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A huge spaceship, without any signs, like a ghost, just suddenly came outside the Dao Child door, and the alarm sounded.

After all, Dao Child’s door is one of the Eight Great Sects, and until now are all pampered, because no one dares to break the ground on their heads.

Even if there are, it is estimated to be several other sects.

So for a while, everyone suddenly panicked, and this spaceship is very large, with more than one hundred thousand people hidden in it is more than enough.

And not to mention battle strength first, this ship is of an unusually tenacious and unbreakable type when viewed from the outside.

hong long long!

With a heavy falling sound, the ground was lifted up with huge dust, and the spacecraft fell.

The entire sea-dropping plane is in chaos, hundreds of rays of light come quickly, and look alert.

Zhangjiao Yun Fengzi and deputy palm teacher Liu Fei came with a lot of powerhouses, fanned their hands, driven the dust in front of them, and squinted.

Later, ten high-level guardian angels exuding the ancestor Realm emerged from the spaceship.

When meeting the beautiful female angel, some people behind Dao Child’s door suddenly opened their eyes.

Look at that hair, skirt, and wings, it’s so beautiful.

Which taught Yun Fengzi to look at the guarding angel holding the blazing sun sword, frowned, and then paid a salute: “Under Dao Child, Yun Yunfengzi, I don’t know that your honorable angels will come to me…”

“Master Gong–” Yun Fengzi’s words have not been finished yet, an impatient’s voice rang from the cabin, and immediately, Eight Talisman Gate moved, almost instantaneously, one silhouette came to Yun Fengzi.

When seeing the person coming, Yun Fengzi froze: “Song Ren?”

“It’s me, teacher, is my Teacher coming back? Where is he?” Song Ren quickly asked anxiously.

Yun Fengzi has not responded yet, no, at this time, you should be staying in the real world of the Tibetan dragon, and then the moment of the focal point of ten thousands, we are still waiting, and we will watch the live broadcast soon. Then, why did you come here suddenly? Startled us.

The other people at Dao Child’s door, when they saw Song Ren, suddenly each and everyone whispered, more shocked.

“Is a prince, even a prince, how did he come?”

“I don’t know, I have heard that he has a relationship with our Dao Child, but didn’t expect that the master instructor turned out to be his teacher, which is incredible.”

“Yeah yeah, can I go up and ask for a signature, this is the author of two astronomys.”

“I want me too, the emperor is so handsome, he doesn’t know whether to stay or stay tonight, I really want to give him a monkey.”


At this moment, Yun Fengzi faced Song Ren’s anxious gaze and heard the person he was looking for, and immediately understood it. He remembered that since Jian Wuchen recovered, please don’t spread his news, especially Song. After Ren, hook the head.

“Your Teacher still has no news. I know you are in a hurry. I’m actually in the same mood as you. I’m looking for it. Rest assured, as soon as there is news, I will notify you, okay?”


If he is not on his way, Song Ren looks at the video over and over again, he probably thinks he is hallucinating.

But the architectural style on the video is the Dao Child door, and he hasn’t stayed there yet.

And there is the appearance of Liu Fei, the vice-president.

“Really child, don’t you believe in the master’s character, he is my discipline, I have never given up to find him, just you came, we leave a contact, once there is news, I will notify you immediately ,” Yun Fengzi said firmly.

But I didn’t find that behind the crowd, two people hurriedly approached. From a distance, it was a huge top spaceship, in midair, and ten angels exhaling powerful coercion, waving their wings, overlooking Down below.

“It’s over, and after I was injured, I didn’t enjoy a good few days at Dao Child. I encountered the extinguish sect tragedy, so I wouldn’t really die,” Xuan Chen said bitterly.

“Shut your crow’s mouth shut, even if there is a disaster, I will coexist and die with the Master and Dao Child,” Jian Wuchen speeded up.

Xuan Chen said: “Well, I know, don’t I just make a joke, at that point, I won’t leave you alone to escape.”


When the Old Drunkard approached, he directly opened the Eight Talisman Gate, almost through the space, and came behind the master Yun Fengzi: “Master, are you alright?”

Old Drunkard asked first, then immediately looked towards the ‘coming offender’.

Soon, the whole body stiffened.

Song Ren’s eyes turned red at once.

Yun Fengzi just feels so embarrassed, you daredevil, deliberately demolished my desk, so I don’t tell him, how did you count the good time and make me embarrassed.

The face crackled.

“hehe, this is the latest reversal sentence learned by the teacher, and it was learned from your Novel. How about it, not surprised, not surprised?” Yun Fengzi’s old face was a little red, and he coughed twice. Unnaturally rubbed his hand.

But Song Ren only has the Teacher in his eyes at the moment. After he came out, he would leave a message to the Teacher every time he passed through. He said his own situation and asked the Teacher’s message, but he never received a reply.

He was anxious and worried, especially when he saw the Teacher’s blood-stained appearance on the video this time, making him go all the way, and his nervousness kept urging the angels to rush, praying that the Teacher could be safe.

But at this moment, Teacher appears like this, it seems that everything is just a farce.

Song Ren froze.

Old Drunkard froze.

The palm teaches Yun Fengzi to look at the left and the right, with an embarrassed and polite smile on his face.

“Or, go in and chat?”

Song Ren pu chi laughed at once, and the corners of his eyes were red, which was crying with joy.

Old Drunkard lightly sighed, came forward, pats Song Ren’s shoulders: “It’s good, it grows tall, it’s strong.”

Song Ren really wants to hug the Teacher in a big crowd.

until now, he is wandering alone in this strange and lonely universe with Xiao Xi, he is the sky of Xiao Xi, with the goal of protecting Xiao Xi, let him not suffer any harm, no matter how hard No matter how tired you are, you must force your teeth with your teeth.

But facing the Old Drunkard at this moment, after a few years, it seems to have returned to Ping’an City at once, as if to find a harbor where you can temporarily rest.

Teacher is his god.

one day as a master, be a father for life!

Song Ren keeps being nodded, unable to say a word, and is thus pulled into the Dao Child door by Old Drunkard.

Several Archangel did not enter, but returned to the spaceship, waiting for Song Ren’s good news.

Yun Fengzi shouted that everyone was gone and the crisis was lifted, and then looked at Liu Fei, the deputy director, and quickly followed along …………

In the great hall, Song Ren went up and down to check the injury of Old Drunkard. He is now Great Saint Realm, far higher than the cultivation base of Old Drunkard. Since Old Drunkard divided into two, he has not recovered.

Even when it was Old Drunkard Peak, it was just a cultivation base in the late Great Saint.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, rest assured!” Old Drunkard waved his hand, indicating that it was really okay: “It’s really just a skin trauma.”

After checking, Song Ren made sure that there was no internal injury left, but his body was still a little vacant, and he waved his hand and took out all kinds of spiritual medicine in the Heavenly Dao network rewards “Succubus” and put it in On the table, there was an amazing vitality, and Yun Fengzi and Liu Fei sitting on the other side envied for a while.

Song Ren looked at Old Drunkard and was a little childish: “I left that many words for you, why don’t you contact me?”

Old Drunkard heard it and fell silent.

Xuan Chen looked at Song Ren’s grievances, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

Sometimes after all, Song Ren is a teenager in his early twenties, but because he is so good, he is blessed by many auras, making people ignore his age and temperament.

“Song Ren, don’t blame your Teacher, in fact, we do it for you!” Xuan Chen said.

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