtles and everyone, tsk tsk was amazing.

“Great brother, I have seen monks eating meat, drinking and even gambling. I have never seen a monk who can just like this and just honourable to have fun. I also choose two. “The silver turtle said.

True Hui’s face is so red, it is neither walking nor walking.

The command given to him when he was leaving is that he ca n’t leave Song Ren ’s eyes in one step. He is extremely important for the Great Ascension Buddhist scriptures, for all the monks in the Vajra world and in the Tianfo Temple.

Once a higher Great Ascension Buddhist scripture is obtained, a large number of Bodhisattva will be promoted to the true Buddha, and the strength of the entire Tianfo Temple will be greatly increased.

Otherwise, he will not use despicable means to take him to Tianfo Temple, nor will he let Xuanxin Bodhisattva go with him in the middle of the night.

Everything is for the real world.

True wisdom ignores the curiosity of the gold and silver turtles, and sits down again, shuts down the six senses, and meditates with a meditation curse in his heart.

When I saw the monk, they ignored their brother, and the gold and silver turtles were no longer interested, but looked towards Song Ren.

Because they heard just now, Li Muzhi called this person a big brother?

What a proud person Li Muzhi has always been alone, cold like a sword he has made.

Every time you get something from repairing a sword, you will surely come in a thousand miles and find them to try the sword.

With the spear of the child attacking the shield of the child, all three will get a very good harvest.

However, this person ’s cultivation base seems to be only the Holy Land Early-Stage, which is also very good. Which one is it?


The corpse?

Lich Realm or Demon Soul Realm?

Or other?

It seems to understand the doubt between the two of them. Li Muzhi said: “This is a relative of my family. By the way, I used to come to you. Why is it that you came to my White Tiger real world?”

Li Muzhi asked.

these two people are good ‘targets’ for trying swords, and they are extremely lazy. They can lie and never sit, let alone leave their real world, and come here to find flowers and ask Liu.

Cockchafer said: “It’s not because of the group of old fart in our family, we have to go out and gather together the emperor who is now in the limelight. Before leaving, my 107 grandfather used his tortoiseshell to make a gossip and talked about the real world of White Tiger, maybe I can meet it.

So we came, went to your house to find you to play, your family said no, we will come out, and no one cares about us, so we are here all the way to play, and then I met you, hi, You said that Old Guy usually doesn’t say anything, it’s quite accurate when he counts.

Just today, the sky informed, that the emperor came to your White Tiger realm, maybe our brother can really meet you, yes, this is your place, hurry up to find a network, we will not Let him do something, take a photo with him, and then send it to the group of guys in the family, saying that the emperor is not willing to come. “

After listening to the words of the scarab and the silver tortoise that nodded, the originally angry Zhenhui suddenly laughed, causing the two to be unfathomable mystery for a while.

As for Li Muzhi and Song Ren, some of them looked strange and looked at the braised egg heads of these two dark and swarthy.

Your family ’s long-lived grandfather is right, this emperor is sitting in front of you at this moment.

“This, don’t worry, I just came back and didn’t even enter the house,” Li Muzhi said.

The gold and silver turtles are puzzled, you are so anxious.

At the moment, Lu He and Dong Mei sitting on either side of Zhen Hui didn’t speak a word, because they found that they seemed extremely lucky to be in a remarkable circle.

Profound Nether turtle world, White Tiger real world, Vajra world, talking about the emperor.

The two women stood up quietly and poured wine to the five young Masters who exuded a strong atmosphere. The others did not dare to expect it, as long as they were good.

The two turtles of gold and silver look like a big lala. At this moment, I met Li Muzhi, an acquaintance, but there is no shape, almost like a heart, sitting on a chair, and the other foot is also on the chair. Synchronize.

Li Muzhi gave Song Ren an apologetic smile and asked him to forgive him. These two brothers are not bad in nature, but they are not used to it.

Song Ren smiled and shook his head gently.

It’s just that the two braised egg heads on the opposite side and a real Huixue white head are quite comical.

“Yes, I saw Mu Qingluan and his cousin Huang Xuan a few days ago, and I greeted her, and I do n’t know where I am now, it is estimated that I went to your house,” Yin Guizi seemed I thought of something and then said.

When listening to the words Huangxuan, Li Muzhi suddenly became big.

The girl does look good, and many young people of the Tibetan realm are pursuing it, but how can she look at herself.

The point is, I do n’t feel anything about you.

Cockchafer looked at Li Muzhi’s ugly face, and seemed to understand it, and quietly came over: “Look, is there such a possibility, you don’t look down on others, but your body is not good, brother, you have to eat Tiger whip, no matter what the turtle whip is. ”

Zhenhui laughed heartily again, and Li Mu’s spirit shivered.

“Cut your off my sparkling wine Hah!”

Bang, the beetle patted two 30-centimeter boxes on the table.

“Authentic turtle whip, durable, long time, genuine, Tongsuo no bullying!”

Song Ren swallowed.

This is really two iron frank, how top grade!

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