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“Good for me?” Song Ren looked towards Xuan Chen suspiciously.

Xuan Chen nodded: “Yes, for you, your have boundless prospects, we should not be your stumbling block and weakness.”

Song Ren was taken aback, then turned to look towards Old Drunkard, and at this moment he seemed to understand all of a sudden.

The great hall fell into each other’s silence all at once. The palm teacher Yun Fengzi and the assistant palm teacher Liu Fei sitting in the rear were unnatural for a while, and the atmosphere was strange.

Outside the great hall, there is a chirp chirp twitter twitter voice, after all, the emperor is here, I don’t know how many people want to see this Legendary living person in person.

Yun Fengzi and the two couldn’t stand it anymore. They got up quietly and evacuated everyone outside.

After a long time, Song Ren got up and came to Old Drunkard, suddenly kneeling on his knees. Under Old Drunkard’s stunned eyes, it was three worship.

Old Drunkard quickly helped Song Ren: “What are you doing?”

“Teacher is a greedy discipline. I was looking for you before. I was worried about your safety. On the way, I kept looking at the picture and prayed that you were okay. As long as it is good, the discipline is willing to pay any price and even prepare. Well, the last chance of Great Empress Ferocity’s shot.

But now it’s okay to look at you, and my mental state is surprisingly good, but I complain that you haven’t contacted me. It’s really unsatisfied. The discipline knows that you are good for me. I’m Song Ren. I will be your teacher in my life. , Is my luckiest thing, one day as a master, a father for life, discipline, thanks to Teacher. “

Old Drunkard’s eyes are also red, and his tears are vertical and horizontal. He has no child in his life. Song Ren is actually his child. Now, he can hardly die. Hearing these words with his own ears, the emotion in his heart can not be added. , Worth it!

“In this life, it’s the honor of the Teacher to be able to accept such a dazzling discipline,” Old Drunkard kindly stroked Song Ren’s head.

The two laughed at the same time.

It is the greatest honor to meet each other in this life.

“I’ve done it, all the goose bumps that I watched have dropped off. Tell me, how do you know we’re back? Is there any video?” Xuan Chen turned around and wiped his eyes, then Da La Radao.

Song Ren and Old Drunkard turned back together and said in unison: “No fun!”


After an hour, Song Ren gave an overview of the ins and outs of the matter, and at the same time, he also knew that when he rescued Li Muzhi outside Tianfo Temple himself, Teacher and Xuan Chen had just left and couldn’t help feeling annoyed.

This is really only one step away.

“What about my dad?” Song Ren asked.

“Old Song, after we injured the Kuling Taoist people together, he left alone and said he wanted to open up a world for you. When you come out in the future, at least there will be shelter, and we are Go to the seventeen people of that year, so they are not on the same road.

I also invited him to go to Dao Child’s gate first, but your father was not the kind of surrender, so he left alone. Unfortunately, when we left, we didn’t leave any contact information. ? “

Song Ren shook his head: “Once I knew that the chairman of Author Certification Guild was my missing dad, the Kuling Taoist came, and then, all of you jumped out of the world in your palm, there was no chance. “

Old Drunkard nodded: “Your father will be fine. Since we are back, we will send someone to find it. Moreover, you are so famous now, talking about Emperor Song Ren. Who knows, who does not know. , Your dad must know, but did not come to you, either something is wrong, you can’t get away, or you have the same attitude as us and don’t want to cause you confusion.”

Song Ren stopped talking all at once, only wishing Dad was all right.

“By the way, what do you do when you come here, Dragon Race? Now everyone’s eyes can be gathered there. At the beginning of the ceremony, you can’t find your protagonist, then it’s messy, rest assured, we’re fine, You hurry back to the Dragon Race,” Old Drunkard got up seriously.

Song Ren sighed: “Dragon Race is now a pot of porridge. I originally thought that I had the initiative. Didn’t expect was directly confused in the end.”

Old Drunkard looked at the great hall, and then looked at Song Ren’s tight brows, knowing that he must have been very hard lately, but no one trustworthy told him, and poured a cup of tea to Song Ren: “I don’t think Teacher If you’re stupid, tell me, maybe you can come up with an idea.”

Song Ren looked at Old Drunkard and suddenly smiled, feeling relaxed for a while, as if he had confessed to him the identity of the author.

“This time Dragon Race on the surface is to invite me as a guest to show the details of Dragon Race to other realities. In fact, it is to let everyone stand in the team. Dragon Race has a patriarch. I originally thought that it was just a three-vessel Dragon. Race is competition with each other, but didn’t expect finally…”

Song Ren began to tell them bit by bit the various divisions of the Dragon Race recently. Old Drunkard listened and nodded, occasionally inserting a sentence or two, but overwhelming majority listened to Song Ren.

After all, the entire Level 4 falling sea is the direct plane of Dragon Race, and their Dao Child gate is one of the eight famous sects of this falling sea plane.

So far, he has only been to the real world once or twice. After returning this time, it has been more then 2000 years. It is really unclear about the twists and turns in the real world.

But from Song Ren’s dictation, I still understand it, it’s complicated.

Song Ren’s welcoming meeting is not the final moment of Dragon Race patriarch.

Three parties fighting, no, there should be a fourth party lurking in the dark who doesn’t even know Song Ren.

There are also various real-world supports.

Mire, this is a big mire.

After listening to Song Ren, Old Drunkard suddenly felt a little sad.

Because I can’t help at all, I don’t even have an idea.

It’s like, it’s like the two are no longer in a circle, they are alienated.

Old Drunkard looked at Song Ren who was still chattering and telling him. Only then did he realize that Song Ren had grown up to the point where he even needed to look up.

It is no longer the boy who can snuggle under his wings and seek refuge at any time.

Good, actually!

Old Drunkard has been listening, no longer speaking, Xuan Chen sitting next to him, watching Song Ren clearly narrate the tangled and complicated network, a little bit of combing, from time to time to add some conjecture, or pause, Say the word’no right’, then look at Old Drunkard.

Just smiling, kind-hearted.

Xuan Chen suddenly feels a pain in Jian Wuchen, unconsciously, he is old.

He can’t make Song Ren a big tree that shelters the wind and the rain, because Song Ren has turned into an eagle, soaring through the sky, to browse different regions and beautiful scenery, only this once big tree still stays in the original Ground.

Because their roots are here, they can only see so much.

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